Board Work Session Minutes - 2020.09.02


Work Session 

Board of Education

September 2, 2020 Minutes


The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on September 2, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.


Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Aaron Dietrich, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy

Thomsen, Scott Kibbie

Absent:   None

Also Present:  Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Lisa Chapman, Julie Dunlap,

Jadyn Schutjer, Kelly Josephson


COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies

The goals for the district were reiterated. Administration is doing everything possible to keep our students and staff safe and healthy and in school as well as everything possible for our kids to play and compete. The district has already faced making decisions about positive cases of COVID-19. If a positive case of COVID-19 with a student exists and had been in the school within 48 hours of the positive test, the following protocol will be implemented:

Middle School/High School-With Palo Alto Community Health, contact tracing would be conducted. Those in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 continuous minutes), that person would be quarantined. Remaining students would continue with in-person learning but will require face coverings. Face masks and shields have been ordered and distributed to all students and staff. Students with medical conditions are exempt from the requirement. A medical note will be required.

Grades 3 & 4-Same procedures.

PK-2-Students in the same classroom as the positive case would begin remote learning for a period of 14 days. Students in the remaining classes would continue to learn in person. 

If the positivity rate rises above 10% for a 3 day average:

If after the implementation of the protocols, there are still increases in virus activity, the district will add another level of protocol. The A/B School Week by Family process will be implemented. Face masks would be required.

Final Level of Mitigation Protocol:

This level would only be used if all protocols fail. The Department of Education will allow the district to file a waiver to close a building or the district if the positivity rate in Palo Alto County exceeds 15%.


Open Campus

Policy was approved by the board on August 5, 2020 that included changes regarding Open Campus. The current policy states the following requirements must be met for Open Campus: passing grade in all classes, no more than 2 missing assignments, attends school on a regular basis and is on time for class, student must have 3 or less minor discipline/office referrals per quarter and student must have less than 2 major officer referrals for the year. Open campus gives seniors the privilege to leave school grounds during the 9th period Directed Study Hall. The option for juniors to have open campus for 2nd semester was deleted. Students have been unhappy with the changes. Graduation rates for the last 3 years were reported. The graduation rate for 2019 was below the state average.  Emmetsburg CSD dropout rate for 2018-2019 was 4.46%. Tracie Christensen,, HS/MS Principal noted that Emmetsburg needs to do a better job of setting expectations, holding all accountable to those expectations and making our students ready for the future. Christensen reported that 7.2% of graduating seniors had to enroll in remedial classes through a public college/university. Chronic absenteeism is a problem.  16.4% is Emmetsburg’s chronic absenteeism rate. The state average is 12%. Failed high school classes during three years totaled 158. First semester of 2019-2020 included 2,358 missing assignments in high school.  College class numbers were reported. Over a three year period the district incurred over $32,000 for college classes that were failed by the student. Christensen, along with Assistant HS/MS Principal, Tim Rodemeyer, is reviewing procedures in the college course programs to better prepare students. Christensen’s top priority is to create a culture in which teachers can teach and students can learn. She would also like to collaborate with the Building Leadership Team to implement a Tier II MTSS Intervention System to prevent students from falling through the cracks. Administration plans to use the Edify Assessment system to better prepare students and see their growth. Some of the practices that Christensen plans to implement include developing a Portrait of a Graduate, partnering with Iowa Lakes Community College to put together a process that benefits students, put together a team for the STEM Best Grant as well as developing an Apprenticeship Program. 


Christensen is open to reviewing data at the end of the first quarter and making possible changes to current processes. The biggest concern is COVID-19. Keeping the students safe is most important. Secondly, absenteeism and grades will be reviewed.


The work session ended at 7:20pm. 


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Board President                                                                                       Board Secretary