Special Meeting
Board of Education
August 5, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on August 5, 2020 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Katy Thomsen,
Val Morton
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Sarah Strohman
Mary O’Connell, Tiffany Tomlin, Holly Keenan, Jill Schany, Brandt Roskens, Rhonda
McCartan, Darca Saxton, Susan Embrock, Joe Schany, Amy Thompson, Ron Smith
Jane Hoyman, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Approval of Agenda: Dietrich moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Secondary Student Handbook: Roethler moved to approve the Secondary Staff Handbook. Huberty seconded. Ayes-Thomsen, Dietrich, Huberty, Roethler, Hoyman. Nays-Morton. Motion carried.
Certified Staff Handbook: Collaboration Committee will work through the year with administration for change recommendations by early next calendar year for the next school year. Morton moved to approve the Certified Staff Handbook. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Non-Certified Staff Handbook: The same process for the Certified Staff Handbook will be conducted for the Non-Certified Staff Handbook. Huberty moved to approve the Handbook. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Special Education Nursing Contracts: Roethler moved to approve the contracts with Universal Pediatrics to allow their nursing staff to enter the building to work with specific need students. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Personnel: Thomsen moved to approve the Letter of Assignment for Nacole Darling as an elementary para-educator. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
Return to Learn Plan: Hanna stated that he has tried to wait as long as possible so that as few changes as possible would have to be made to the Return to Learn. The two biggest areas of guidance include social distancing and face coverings. Some language from the state has been confusing. Social distancing is mentioned in the state’s language, but is recommended. The Department of Education is recommending not requiring social distancing. If social distancing were required in our district, we would not be able to have all students in the building. It is important to know that if coming back into the building is set as a priority, social distancing will have its limitations. Our district does not have the space to keep students 6 feet apart at all times. If it is decided that social distancing is a priority, online learning will need to be a bigger part of the plan. A parent survey was sent out asking about social distancing. A second survey was put out regarding face coverings. Hanna’s recommendation includes planning for the majority of students to return, give parents a choice between remote or in person. All work is graded and required. The district will utilize the hybrid model to accommodate both. Social distancing will be implemented as much as possible. A layered approach will be implemented.
Registration will be entirely online. The fees for paying registration online will be absorbed by the district. Hybrid models were explained how the Learning Management Systems would work. There will be classroom strategies for mitigation. For example, the district will have hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, material sharing will be minimalized and rooms will be disinfected each night. Foggers and hydrostatic sprayers are ordered for cleaning. Hallways, cafeterias, gyms and lockers and restrooms will be disinfected throughout the day. Maintenance staff will be trained on enhanced cleaning techniques. An additional in-town shuttle will be provided for students. Families will be asked to sit together. Masks will be required for the shuttle because of the number of students until we can determine the number of students needing transportation. Buses will be disinfected nightly and between routes.
Staff will be required to wear face coverings. Face coverings are recommended for students. Students with underlying conditions will be advised to wear masks as well as those with relatives with underlying conditions. The Superintendent can require face masks if the situation warrants or in the case of reopening of a closure. Masks will be provided if requested.
The previously adopted school calendar will remain the same except for one change. That change would be to schedule parent-teacher conferences for August 24 and August 25. Parents will meet with teachers to ask questions and get information on the school day and how the Learning Management System works or whether they are in school or learning remotely.
The August Workshop Schedule was discussed. August 18 is new teacher orientation. August 19 is the Teacher Quality E-Hawk Tech Day. This day the teachers will learn how to use the remote learning options. August 20-21 will be anxiety training, building meetings, Learning Management Systems, Instructional Models, Palo Alto County Community Health and Health & Safety protocols.
The start of school will be a “soft start” for the first 10 days. There will be screening assessments. Those screenings will include academic screenings and social and emotional screenings. Students will need to re-acclimate to school. Relearning routines and behaviors will be reviewed. Health and safety protocols will be taught to students. The district will need to be ready to make changes when necessary to accommodate changing situations.
Return to Learn Plan: Huberty moved to approve the Return to Learn Plan. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
One Page Reopening Plan: Roethler moved to approve the One Page Reopening Plan. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
One Page Instructional Options: Hoyman moved to approve the One Page Instructional Options for 2020-2021. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
COVID-19 FAQ: Morton moved to approve the COVID-19 FAQ document. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Health & Safety Return to Learn: Roethler moved to approve the Health & Safety Plan. Hoyman seconded. Motion carried.
Parent Request Form for Remote Learning: Thomsen moved to approve the Parent Request Form to Learn Remotely. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
Revised 2020-2021 Academic Calendar: Roethler moved to approve the updated 2020-2021 Academic Calendar. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Dietrich moved to adjourn at 7:19. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary