Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.06.16



Regular Meeting 

Board of Education

June 16, 2021 Minutes


All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.

The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on June 16, 2021 at 5:30pm in the HS Library. 


Present: Jane Hoyman, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton (by Zoom), Katy Thomsen

Absent:   Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty

Also Present:  Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom

Joe Schany, Jacob Oliver


Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.


Thomsen moved to approve the agenda as amended (moved Personnel to the beginning of the meeting). Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.



ESSER Update: Mr. Hanna reviewed the ESSER funding with the board. Funds are available until possibly June 2024. ESSER III funds require a plan to be developed, shared with stakeholders and approved by the board by August. Public comments will be collected prior to approval. The goals of the district include to be open safely and remain open, regain loss of learning, implement professional development, purchase social and emotional learning curriculum, improve air quality (HVAC), update technology, update assessments tools, hire interventionists and full-time substitutes. These expenses will help long term as well as improve learning immediately.


PERSONNEL:  Kibbie moved to approve the following resignations: Jeremy Zeigler-Football Trainer, Pam Rouse-Middle School Secretary, Amy Thompson-Kindergarten Model Teacher, Carla Fank-Middle School Secretary/Para-Educator, Rhonda McCartan-Financial Administrative Assistant/Athletic Director Secretary, Ben Thomsen-Junior Varsity Football Coach. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Hoyman moved to approve the following contracts: Amy Thompson-TLC K-4 Behavior Coach ($4,000), Ben Thomsen-Head Football Coach ($4,660), Mike Dunlap-9th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach ($2,696). Seconded by Dietrich. Thomsen abstained. Motion carried.


CONSENT ITEMS: Kibbie moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Thomsen (minutes from May were corrected by adding the motions for the mask mandate). Motion carried.


Morton exited from Zoom at 5:43pm. 



Board Policies: Updated Policies were presented for approval.   Dietrich moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.



Vehicle Purchase: The Facility Committee met and discussed purchasing an additional 12-passenger van. This type of van must be a used vehicle. Recently a used 12 passenger van became available and was purchased through Emmetsburg Ford at the cost of $31,320.00. The board will approve the purchase through claims paid. 

Legislative Priorities: The list was read from last year. The board reviewed the list of priorities and tips. Hoyman moved to approve the following priorities: Local Accountability & Decision Making, School Funding, Mental Health and Sharing & Reorganization. Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.

Fund Transfer: So that the district can utilize ESSER funds for the lease of Chromebooks, a fund transfer must be made from the General Fund to the Debt Service Fund to make that payment. Dietrich moved to approve the fund transfer and Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.

ANP Contract for Network Management: Due to vacancy of a Technology Director the district is in need of network management. We will also utilize the Equipment Breakdown Insurance when needed with broken computers. It will be determined if a Chromebook is able to be fixed or replaced. The estimate received is not up to date. Mr. Hanna will work to get a number of devices that will need to be managed. At this time there is no request for approval of a contract.

Technology Position: Two applicants submitted their resumes, but were not a fit for our district. Administration is working to find in house staff that can help under the Technology TLC positions. Currently, Brett Hansen is handling the secondary building with technology. A paraeducator may also be assigned to also help with technology.

AEA IT Support: The AEA was in the building today to review the network and configurations. They have some time that they will be able to give to the district at an hourly rate.

FEH Contract/Baseball Complex: The baseball complex upgrades and dirt work needs to start this fall if there is hope to finish by the baseball season of 2022. FEH Design submitted a contract for $40,000 to include work for the bleacher replacement, press box structure, dugouts, electrical and lighting upgrades, fencing, public announcement/music improvements and scoreboard at the baseball complex. Thomsen and Dietrich asked if the contract could include the restrooms/concession stand. Mr. Hanna will speak with FEH Design about adding the additional work or drawing up an additional contract to include those projects. Kibbie moved to approve the contract and Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.


Thomsen asked about the status of the greenhouse. A used greenhouse is available, but will need to be taken down and reconstructed. Some pieces will need to be replaced, but the structure will be donated. The process is still being investigated. The Facilities Committee will continue to look into the process and bring information to the full board.


Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:20pm. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.


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Board President Board Secretary