Board Minutes - 2019.12.18 Regular


Regular Meeting

Board of Education

December 18, 2019 Minutes


All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.

The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on December 18, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Library. 

Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie, Bill Huberty, Val Morton,

Katy Thomsen

Absent:   None   

Also Present:  Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Mike Embrock, Tricia Reichert 

(exit 5:45pm), Mary, Eric, Thomas & Aliza Woodford (exited at 5:45pm), Sara Straw, Mike Dunlap, Anesa McGregor


Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular annual meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.



World Food Prize-Aliza Woodford 

Aliza’s presentation in the World Food Prize project was chosen by Mrs. Reichert to present to the board. Aliza chose the country Liechtenstein, south of Germany and their renewable energy issues. Aliza stressed the importance of education and futuristic ideas to enable the country’s renewable resources to continue. Aliza distributed her written paper to the school board members that was submitted to the World Food Prize on the subject. Aliza traveled with Taylor Steinkamp and Mrs. Reichert to Iowa State University for the Iowa Youth Institute with the project last year. Aliza’s project advanced to the Global Youth Institute and returned this past fall to the conference. Mrs. Reichert won an award for inspiring the next generation at the conference.


Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.


Approval of Consent Items

Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.



Board Policies: Policies 304.1-307, 502.6, 505.9 were presented for approval with minor language and technical changes. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried. 



Principal Reports-Submitted for review.

Christensen-ISASP.The test is new. Hanna noted that it was more rigorous than in the past. A writing component has been added. Cannot correlate new and old reports. The testing for this school year will be in the spring. The test is aligned to the Iowa Core. The scores received in 2019 are the baseline for the future years. There are many changes that districts will learn more about as testing progresses. Biggest message is that there is more rigor and the district will need to meet the demands.



Resignations/Contracts: Huberty moved to approve the following resignation: Sean Farmer-HS Special Education Teacher and Esperanza Heman-Cook. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Thomsen moved to approve the following assignment: Paul Hersom-Driver. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried. 

Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 400-401.4, 200.1R1, 202.4, 210.5, 210.6, 210.10, 211, 216.2, 404.R1, 711.7, 711.10, 100, 200.1, 206.4, 210.1, 215. The second reading will be in January.


SBRC Applications: 

Modified Allowable Growth-Dropout Prevention/At-Risk: A motion was made by Roethler and seconded by Thomsen to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $238,182 for Modified Supplemental Assistance for the purpose of the Dropout Prevention and At-Risk programs. Motion carried.

Increasing Enrollment: None

Open Enrollment Out Fall 2018: A motion was made by Morton and seconded by Huberty to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $6,736 for Open Enrollment Out 2018. Motion carried.

English Language Learners: A motion was made by Hoyman and seconded by Thomsen to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $3,076 for English Language Learners. Motion carried.


Pickup/Snow Plow: Quotes were submitted to replace the pickup and snow plow. Hanna and Tom Griffin explored various options. The pickup works well for travel between buildings and clearing the main parking lot. Used and new pickups were priced. Bids were received from H & N Chevrolet ($31,500) and Emmetsburg Ford ($30,965). Hanna recommended Emmetsburg Ford for a 2019 Ford 250 Regular Cab pickup at $30,965. Hanna also recommended the bid from Rooney’s Tire Center for a snow plow blade at $6,608.93. Huberty moved to approve the bids from Emmetsburg Ford and Rooney’s Tire Center and was seconded by Dietrich.  Motion carried.


Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at  6:14pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.


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Board President                                             Board Secretary