Regular Meeting
Board of Education
September 21, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on September 21,, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie, and
Bruce Nelson
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
Tyler Bjustrom
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Bill Huberty motioned to approve the consent items. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Educational News:
New Teacher introductions from Eric Flynn, Jaclyn Leuer, Lacey Kilgore, and Gable and Ashley Bonner.
Extended Learning Update was given by Jill Schany and Darca Saxton about the EXL program
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Christensen, Rodemeyer, and Bjustrom
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 705-706.2 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Morton to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Sealed Bids- Stoves: Sealed bids for the Electric stoves were opened and accepted as follows: Tom Griffin (Double Range) $50.00; Kim Banwart $220; Tammi Griffin $179. A bid for Double Range was rejected for Diana Ayers due to only one double range available. Director Thomsen motioned to approve the bids for the sale of the stoves. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 707.01-709 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular October board meeting.
Approval of State Audit Report: Motion by Morton to approve Special Audit Report. Second by Kibbie. Ayes- Roethler, Kibbie, Morton, Huberty. Nays- none. Abstained from vote: Nelson, Thomsen, and Riley.
Approval of Allowable Growth- Special Education Deficit: Motion by Morton to approve the Special Education deficit for FY2021 of $145,931.26 for Allowable Growth. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Board Legislative Priorities: Nelson motioned to untable form July meeting. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried. Riley motioned to approve the following Legislative Priorities for FY23: School Funding, Teacher Recruitment and License, Standards and Accountability, and Expanding Educational Opportunities. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
EDA Contract: Motion by Thomsen to approve the EDA contract for West Elementary HVAC. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Student Board Members: Motion by Kibbie to table the approval of student board members. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Personnel: Riley motioned to approve the hire of two student TPRA employees: Dru Baak- paraeducator $14.00/hour and Emma Westfall- paraeducator $14.00/hour. Nelson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: None
Next Board Meeting is October 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Scott Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 PM. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary