Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 22, 205
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on January 22, 2025 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty,
and Kyle Caven
Absent: Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom,
Tim Rodemeyer
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
8 Key Board Roles & Responsibilities: Jenness reviewed the Board Roles & Responsibilities with the Board of Education.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Jenness reviewed the Activity Director monthly report. Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben presented the Student Board Report.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
CONSENT ITEMS: Nelson motioned to approve the consent items including: December board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, Donations, and Field Trip Requests. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 409-410 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular February board meeting.
Seasons Center MOU: Motion by Grimm to approve the MOU with Seasons Center. Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Northwestern MOU: Motion by Huberty to approve the MOU with Northwestern College. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
MSA Application: Motion by Caven to approve the MSA Application for At Risk/Dropout in the amount of $238,845.00. Seconded by Morton. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Science Lab & Cabinets: Motion by Nelson to untable the Science Cabinet bids from the January 8th Special meeting. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the Science lab. The Board of Education requested a second cabinet bid for comparison. Superintendent reached out to F & E furniture and the company failed to provide a timely bid prior to the board meeting. Motion by Caven to approve the Science Lab & Cabinet bids from Architectural Arts in the amount of $89,175.00. Seconded by Nelson. Grimm abstained from voting. All other members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Concrete Bids: Motion by Grimm to approve the concrete bids for the Athletic Complex entry and Loading dock from Hansen Concrete in the amount of $87,475.00. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Budget Priorities: Discussion was held by the Board of Education regarding budget priorities for the FY26 fiscal year.
Kyle Caven left the meeting at 7:51 AM.
Personnel: Motion by Roethler to approve the following resignations: Danielle Carrigan- Paraeducator, Sara McWilliams- HS Science Teacher, Donald Bordwell- Dishwasher, Shannon Brown- Paraeducator, and Kayla Geelan- 5th Grade Teacher; and the new hires of: Emily Sindt- HS Ag/FFA Teacher, Audra Otto- Pareducator, and Edward O’Conner- Dishwasher. Seconded by Morton. Ayes- Morton, Grimm, Roethler, Huberty. Nays- Nelson. Motion passed.
Open Enrollment: None
Next Board Meeting is February 19th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points on Board Agenda Items-
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 am. Seconded by Morton. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary