11.20.2024 Regular/Organizational Board Meeting Minutes


Regular Meeting/Annual Organizational Meeting

Board of Education

November 20, 2024


The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on November 20, 2024 at 6:30 am  in the Central Office Board Room. 


Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Lori Riley, 

Bill Huberty, Kyle Caven, and Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben


Also Present:  Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom,

& Tim Rodemeyer


Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am. 


APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried. 


PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.




Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Superintendent Jenness presented the Activity Report. Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben presented the Student Board Report. 


CONSENT ITEMS:  Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: October board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, and Donations. Seconded by Riley.  All voted affirmative. Motion carried.




Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed Board policies 403.6-405.4 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Grimm to approve second reading. Seconded by Roethler. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.


ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Riley to adjourn the regular board meeting at 6:57 AM. Seconded by Caven. Motion carried. 




Superintendent Jenness called the Organizational meeting to order at 6:58 AM.


APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Motion carried. 


Jenness called for nominations of Board President. Grimm nominated Val Morton. Nelson seconded. Caven moved to cease nominations. Second by Grimm.  All members voted in favor of Morton for President. Motion carried. The oath of office was administered to President Morton. 


Morton called for nominations of the Vice President. Grimm nominated Bruce Nelson. Roethler called for nominations to cease and Nelson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Nelson was appointed as the Vice-President on a 7-0 vote. The oath of office was administered to Vice President Nelson. 


Morton called for nominations of Board Treasurer. Morton nominated Alyssa Enderson. Seconded by Grimm. Riley called for nominations to cease and Roethler seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Enderson was given the oath of office.  


Time/Date/Place for Monthly Meetings:  The time and date of the regular monthly meeting was set for the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room. Caven moved to set the meetings as noted and Nelson seconded. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.


Appointments/Committees: The committees and appointments were set as follows:

Negotiations/Finance-Roethler, Huberty, Caven

Facilities/Transportation-Grimm, Nelson, Morton

Education/Policy Development-Riley, Grimm, Huberty

School Improvement Advisory (SIAC)-Nelson, Roethler, Caven

Emmetsburg Education Foundation-Riley

IASB Delegate-Morton

Palo Alto County Supervisory-Nelson


Legal Counsel: Motion by Caven to approve Steve Avery as the district’s legal counsel for FY25. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Local Publisher: Motion by Huberty to approve the Reporter Democrat as the district’s local publisher. Seconded by Roethler. All voted in favor. Motion carried.


Pledge of Allegiance: Motion by Nelson to add the Pledge of Allegiance to all Board meeting agendas. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. 


First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 405.5-406.6 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular December board meeting.


SIAC Meeting Recommendations: Superintendent Jenness presented the SIAC Meeting results with the Board of Education. Motion by Caven to approve the meeting recommendations with some additional research requested on Math scores and grading. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. 


Palo Alto Gaming Grant & Mini Grants:  Superintendent Jenness submitted an application for a Mini-Grant for the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation for the board’s approval.


The Mini Grant will be initiated by the School Nurse to implement additional Stop the Bleed kits to our District. Kathy Roethler made a motion to apply for a Mini Grant from PACGDC for Stop the Bleed kits not to exceed $5,000.00 Morgan Grimm seconded. Motion carried. Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Riley, Nelson, Grimm, Caven, and Huberty. Motion carried. 


Copier Contracts:  Motion by Caven to approve the 5 year copier contract with Gordon Flesch. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. 


Early Graduation: Motion by Huberty to approve the list of Early Graduates for FY25 pending they meet all the requirements. Seconded by Grimm.  All voted in favor. Motion carried. 


Personnel: Motion by Roethler to approve the resignations of: Missy Joersz- Server, Carol Ensley- Cook, Rossa Russo- Cook, and Justin VerMeer- HS Ag Teacher/FFA sponsor; and hires of Shelby Neet- Paraeducator, Ben Thomsen- 7th Boys Basketball, Dan Hewitt- MS Girls Wrestling. Seconded by Morton. Ayes- Morton, Nelson, Roethler, Caven, Grimm, and Huberty. Nays- Riley. Motion passed. 



Next Board Meeting is December 18, 2024  at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room. 


Lori Riley left the meeting at 7:51 am.


Talking Points- discussion was held on key points from the board meeting agenda items.


ADJOURNMENT:  Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 am. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 


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Board President                                      Board Secretary