BOARD MEETING MINUTESClick on the meeting date from the list below to view minutes from recent Emmetsburg CSD board meetings.
2019-20 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 10/06/2020 - 18:43Board Minutes - 2019.07.17
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
July 17, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on July 17, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Rick Brennan, Jane Hoyman, Ed Meyer, Kathy Roethler, Scott Kibbie, Aaron
Absent: Dan Chism
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Anesa McGregor, Tricia Reichert
President Hoyman called the regular meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items: Brennan moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Meyer. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 210.1-210.9 and 505, 505.5R1. Hanna recommended approval of the policies as presented with the change to the policy regarding the Organizational Meeting BP 210.9. The organizational meeting will be scheduled for November following the elections. Roethler moved to approve the policies as presented with the one change to 210.9. Seconded by Meyer. Motion carried. Brennan moved to approve the second reading for the 505 and 505.5R1 regarding the Graduation Policy. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Resignations/Contracts:. Hanna recommended the following resignation: Anna Fiene-9th Grade Volleyball (in order to accept the Assistant Varsity position). Roethler moved to approve the resignation and was seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Hanna also recommended the contracts and hirings as follows: Anna Fiene-Assistant Varsity Volleyball, and Volunteer Football Coaches-Tyler Bjustrom, Bruce Nelson, Jarrod Joynt. Hoyman moved to approve the contracts and hirings. Seconded by Brennan. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies-211-214. The board was asked to review the policies and contact Superintendent Hanna or Secretary Chapman for any questions.
Support Staff Handbook: Roethler moved to approve the Support Staff Handbook. Meyer seconded. Motion carried.
Faculty Handbook SY20: The School Improvement Committee met with Mr. Hanna regarding the Faculty Handbook. Hoyman moved to approve the handbook and Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
Business Procedures Handbook SY20: Hanna recommended approval of the Business Procedures Handbook. Brennan moved to approve the handbook and Meyer seconded. Motion carried.
Iowa NET High Academy: Hanna explained the alternative education program for special circumstances to the board. This is the second year of using the program. Cost is based on usage and are no upfront costs. Administration has met and will further develop handbook policies around appropriate use. Hanna recommended approval. Dietrich moved to approve the program and Meyer seconded. Motion carried.
Legislative Priorities: Priorities that were chosen last year were reviewed. The board reviewed the list supplied by Iowa Association of School Boards and chose the top five priorities for the Emmetsburg School District. The priorities chosen were School Funding Policy, Mental Health Issues, Teacher Leadership & Development, Preschool and Supplemental State Aid.
PACH Nursing Contract: Hanna discussed the nursing contract with the board. The district pays a flat fee. An hourly rate of $90 per hour will be assessed if we exceed the maximum time allowed. We have not exceeded the flat rate in the last two years. Hoyman moved to approve the agreement and Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Appoint Secretary/Treasurer: Roethler moved to appoint Lisa Chapman as the Board Secretary/Treasurer for the 2019/2020 Fiscal Year. Seconded by Brennan. Motion carried. Board President Hoyman administered the oath to Lisa Chapman as Board Secretary/Treasurer.
Committee Appointments: Hanna would like to appoint committee members at this time. Brennan moved to approve the formation of the committees. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried. Committees include:
Negotiations/Finance: Brennan, Hoyman, Dietrich (7am 2nd Tuesday of month)
Facilities/Transportation: Brennan, Kibbie, Dietrich (7am 3rd Tuesday of month)
Education/Policy Development: Hoyman, Roethler, Chism (7am 1st Tuesday of month)
School Improvement Advisory (SIAC): Kibbie, Roethler, Meyer (1 in 2nd Quarter and 2 in 3rd Quarter in following a board meeting)
Emmetsburg Education Foundation: Meyer
IASB Delegate: Meyer
Palo Alto County: Brennan (Tuesdays at 8am-1 or 2 times per year)
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:09pm. Seconded by Meyer. Motion carried.
Board Minutes - 2019.08.22
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
August 22, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on August 22, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Ed Meyer, Rick Brennan, Scott Kibbie, Dan Chism
Absent: Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Mike Embrock, Tracie Christensen, Anesa McGregor,
Jill Schany, Darca Saxton, Erika Siefken, Kelly Klaus
President Hoyman called the regular meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Chism moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items: Brennan moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Meyer. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 211-214 were presented for approval. Roethler moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Chism. Motion carried.
Darca Saxton presented the updated Evaluation Process for teachers. The committee chose to use the state model. There were few changes to the current process. Mr. Hanna recommended the approval of this process. Chism moved to approve. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Resignations/Contracts: Roethler moved to approve the resignation from Brandi Akridge as High School Paraeducator. Hoyman seconded. Motion carried. Meyer moved to approve the following contracts and assignments: Allyson Bruhn-7th Volleyball Coach, Devin Goodchild-MS Paraeducator, BJ Buhrow-MS Paraeducator, Kari Mammen-MS Paraeducator, Brett Hansen-Middle School Assistant Football Coach, Anny Fiene and Melissa Birkey-Co 9th Grade Volleyball Coaches. Brennan seconded. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies 215-217,105 and 606.3. The second reading will be in September.
Athletic Department Budget: Dunlap submitted the athletic budget. Hanna informed the board that the largest expenses are uniforms. The budget was initially put together to help set up a rotation of uniforms for all sports. Continued conversations will be held regarding expenses and reported to the board. Brennan moved to approve the budget. Seconded by Meyer. Motion carried.
Official Depositories: Roethler moved to approve the resolution for depositories. RESOLVED, that the Emmetsburg Community School District of Emmetsburg, Iowa in Palo Alto County approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of the Emmetsburg Community School’s funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1983), as amended by 1984 Acts, S.F. 2220. The treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Emmetsburg Community School’s funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below:
Laurens State Bank Emmetsburg, IA $8,000,000
Iowa Trust & Savings Emmetsburg, IA $8,000,000
Wells Fargo Emmetsburg, IA $8,000,000
CERTIFICATION, I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Emmetsburg Community School adopted at a meeting of said public body, duly called and held on the 22nd day of August 2019, a quorum being present, as said resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and it is now in full force and effect. Kibbie seconded. Brennan abstained (employee of one of the depositories). Roll call vote: Roethler-aye, Kibbie-aye, Chism-aye, Meyer-aye, Hoyman-aye. Nays: None. Abstain-Brennan. Motion carried.
Fundraisers: Dunlap submitted the fundraising requests for the upcoming year. Roethler moved to approve the fundraisers and seconded by Meyer. Motion carried.
Out of State Travel: The list of out of travel was presented. February 29, 2020-HS Show Choir (South Dakota), April 2-3, 2020 FFA Livestock Judging (Oklahoma), March 19-22, 2020-HS Music Trip (Missouri), October 28-31, 2019 (Indianapolis) and March 2020-Student Council/NHS (South Dakota or Minnesota). Kibbie moved to approve the out of state travel. Seconded by Meyer. Motion carried.
Open Enrollment Out: The district has received two open enrollment out applications past the due date of March 1. Due to family reasons Superintendent Hanna has recommended approval of the two open enrollments out after the deadline to attend Clayton Ridge-Iowa Virtual Academy. Meyer moved to approve the two late filings. Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 5:58pm. Seconded by Chism. Motion carried.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2019.08.22 Work Session
Board Minutes - 2019.08.22 Work SessionEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Work Session
Board of Education
August 22, 2019 Minutes
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on August 22, 2019 at 6:15pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Ed Meyer, Rick Brennan, Scott Kibbie, Dan Chism
Absent: Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Bridgette Johnson-IASB, Harry Heiligenthal-IASB
Harry Heiligenthal and Bridgette Johnson from Iowa Association School Boards led a workshop to set goals for the superintendent and the superintendent evaluation process for the superintendent for 2019-2020. This process will allow for Mr. Hanna to have direction in his first year.
Work Session ended 8:41pm
Board Minutes - 2019.09.18
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
September 18, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on September 18, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Ed Meyer, Rick Brennan, Scott Kibbie, Dan Chism
Aaron Dietrich (arrived at 5:48pm)
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Mike Embrock, Tracie Christensen, Anesa McGregor,
Amy Thompson, Tiffany Patton, Erika Higgins, Sara Straw, Trent Teske, OPUS Choir Singers, Dan Voigt, Laura Gustafson, John Zauche
Jane Hoyman, President called the regular meeting to order at 5:32pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Chism moved to approve the agenda with moving the Opus Singers to the beginning of the meeting. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Middle School Band Teacher, Mr. Zauche and Mrs. Gustafson had their OPUS students sing selections for the board. Mr. Zauche, Mrs. Gustafson and OPUS singers exited immediately following the performance.
Building Principals submitted reports for the board to read at their leisure.
Approval of Consent Items: Brennan moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 108, 215-215.1E1, 216.1, 216.2, 217 and 606.3 were presented for approval. Chism moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Middle School Band Teacher, Mr. Zauche had his OPUS students play for the board.
Building Principals submitted reports for the board to read at their leisure.
Resignations/Contracts: Brennan moved to approve the resignations from Renata Moore as Middle School Paraeducator and Bus Driver and April Moffitt as Cheer Sponsor that were recommended by Superintendent Hanna. Kibbie seconded. Motion carried. Meyer moved to approve the following contracts and assignments: JaDee Gloede-7th Volleyball Coach, Mark Saxton-Volunteer Wrestling Coach, Evelin Carabali-HS Spanish and Molly Rodemeyer-7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach as recommended by Superintendent Hanna. Hoyman seconded. Motion carried. Embrock detailed the process of hiring Ms. Carabali as the HS Spanish Teacher. Ms. Carabali comes to us from Ecuador.
Dietrich arrived at 5:48pm.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies 300-302.8. The policy committee has met and discussed possible changes. The second reading will be in October.
Modified Allowable Growth-Special Education: The negative balance for special education at the end of the 2018-19 fiscal year was $245,621.16. Meyer moved to approve the allowable growth to regain the authority of our unspent balance from the School Budget Review Committee (SBRC). Seconded by Brennan. Motion carried.
Early Graduation: Mr. Embrock presented three students for early graduation. The three students discussed work and continuing their post high school education. Hanna recommended early graduation approval for Mikayla Frerichs, Colten Moser and Stephanie Studer for early graduation. Dietrich moved to approve the early graduation and was seconded by Chism. Motion carried.
Take Aways from the Board: Superintendent Hanna asked the board for their take-away from the board meeting tonight that they can take from the and communicate to the public. Roethler liked seeing what the kids are doing like the performance from the OPUS singers that were here tonight. Brennan appreciated the additional work sessions with IASB, ISFIS, etc. Chism talked about being able to tell others about the district’s flexibility, specifically with working to get a Spanish teacher and working with Iowa Lakes Community College. Meyer expanded on the opportunities provided to students also referring to the process with hiring the Spanish teacher. Hoyman enjoyed hearing about the activities at the elementary and Kibbie mentioned that he felt that overall he has been more well informed.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:02pm. Seconded by Brennan. Motion carried.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2019.09.18 Work Session
Board Minutes - 2019.09.18 Work SessionEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Work Session
Board of Education
September 18, 2019 Minutes
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on September 18, 2019 at 6:14pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Ed Meyer, Rick Brennan, Scott Kibbie, Dan Chism
Aaron Dietrich
Absent: none
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Larry Sigel-ISFIS, Margaret Buckton-ISFIS
Buckton and Sigel presented School Finance Basics to the board.
Work Session ended at 8:06pm.
Board Minutes - 2019.10.16
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
October 16, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on October 16, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Ed Meyer, Rick Brennan, Scott Kibbie, Dan Chism
Aaron Dietrich (arrived at 5:40pm)
Absent: Kathy Roethler
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Mike Emborck (arrived 5:42pm), Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Anesa McGregor, Sara Straw, Sarah Brugman, Mike Dunlap (arrived at 5:59pm)
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular meeting to order at 5:33pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Brennan moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Chism. Motion carried.
E-HAWK BUDDY PROGRAM-Move to another date.
Christensen-Noted that the Student of the Month process has changed. Reasons and teachers who nominated are listed again.
Hanna-West is using a new program to help with ESSA guidelines.
Embrock-Parent-Teacher Conference format has changed. Students are highly encouraged to take part.
Approval of Consent Items: Brennan moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 300-302.8 were presented for approval. Meyer moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Chism. Motion carried.
Resignations/Contracts: Chism moved to approve the following assignment: Charla Montag-Middle School Para-educator. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 303-303.9.
The policy committee has met and discussed possible changes. The second reading will be in November.
Apptegy Contract (website): Superintendent Hanna is recommending the approval of a contract with Apptegy to develop a new website for the district. A video presentation was presented to the board and audience regarding the new website and mobile application. Dietrich moved to approve the contract and Brennan seconded. Motion carried.
Superintendent Goals/Evaluation-Review Dates: Hanna spoke with the board about the goals that were previously prioritized and the timeline for measuring points. Hanna asked the board to approve the tools and timeline to use in the evaluation process. Kibbie moved to approve the tools and timeline. Seconded by Brennan. Motion carried.
November Board Meeting Date: The November board meeting will be November 18, 2019 at 5:30pm in the High School Library to accommodate the attendance at the Iowa Association of School Board convention as well as waiting until the final voting canvas is complete.
Palo Alto County Gaming & Development 2018 School Award: Hanna is asking the board for their approval to extend the 2018 School Award for the Family & Consumer Science room. The original report is due December 31st. Due to appliances being spent from Perkins and RPP funding and not needing the contingency funds, we are underspent. The extra time is to add additional equipment to make sure the Family Consumer Science room is career ready. Meyer moved to approve the extension and Hoyman seconded. Motion carried.
LEP Allowable Cost: The district has overspent the allowed amount of funding for English Language Learners due to the increased need for the students. In this case, the state has allowed for districts to ask for the allowable growth back. The district is requesting the maximum amount of $9,018.53. Brennan moved to approve the LEP Allowable Cost at the maximum amount $9,018.53 and seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
Open Enrollment: Due to late filing, space and needs for special services, Meyer moved to deny the open enrollment-in request. Seconded by Brennan. Motion carried.
Take Aways from the Board: Meyer was excited about the new website/app. Chism and Dietrich appreciated the tools for the superintendent evaluation. Kibbie liked the approach to branding. Brennan felt that the use of the committee meetings is very beneficial. Hoyman felt that the tools for the assessments and ESSA guidelines will be helpful.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:09pm. Seconded by Chism. Motion carried.
_______________________________ _____________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2019.10.16 Work Session
Board Minutes - 2019.10.16 Work SessionEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Work Session
Board of Education
October 16, 2019 Minutes
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on October 16, 2019 at 6:09pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Ed Meyer, Rick Brennan, Scott Kibbie, Dan Chism
Aaron Dietrich
Absent: Kathy Roethler
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Bryan Ruff
Bryan Ruff, IT Coordinator, handed out Chromebooks to replace old iPads to the board members and gave instructions on its use.
Work Session ended at 6:27pm.
Board Minutes - 2019.10.29 Special
Special Meeting
Board of Education
October 29, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in special session on October 29, 2019 at 5:00pm in the Conference Room.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Ed Meyer, Aaron Dietrich, Dan Chism, Kathy Roethler,
Scott Kibbie (arrived at 5:05pm)
Absent: Rick Brennan
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Mike Embrock, Steve Avery-Legal Student A, Student A Family 1 & 2, Anesa McGregor
Jane Hoyman, President, called the special meeting to order at 5:00pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Chism moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION: Director Meyer moved to enter into closed session citing Section 21.5(1)(e) to discuss whether to conduct a hearing or to conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. Director Dietrich seconded. Roll call vote: Meyer-aye, Dietrich-aye, Hoyman-aye, Roethler-aye, Chism-aye, Kibbie-aye. Motion carried.
The board exited closed session at 6:01pm. The meeting was then opened to the public.
DIscuss/Approve Expulsion of Student A: Superintendent Hanna recommended the expulsion of Student A citing Iowa Code 282.4 since “the presence of the student is detrimental to the best interest of the school.” The expulsion is for the remainder of the school year. The student will have access to Apex Learning. All credits earned will be applied to the student’s record. The student’s readmission will be upon application to the Board Secretary by July 1, 2020. The Board will then vote on readmission during the July 2020 Regular Board Meeting. Director Chism moved to approve the recommended expulsion. The motion was seconded by Director Kibbie. Roll call vote: Chism-aye, Kibbie-aye, Hoyman-aye, Meyer-aye, Dietrich-aye, Roethler-aye. Motion carried.
Adjourn: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:05pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
__________________________________ _________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2019.11.18
Annual Meeting & Organizational Meeting
Board of Education
November 18, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on November 18, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Rick Brennan, Scott Kibbie, Aaron Dietrich, Jane Hoyman, Ed Meyer
Absent: Dan Chism
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Mike Embrock, Bill Huberty,
Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Amy Thompson, Darca Saxton, Sara Straw, Trent Teske,
Kelly Josephson, Jill Schany, Andrea Accola-Sabin, Julie Dunlap, Erika Higgins
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular annual meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Brennan moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
West Elementary Kinder Garden Project-Kindergarten teacher Amy Thompson and one of her students, Maddie Burns, presented a slide show about the Garden Project that they participated in this fall. Many curriculum areas were used in the project including math, reading, communications and science. Financial backers of the program from its inception include the district itself, Farm Credit Services, Iowa State University Extension, Donors Choose and Palo Alto County Gaming & Development Corporation.
Principal Reports-The reports are included in the board packet. The board was directed to read and direct any questions to the principals in their own time.
Approval of Consent Items & Annual Statements: Roethler moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Meyer. Motion carried. Superintendent Hanna highlighted some points in the Financial Health Analysis submitted for the Annual Report. Certified enrollment numbers are down. This number is used to generate funds for the general fund. Special education deficit was reviewed. Transportation expenses were also discussed. Hanna explained taxing and unspent authorized budget to the board. The district’s day’s cash net ratio is down to 74 days. Recommendation is 90 days. The district needs to be proactive in its attempts to remain positive in cash, solvency ratio and unspent balance. Dietrich moved to approve the Financial Health Analysis. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 303.1-303.9 were presented for approval with minor changes. Roethler moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Brennan. Motion carried.
Adjournment of Retiring Board: Kibbie moved to adjourn the annual meeting at 6:00pm . Seconded by Brennan. Motion carried.
Secretary Chapman called the meeting to order at 6:04pm acknowledging a quorum.
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT: Kibbie nominated Hoyman. Huberty nominated Thomsen. Nominations ceased. Ballot votes were taken. Hoyman is President on a 5-2 vote. Chapman administered the oath of office to Hoyman. Hoyman took the chair.
ELECTION OF VICE-PRESIDENT: Hoyman nominated Kibbie. Kibbie nominated Roethler. Nominations ceased. Ballots were distributed. Roethler is Vice-President on a 5-2 vote. Chapman administered the oath of office to Roethler.
SET DATE & TIME FOR REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS: Thomsen moved to approve the third Wednesday at 5:30pm in the High School Library as the regular meeting time and place.Kibbie seconded. Ayes-Morton, Huberty, Thomsen, Kibbie, Roehtler, Hoyman. Nays-Dietrich. Motion carried.
Resignations/Contracts: Roethler moved to approve the following resignations: Debra Walsh-Library Associate, Becky Walker-Cook, Jill Schany-NHS Advisor. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Roethler moved to approve the following assignment: Tracie Christensen-Secondary Principal (SY 2020-2021). Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading:304.1-304.2, 305-307, 502.6, 505.9. The second reading will be in December.
Gaming Grants:
2018 Shared School Award Extension: Due to transition, the process of using the Shared School Award had not been completed by November. Superintendent Hanna asked the board for the approval of an extension to get equipment to aid in the improvement of fine arts. Equipment included wireless microphones, sound bars and related auditorium expenses. Kibbie moved to approve the extension of the Shared School Award. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
2018 School Award Extension: The Family & Consumer Science room renovation came in under budget. Due to this, Superintendent Hanna asked the board for approval to extend the grant long enough to purchase career and technical equipment. Thomsen moved to approve the extension and change of items. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
2019 School Award Application: Superintendent Hanna asked the board for their approval to continue to improve technology, classroom updates, career education equipment and sound equipment for the upcoming School Award. Dietrich moved to approve the 2019 School Award. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
2019 Shared School Award Application: Superintendent Hanna also asked the board for their approval to apply for the Shared School Award for Fine Arts, Classroom Updates and Technology. Roethler moved to approve the application. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Committees/Assignments: Due to the change in directors, committees needed to be re-appointed. Assignments were set as follows: Katy Thomsen-Education Policy & Development, Val Morton-Negotiations & Finance, Bill Huberty-Transportation, SIAC-Val Morton, Educational Foundation-Katy Thomsen, IASB Delegate-Bill Huberty, Palo Alto County Supervisors-Dietrich.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:31pm. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2019.12.11 Special
Special Meeting
Board of Education
December 11, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District special session on December 11, 2019 at 4:30pm in the Conference Room.
Present: Bill Huberty, Scott Kibbie, Jane Hoyman, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler
Absent: Katy Thomsen, Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Anesa McGregor
President Hoyman called the regular meeting to order at 4:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Course Enrollment: Hanna presented the board with the annual review of attendance center and course enrollment data disaggregated by race, national origin, gender and disability. Morton moved to approve the course enrollment presentation. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 4:52pm. Hoyman seconded. Motion carried.
Board Minutes - 2019.12.18 Regular
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
December 18, 2019 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on December 18, 2019 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie, Bill Huberty, Val Morton,
Katy Thomsen
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Mike Embrock, Tricia Reichert
(exit 5:45pm), Mary, Eric, Thomas & Aliza Woodford (exited at 5:45pm), Sara Straw, Mike Dunlap, Anesa McGregor
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular annual meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
World Food Prize-Aliza Woodford
Aliza’s presentation in the World Food Prize project was chosen by Mrs. Reichert to present to the board. Aliza chose the country Liechtenstein, south of Germany and their renewable energy issues. Aliza stressed the importance of education and futuristic ideas to enable the country’s renewable resources to continue. Aliza distributed her written paper to the school board members that was submitted to the World Food Prize on the subject. Aliza traveled with Taylor Steinkamp and Mrs. Reichert to Iowa State University for the Iowa Youth Institute with the project last year. Aliza’s project advanced to the Global Youth Institute and returned this past fall to the conference. Mrs. Reichert won an award for inspiring the next generation at the conference.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items
Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 304.1-307, 502.6, 505.9 were presented for approval with minor language and technical changes. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Principal Reports-Submitted for review.
Christensen-ISASP.The test is new. Hanna noted that it was more rigorous than in the past. A writing component has been added. Cannot correlate new and old reports. The testing for this school year will be in the spring. The test is aligned to the Iowa Core. The scores received in 2019 are the baseline for the future years. There are many changes that districts will learn more about as testing progresses. Biggest message is that there is more rigor and the district will need to meet the demands.
Resignations/Contracts: Huberty moved to approve the following resignation: Sean Farmer-HS Special Education Teacher and Esperanza Heman-Cook. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Thomsen moved to approve the following assignment: Paul Hersom-Driver. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 400-401.4, 200.1R1, 202.4, 210.5, 210.6, 210.10, 211, 216.2, 404.R1, 711.7, 711.10, 100, 200.1, 206.4, 210.1, 215. The second reading will be in January.
SBRC Applications:
Modified Allowable Growth-Dropout Prevention/At-Risk: A motion was made by Roethler and seconded by Thomsen to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $238,182 for Modified Supplemental Assistance for the purpose of the Dropout Prevention and At-Risk programs. Motion carried.
Increasing Enrollment: None
Open Enrollment Out Fall 2018: A motion was made by Morton and seconded by Huberty to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $6,736 for Open Enrollment Out 2018. Motion carried.
English Language Learners: A motion was made by Hoyman and seconded by Thomsen to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $3,076 for English Language Learners. Motion carried.
Pickup/Snow Plow: Quotes were submitted to replace the pickup and snow plow. Hanna and Tom Griffin explored various options. The pickup works well for travel between buildings and clearing the main parking lot. Used and new pickups were priced. Bids were received from H & N Chevrolet ($31,500) and Emmetsburg Ford ($30,965). Hanna recommended Emmetsburg Ford for a 2019 Ford 250 Regular Cab pickup at $30,965. Hanna also recommended the bid from Rooney’s Tire Center for a snow plow blade at $6,608.93. Huberty moved to approve the bids from Emmetsburg Ford and Rooney’s Tire Center and was seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:14pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.01.15
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 15, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on January 15, 2020 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie, Bill Huberty, Val Morton,
Katy Thomsen
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Mike Embrock, Randy Olson,
Travis Hayenga, Erika Higgins, Patty Kelly, Sarah Brugman, 3rd & 4th Grade After
School STEM Camp students and parents, Anesa McGregor
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular annual meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
3rd & 4h Grade After School STEM Program
Randy Olson & Patty Kelly hold a STEM Program after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school year. They have been implementing this program for the past four years. Mr. Olson had the students show the school board the games that they made on the computer by allowing them to play with the students instruction! This program has been opened up to all students. Students and parents exited. 5:50pm
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items
Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 100, 200.1, 200.R1, 202.4, 206.4, 210.1, 210.5, 210.6, 211, 215, 216.2, 400-401.04, 404.1R1, 711.7, 711.10 were presented for approval with minor language and technical changes. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Principal Reports-Submitted for review. Board is to contact administration if there are questions.
Resignations/Contracts: Morton moved to approve the following resignations: Tricia Reichert-HS Science Teacher and Darci Conner-HS/MS Art. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried. Hoyman and the entire board thanked Mrs. Reichert and Ms. Conner for their dedicated service to the district. Roethler moved to approve the following assignments: Halie Cody-MS Paraeducator, Diane Brennan-Library Associate (previously At-Risk Paraeducator at West Elementary), Sophia Behr-MS Paraeducator and Amber Christensen-MS & Elementary Paraeducator. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 401.05, 401.5R1, 401.07-401.11. A first reading was held to rescind 401.06 Transporting of Students by Employees. This policy had been deleted by IASB as it duplicates another policy in the 900 series. A first reading was also held to approve a new 401.06 Limitations to Employment References. The second readings will be in February.
Iowa Local Government Risk Pool: Dietrich moved to approve the 28E Agreement with the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission. Entering this pool allows the district to mitigate budget risks associated with winter heating and other natural gas consumption to enter into contractual arrangements with private parties to access natural gas for the benefit of the participating public agencies. Morton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
February Meeting & State Wrestling: The February meeting will be February 26, 2020 at 5:30pm with a Finance Workshop following. The change is due to State Wrestling and the Iowa School Finance Consortium.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:10pm. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ____________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.02.24
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
February 24, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in regular session on February 24, 2020 at 5:30pm in the Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Scott Kibbie, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen
Absent: Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Mike Embrock, Sara Straw, Erika
Higgins, Danielle Auten, Anesa McGregor, Brett Hansen, Darca, Saxton, Emma
Auten, Dylan Fiene, Maysen Theesfeld, Mike Dunlap
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular annual meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Maker Space
Mr. Brett Hansen and Mrs. Darca Saxton were on hand with Dylan Fiene, Emma Auten and Maysen Theesfeld to demonstrate activities with Maker Space. Maker Space started in 2017 with ideas from students that has snowballed into what is now called Maker Space or Library Lab. Maker Space is a hands on place for students to invent, design, imagine without grading and fear of failure. Maker Space came to fruition with funding from the gaming grant and donations by patrons. The students took the board members through some of the activities so they could better understand what the students are doing in the Maker Space. Hansen, Saxton, Auten, Fiene and Theesfeld exited at 5:51pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items
Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 401.05, 401.05R1, 401.07-401.11 were presented for approval with minor language and technical changes. It was moved to rescind 401.06 Transporting of Students by Employees by Huberty and seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. 401.06 Limitations to Employment References was moved to be approved by Thomsen and seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Principal Reports-Submitted for review. Board is to contact administration if there are questions.
Christensen reviewed the results of the new system of accountability, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Middle School has experienced an 8 point increase. If designated today, they would not be considered a Targeted School. Funding continues and the plans continue to move forward.
Resignations/Contracts: Roethler moved to approve the following resignation: Judy Janssen-MS Paraprofessional. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried. Hoyman thanked Janssen for her service from the entire board. Thomsen moved to approve the following assignments: Jadyn Schutjer-NHS Advisor, Joyce Froisland and Dorie Waldschmidt-from Substitute Cook to Full Time Cook for FY21 and transfers of Dan Hewitt from Elem-MS Art to Secondary Art and Chad Francis from MS Science to Secondary Science. Also approved were adjustments for the Transportation Department as follows: Tom Griffin-$7,500 stipend for FY20 as Director and $1.00 per hour added for Julie Bird and Kent Kerber for their additional transportation duties. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 402-01-402.3R1, 507.08-507.8E1. The second readings will be in March.
FY19 Audit Review: Huberty moved to approve the review of the FY19 audit. There were two concerns in compliance which were segregation of duties and the negative book balance of the Nutrition Fund. Segregation of duties is commonplace for small schools though we always look for ways to improve internal controls. It was explained to the board that the Nutrition Fund spent more cash last year than the year before, but we did end with a positive cash balance. The book balance became negative with the GASB 68 regulations requiring the IPERS future liability that must be considered. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
Budget Guarantee: Hanna explained the reason for the budget guarantee. RESOLVED, tha the Board of Directors of Emmetsburg Community School District will levy property taxes for fiscal year 2020-2021 for the regular program budget adjustments as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Morton moved to approve the resolution and Thomsen seconded. Roll call vote: Morton-aye, Thomsen-aye, Huberty-aye, Kibbie-aye, Roethler-aye, Hoyman-aye. Motion carried.
Bus Lease: Hanna reviewed leases for buses. Huberty moved to approve leases through Hoglund Bus Company for 2 International Buses. Lease totals are as follows: Bus with lift is $99,602 and bus without lift is $95,500. The leases are 3 years with 2.55% interest. These leases also include a 5 year extended warranty. Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
Middle School Baseball/Softball: The Little League Board has approached the district asking the district to take over 7th and 8th grade softball and baseball teams. Athletic Director Dunlap reported that currently there are 7 of the 12 schools in the Twin Lakes Conference that sponsor 7th & 8th grade softball/baseball. The games will be double headers with one game of 7th grade and one of 8th grade. The games will be at 10:00am. Five dates have been scheduled at this time and will be kept in June. There will be a 15-20 game schedule when all games eventually get scheduled. First year costs are estimated at $9,600. Each year thereafter is estimated at $6,000. The district will not have the expense that was incurred in the past to help the Little League with coaching stipends. Thomsen moved to approve the district taking over the 7/8 baseball and softball programs. Roethler seconded. Thomsen-aye, Morton-aye, Huberty-aye, Roethler-aye, Hoyman-aye, Kibbie-nay. Motion carried.
EXEMPT SESSION: Morton moved to enter exempt session at 6:55pm for negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations, mediation or the deliberative process of arbitration. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
Exit exempt session at 9:01pm.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 9:01pm. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.03.25
Regular Meeting & Budget Hearing
Board of Education
March 25, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on March 25, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Conference Room. The Zoom technology and social distancing was used because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen
(all by Zoom), Aaron Dietrich (in person)
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular annual meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
An area was set up in the Auditorium (Door 4) entrance for the public to watch the budget hearing and meeting via Zoom. Patrons were able to communicate with Zoom as well. The separate area and messaging methods were used to help enforce social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Hanna gave a presentation on the Certified Annual Budget for fiscal year 2021. Specific areas addressed included the Unspent Budget Authority, revenue v. expenditures, the solvency ratio, enrollment, special education funding, the budget guarantee, tax rate history and the calculations impacting the tax rate. The proposed tax rate is $12.53. It is expected that the final rate will come in slightly lower. This is due to updated formulas at the Department of Management. The final rate will not be higher than $12.53.
Kibbie asked about future revenues due to the COVID-19. Most of this is unknown at this time. Changes are happening daily. Hanna is following the information coming from the state as it comes out.
There were no patrons for comments.
Hearing was finished at 6:03pm.
Approval of Agenda: Dietrich moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items
Thomsen moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 402.1, 402.2, 402.2R1, 402.3, 402.3E1, 402.3R1, 507.8, 507.8E1 and 507.8R1 were presented for approval. Morton moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Principal Reports-Principals did not have reports for this month. Watch in April for combined reports.
Resignations/Contracts: Kibbie moved to approve the following resignations: Kory Kuecker-HS Vocational Agriculture & FFA Advisor and Trent Teske-HS Vocal & Show Choir Director. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Kibbie moved to approve the following assignments: Madison Johnson-MS Science, Tyler Bjustrom-Elementary Principal, Tiffany Tomlin-HS Vocational Agriculture & FFA Adviser. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried. Morton moved to table Erika Higgins-MS Softball and Scott Higgins-7th Grade Girls Track due to uncertainty of playing the respective sports. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 412.1, 412.2, 413.1-413.5. The second readings will be in April.
Budget Approval: The budget was presented during the hearing at the beginning of the meeting. Mr. Hanna is recommending the approval of the budget. Thomsen moved to approve the FY21 budget. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Selection of Audit Firm: Roethler moved to approve Schnurr & Co as the audit firm for the next three years. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
Non-Certified Pay Resolution:.
Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy
Emmetsburg Community School District Board of Directors
Resolution – Pandemic Response and Emergency
Suspension of Policy
Hoyman moved to approve the following resolution and seconded by Roethler .
WHEREAS, Iowa Code Ch. 279.8 authorizes local school boards to govern their respective
districts, including adopting policies for their own governance; and
WHEREAS the Board may, by formal, action suspend or rescind board policy as deemed
necessary, appropriate or in the best interests of the District; and
WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized COVID-19 as a
pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared a national state of
emergency and on March 15, 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds recommended closure of all
public and private K-12 schools in Iowa until April 13, 2020, to contain the spread of
COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds declared a State of Public
Health Disaster Emergency under the authority granted through Iowa Constitution, Art. IV, §§ 1,
8 and Iowa Code §§ 29C.6(1), 135.140(6), and 135.144 and directed implementation of the
Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Iowa Emergency
Response Plan in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19); and
WHEREAS, most hourly non-exempt employees will be unable to report to work due to the
District’s closure and certified contract employees may be asked to work at remote locations
to help provide continuity in educational services; and
WHEREAS, it fulfills a public purpose to continue to pay District hourly non-exempt employees
during this closure to prevent or contain the spread of COVID-19, to promote morale and to
help retain current employees following the closure; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, the Iowa Legislature passed and the Governor signed SF 2408
granting waiver of the instructional time requirements in Iowa Code Ch. 279.10 for all public
school districts closing before April 12, 2020, in order to prevent or contain the spread of
COVID-19; and granting Governor Reynolds the ability to waive instructional time requirements
for any public school district which closes on or after April 12, 2020, to prevent or contain the
spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Education, which has the authority to establish and
interpret graduation requirements, and to oversee other crucial aspects of public education is
providing written guidance to Iowa school districts on issues related to COVID -19, including
but not limited to student attendance, distance/online learning, high school credit, meal
distribution, and other issues; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Emmetsburg Community School Board
hereby suspends provisions of its board policies and/or whole policies, as identified by the
District Superintendent or designee, if such suspension is necessary to implement written
guidance from state or federal agencies relating to containing COVID-19 for the duration
identified in the Governor’s State of Public Health Emergency declaration of March 17, 2020, or
as otherwise determined by the Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent will consult with and report to
the Board as feasible and appropriate regarding the emergency closure and efforts to
implement written guidance from health and government agencies.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent is authorized to close any school
facility without further action by the Board of Directors. Such closure shall continue during the
emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic until such time as the Superintendent, in
consultation with appropriate health and government authorities, deems it in the best interests
of the District and its students to open schools.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent is authorized, based upon the
needs of the District and guidance from health and government agencies, to direct staff
assignments during District closures, including but not limited to essential employees who
must report to work, employees who may be reassigned, and employees whose services are
not needed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that access to public school grounds and public school
buildings of the District may be limited as directed by the Superintendent during District
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified, exempt employees will remain employed during
the school closure and until the number of days expressed on the contract have been fulfilled,
unless otherwise approved by the Board. Days that contracted employees do not report for
duty onsite or from a remote location, due to closure, do not constitute a fulfilled contract day
except to the extent those days are forgiven by the District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in light of this District-wide emergency closure, the Board
authorizes the Superintendent to place hourly non-exempt employees on paid administrative
leave and to continue to pay them for up to four weeks during the period of school closure, and
the Board shall reevaluate this authority for any school closure lasting longer than four weeks.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the interest of public health and/or to comply with federal
or state health department recommendations or guidance, the Board may limit the number of
people who can physically attend Board meetings and may, instead, encourage the public to
attend or listen to its open public meetings by video conference and or live streaming on the
the internet and the Board may also limit public comment to written comments.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the board reserves the right to adjust board meeting dates,
times, and locations during the district-wide emergency closure in a manner consistent with
the Open Meetings law, and notes that any or all board members may attend board meetings
electronically as permitted by law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that execution of this Resolution is conclusive evidence of the
Board’s approval of this action and of the authority granted herein. The Board warrants that it
has, and at the time of this action had, full power and lawful authority to adopt this instrument.
This resolution will remain in full force and effect until it is rescinded or amended by
subsequent action of the Board. Roll call vote: Hoyman-aye, Roethler-aye, Kibbie-aye, Morton-aye,
Huberty-aye, Dietrich-aye, Thomsen-aye. Nay-none. Motion carried.
Adopted and approved this 25th day of March, 2020.
By: ________________________________________
Board President or Designee-Darren Hanna
Attest: ________________________________________
Board Secretary-Lisa Chapman
Hoyman mentioned to the board that the hospital is looking for blood donors. Donors must be 17 years old or 16 years old with parent’s consent.
Hanna is talking with the teacher’s association in regards to negotiations. When an initial meeting is set, it will be posted.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:34pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.04.15
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
April 15, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on April 15, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Conference Room. The Zoom technology and social distancing were used because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen
Aaron Dietrich, Katy Thomsen (all by Zoom),
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Jeff Herzberg-AEA Chief Administrator (by Zoom),
Sue Brown-AEA Board President (by Zoom)
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
TEACHING & LEARNING: Jeff Herzberg-AEA Chief Administrator and Sue Brown-AEA Board President informed the board of who they are and what they do. Some of the services provided include English Language Learners, Physical Therapy, Speech Services, Special Education Consulting and much more. The Prairie Lakes AEA serves 14 counties, 39 public schools, 11 non-public schools and 32,000 students. The main goals of the AEA include getting better at what they do and future readiness.
(Brown & Herzberg exited at 5:44pm)
Approval of Agenda: Thomsen moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items
Roethler moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 412.1, 412.2, 413.1-413.5 were presented for approval. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Voluntary Continuous Learning Opportunities Plan-Mr. Hanna informed the board of the continuous learning plans that our staff is using. He stressed that we are doing more than the minimum. Staff are sending content information. Thomsen felt that as a parent, the delivery of the material for the students was great and commended the teachers for the process they have created. Staff has asked about using some of the same processes in the summer.
Resignations/Contracts: Thomsen moved to approve the following resignations: Diana Berkland-Cook, Evelin Gracia-Carabali-HS Spanish, Tyler Beving-MS/HS Physical Education/Health & Freshmen Football & HS Boys Track, Dawn Beving-Elementary Para-educator, Matt Stein-HS Science, Molly Rodemeyer-7th Grade Girls Basketball and Jeannie Shimon-Elementary Special Education Teacher. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried. Huberty moved to approve the following contracts: Tim Rodemeyer-Secondary Assistant Principal/At-Risk Coordinator, Brandt Roskens-HS Vocal & Show Choir and Whitney Bjustrom-Elementary Art. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
MS Softball & 7th Grade Girls Track: Morton brought the contracts off the table. Hanna said that he will know more about what will happen with school moving forward as well as sports by Friday. He would not recommend a decision until after hearing the outcome. Morton moved to table this again and was seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 414.1-414.3R2 & 412.3. The second readings will be in May.
Graduate List: The list of the seniors was presented to the board. Hanna recommended approval of the list of graduating seniors pending final requirements being met and decisions with the school year being decided. The state has given the districts authority to decide graduation requirements. The Governor has waived the government class content requirement. The number of quarters for physical education was also waived. The CPR requirement was also waived by the state. More information will be learned on Friday. Roethler moved to approve the list of seniors. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
Public Hearing on 2020-2021 Academic Calendar: Superintendent Hanna presented the proposed academic calendar for the 2020-2021 school year. There were no patrons on hand for the public hearing. (an area was set up at Door 4 to watch and attend the public hearing) Board Secretary Chapman did not receive any comments or concerns prior to the meeting. August 24th was proposed as the first day of school and May 25 was proposed as the last day. Hanna described the number of days and hours and breaks and why they were set up as they are proposed. The District Leadership Team approved of the calendar.
2020-2021 Academic Calendar
Hanna recommended the approval of the 2020-2021 academic calendar. Dietrich moved to approve and Thomsen seconded the motion to approve the calendar. Motion carried.
AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2020-2021: The board was presented with the AEA Purchasing Agreement for 2020-2021 for food bids (Martin Bros.), small wares (to be determined) and ware wash bids (Martin Bros). Using the consortium meets procurement requirements and offers low prices to school districts. Huberty moved to approve the agreement for FY21. Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
COVID-19 Pandemic Temporary Supplemental Policy: The information in this policy will be distributed to staff.
EMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT COVID-19 Pandemic Temporary Supplemental Policy Provisions Families First Coronavirus Response Act ("FFCRA") Effective Date: April 1, 2020
NOTE: This Policy involves a rapidly evolving public health emergency. The District will continue to reassess this policy as the public health emergency and the law evolves. The District reserves the right to amend or revise this policy at any time.
1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this temporary and supplement policy is to protect students, employees, and community members; to establish a consistent approach to an infectious disease which is potentially impactful to the quality and timeliness of services provided by the District; and to provide a way to disseminate information to employees and answer questions or concerns.
This is a working document that may be updated as information is released, or if additional legislation is passed by the federal and state government. The District will strive to follow all guidelines put in place by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), and the County Department of Public Health.
2. COVID-19. COVID-19, or coronavirus, is a respiratory illness for which no vaccine currently exists and people do not possess immunities from previous exposure/infection. The incubation period for COVID-19 is estimated to be approximately 14 days. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic. Because of the possibility of person-to-person transmission, it is important that employees stay a minimum of six (6) feet away from persons with whom they are interacting and refrain from handshakes and other forms of human touching. Common areas such as computers, mice, public countertops, chairs, tables, doors, knobs, light switches, restroom sinks and toilet handles, manual soap and sanitizer dispensers should be regularly wiped down with disinfectant. Employees using these items should wash their hands or use sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol following the contact.
3. DISTRICT RESPONSE TO PANDEMIC. In response to the pandemic, the District has temporarily closed all buildings. Some employees have been deemed essential employees required to report to work at their designated building site, including, but not necessarily limited to [name employees required to report to work, e.g. custodial staff required to sanitize buildings]. Other employees may be directed to work remotely. In some instances, these employees may be required to work overtime or otherwise adjust their regular schedules to assist during this crisis. All employees performing work during this temporary closure will be compensated pursuant to their individual contracts or letters of assignment, applicable collective bargaining agreements, Board policy, and/or state and federal law.
The District may modify work schedules as follows: (1) work from home entirely; (2) work partially from home and work partially at their worksite; (3) work staggered shifts either on a full-time or part-time basis; or (4) adjusted or otherwise reduced hours.
Any employee working from home will be required to comply with all applicable District policies and procedures, including but not limited to the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy (Board Policy No. 605.6), Student Records/FERPA (Policy No. 506.1E8), and District policies and procedures for reporting and using available leave.
During this time, if you are reporting to work or working from home, you may be asked to perform tasks that are not normal for your job description. Changes in your job duties, including the direction to work remotely (if applicable), are temporary in nature and do not constitute permanent changes to the essential functions of your job or other District policies or procedures. These changes do not set precedent for future requests for leave, remote work, or other accommodations.
The District will periodically re-evaluate this situation and workplace attendance and leave policies.
4. EMERGENCY PAID SICK LEAVE: Pursuant to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, a federal law passed on March 18, 2020, and effective April 1, 2020, the District will provide paid sick leave for employees who meet the following criteria:
1. A federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19.
2. The employee has been advised by a healthcare provider to self-quarantine due concerns related to COVID-19.
3. The employee is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and seeking a medical diagnosis.
4. The employee is caring for an individual who is subject to (1) a federal, state, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-19; or (2) advice by a healthcare provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID-19.
5. The employee is caring for a son or daughter (under age eighteen (18)) of the employee if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has closed or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable due to COVID-19 precautions.
6. The employee is experiencing any other substantially similar condition specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Department of Labor.
Employees meeting one of these criteria shall report their desire to take this leave to their direct supervisor and the Office of Human Resources [or Business Office]. At this time employees shall not be required to provide an FMLA certification for this leave but may be required to provide proof of the need for such leave, which may include through a quarantine or isolation order or proof that their child’s school/childcare has closed.
If an employee needs leave for one of these COVID-19 related reasons prior to April 1, 2020, the employee may use any source of existing, accrued leaves. If the employee does not have any accrued paid leave, they may take the leave unpaid.
Beginning April 1, 2020, employees shall be entitled to paid leave in the following amounts:
• For full-time employees, 80 hours.
• For part-time employees, a number of hours equal to the number of hours that such employee works on average, over a two-week period.
• There are caps on the amount of money an employee taking this leave may be compensated. The District will enforce these legally required caps.
This 80 hours of paid leave for full-time employees, or two-week equivalent of pay for part-time employees, is a separate source of paid leave required by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. During this time, the District will not deduct from other categories of accrued leave, and employees will be paid in accordance with the legally required amounts and caps.
• For employees absent for reasons (1), (2) or (3) above, they shall receive 100% of their pay with a daily cap of $511 per day or an aggregate of $5,110 over the two-week period.
• For employees absent for reasons (4), (5) or (6) above, they shall receive two-thirds (2/3) of their regular pay with a daily cap of $200 per day or an aggregate of $2,000 over the two-week period.
• If the rate of pay described above is less than the employee’s regular rate of pay, the employee may use other available leave, if any, to supplement the difference between the payments described above and their regular rate of pay.
If employees exhaust this two weeks of pay and cannot return to work and their absence is related to reasons (1), (2), (3), (4), and (6), the employee may be paid through the use of any applicable accrued leave. If employees exhaust this two weeks of pay and cannot return to work and their absence is related to reason (5) above and they have been employed for at least thirty (30) days, the employee is entitled to additional leave as described below in the EMERGENCY EXPANDED FMLA section.
The District will allow employees who are requesting this Emergency Paid Leave Sick Leave for school or childcare closures or unavailability to use the leave on an intermittent basis. For example, for an employee requesting this leave for school or childcare closure or unavailability who is able to work part-time due to other individuals being able to care for the child(ren), that employee shall be able to use their hours intermittently for any leave experienced until the hours they are entitled to are exhausted. However, the employee shall work with the District to schedule the intermittent leave to minimize the impact on the District’s business operations as much as practicable.
Employees seeking to use this Emergency Paid Sick Leave for any other reason other than school or childcare closure or unavailability are not permitted to use this leave on an intermittent basis.
5. EMERGENCY EXPANDED FMLA: Through the passage of the Families First Coronavirus Relief Act, the federal government temporarily expanded the FMLA to include a new qualifying reason for FMLA leave related to the public health emergency. A qualifying need related to a public health emergency means that the employee is unable to work (or telework) due to a need for leave to care for the son or daughter under 18 years of age of such employee if the school or place of care has been closed, or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable, due to a public health emergency.
In addition to the District’s FMLA policy already in place, the following guidelines apply to this new qualifying reason:
• The only eligibility requirement for employees to be eligible for this leave is that the employee has been employed for thirty (30) calendar days prior taking the leave.
• The employee shall be paid for this leave as follows:
o Employees will be paid two-thirds (2/3) of the employee’s regular rate of
pay (as determined by Section 7(e) of the FLSA). o For employees whose schedules vary from week to week, the employee will be paid two-thirds of their regular rate of pay for those hours that the employee would have worked if the leave was not necessary. If the hours the employee would have normally worked are not apparent, the hours the employee should be compensated for will be calculated as follows:
▪ A number equal to the average number of hours that the employee was scheduled per day over the 6-month period ending on the date on which the employee takes such leave, including hours for which the employee took leave of any type.
▪ If the employee did not work over the 6-month period, the reasonable expectation of the employee at the time of hiring of the average number of hours per day that the employee would normally be scheduled to work.
• Under no circumstances will an employee be compensated more than $200/day or $10,000 in the aggregate for this leave.
• If the rate of pay described above is less than the employee’s regular rate of pay, the employee may use other available leave, if any, to supplement the difference between the payments described above and their regular rate of pay.
Employee’s medical benefits will be maintained during an FMLA Expansion leave.
Requests for FMLA Expansion leave should be made directly to the Human Resources department as soon as reasonably possible.
During the 12 workweeks of approved FMLA Expansion leave, employees are entitled to be reinstated to their same job or to an equivalent position with the same pay, benefits and working conditions, as provided by law.
6. ILLNESS REPORTING: Do Not Enter any District facility or perform any in-person job functions for the District, regardless of location, if:
o You are experiencing any of the following flu-like/respiratory symptoms,
▪ Fever – over 100 degrees Fahrenheit
▪ Coughing
▪ Sneezing
▪ Shortness of Breath
▪ Any other flu-like symptom. Uncommon symptoms of COVID-19 include diarrhea, nausea, and fatigue. `▪ YOU MAY NOT RETURN TO WORK UNTIL THE LATER OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) seven (7) days from the onset symptoms; (2) fever free for seventy-two (72) hours without any fever reducing medication. o Have been diagnosed with COVID-19 and/or tested positive for COVID-19.
o Been around someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or tested positive for COVID-19. This includes living in the same household or spending time within six (6) feet of someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or tested positive for COVID- 19.
Employees experiencing any of the above should report it immediately. Employees should call their supervisor to report these conditions.
7. HIGH RISK EMPLOYEES: If you are someone who is at “higher risk” for becoming ill from the virus (pursuant to the CDC’s guidance, see:…), please feel free to communicate that to the Director of Human Resources [or the District administrator who handles FMLA requests]. The information you provide will be kept strictly confidential in your medical file and will be used solely for the purposes of determining your potential need for a leave of absence or for modifications to your work schedule and/or work environment during the pandemic.
The District will assess situations with high-risk employees on a case-by-case basis. In the event an employee is high risk and unable to report to work, the employee will either be allowed to work from home if practicable or be excused from reporting to work and receive two-thirds of their normal salary as described under the non-essential employees who are not required to work from home in this policy. If a doctor recommends the employee self-quarantine due to underlying health conditions, the employee will receive 100% of their normal salary for up to eighty (80) hours and then may use any applicable leave thereafter.
8. TRAVEL: As of the date of this policy all employees who travel as defined by this policy will be subject to the following requirements:
For purposes of this policy, "Travel" is defined as follows:
• Non-essential: (1) traveling to any location outside of a fifty (50) mile radius of the District or (2) attending a gathering of more than ten (10) people regardless of the location.
• Essential: (1) necessary travel that does not meet the definition of non-essential travel. The District will authorize essential travel on a case by case basis.
All District-related Non-Essential Travel as defined by this policy is suspended without prior approval of the Superintendent or her/his designee (i.e. conferences or non-essential meetings.) Any employee who engages in Non-essential Travel pursuant to this policy shall report their plans to travel (or if already traveling as of the date of this policy, their return plans from travel) to their direct supervisor. These reports shall be made via phone or e-mail rather than in person to minimize contacts and limit person-to-person exposure.
For anyone engaged in Non-essential Travel as defined by this policy and planning to return to work, you will be required to self-isolate away from work for fourteen (14) days. You will only be allowed to return to work if symptom and fever free (without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol) as defined by the CDC guidelines. You are required to use vacation, personal leave and sick leave during this time and in that order to be compensated for your normal working hours. If, after April 1, 2020, you need leave relating to reasons (1) through (6) outlined above, the employee may be eligible for Emergency Paid Sick Leave and Emergency Expanded FMLA Leave.
9. MEETINGS: Except for school board meetings, which may be held in person or electronically as determined by the Board, no group meetings shall be held in-person for the duration of this policy without prior approval from the Superintendent or her/his designee. All meetings shall be held electronically or over the phone. This includes meetings required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Employees with questions about scheduling IEP or 504 meetings should contact the District’s special education director and/or 504 coordinator. Any approved in-person meetings shall only include internal staff unless the Superintendent or her/his has approved the presence of others prior to the meeting.
10. STAFF UPDATES: The Superintendent or her/his designee shall update all staff on developments throughout this time period.
11. POLICY: The leave authorized by this policy shall expire on December 31, 2020 and no leave shall be carried forward to 2021.
Morton moved to approve this policy and was seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
RESOLUTION EMERGENCY RESPONSE PANDEMIC POLICY SUSPENSION: (this resolution was updated and revised from the March 25, 2020 meeting)
Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy
Emmetsburg Community School District Board of Directors Resolution – Pandemic Response and Emergency Suspension of Policy WHEREAS, Iowa Code Ch. 279.8 authorizes local school boards to govern their respective districts, including adopting policies for their own governance; and
WHEREAS the Board may, by formal, action suspend or rescind board policy as deemed necessary, appropriate or in the best interests of the District; and
WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized COVID-19 as a pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on March 13, 2020, the President of the United States declared a national state of emergency and on March 15, 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds recommended closure of all public and private K-12 schools in Iowa until April 13, 2020, to contain the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds declared a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency under the authority granted through Iowa Constitution, Art. IV, §§ 1, 8 and Iowa Code §§ 29C.6(1), 135.140(6), and 135.144 and directed implementation of the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management’s Iowa Emergency Response Plan in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19); and
WHEREAS, most hourly non-exempt employees will be unable to report to work due to the District’s closure and certified contract employees may be asked to work at remote locations to help provide continuity in educational services; and
WHEREAS, it fulfills a public purpose to continue to pay District hourly non-exempt employees during this closure to prevent or contain the spread of COVID-19, to promote morale and to help retain current employees following the closure; and
WHEREAS, on March 17, 2020, the Iowa Legislature passed and the Governor signed SF 2408 granting waiver of the instructional time requirements in Iowa Code Ch. 279.10 for all public school districts closing before April 12, 2020, in order to prevent or contain the spread of COVID-19; and granting Governor Reynolds the ability to waive instructional time requirements for any public school district which closes on or after April 12, 2020, to prevent or contain the spread of COVID-19; and
WHEREAS, the Iowa Department of Education, which has the authority to establish and interpret graduation requirements, and to oversee other crucial aspects of public education is providing written guidance to Iowa school districts on issues related to COVID -19, including but not limited to student attendance, distance/online learning, high school credit, meal distribution, and other issues; and
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Emmetsburg Community School Board hereby suspends provisions of its board policies and/or whole policies, as identified by the District Superintendent or designee, if such suspension is necessary to implement written guidance from state or federal agencies relating to containing COVID-19 for the duration identified in the Governor’s State of Public Health Emergency declaration of March 17, 2020, or as otherwise determined by the Board.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent will consult with and report to the Board as feasible and appropriate regarding the emergency closure and efforts to implement written guidance from health and government agencies.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent is authorized to close any school facility without further action by the Board of Directors. Such closure shall continue during the emergency created by the COVID-19 pandemic until such time as the Superintendent, in consultation with appropriate health and government authorities, deems it in the best interests of the District and its students to open schools. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Superintendent is authorized, based upon the needs of the District and guidance from health and government agencies, to direct staff assignments during District closures, including but not limited to essential employees who must report to work, employees who may be reassigned, and employees whose services are not needed.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that access to public school grounds and public school buildings of the District may be limited as directed by the Superintendent during District closures.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified, exempt employees will remain employed during the school closure and until the number of days expressed on the contract have been fulfilled, unless otherwise approved by the Board. Days that contracted employees do not report for duty onsite or from a remote location, due to closure, do not constitute a fulfilled contract day except to the extent those days are forgiven by the District.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in light of this District-wide emergency closure, the Board authorizes the Superintendent to place hourly non-exempt employees on paid administrative leave and to continue to pay them for remainder of the school closure up to the end of the scheduled school year during.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the interest of public health and/or to comply with federal or state health department recommendations or guidance, the Board may limit the number of people who can physically attend Board meetings and may, instead, encourage the public to attend or listen to its open public meetings by video conference and or live streaming on the internet and the Board may also limit public comment to written comments.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the board reserves the right to adjust board meeting dates, times, and locations during the district-wide emergency closure in a manner consistent with the Open Meetings law, and notes that any or all board members may attend board meetings electronically as permitted by law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that execution of this Resolution is conclusive evidence of the Board’s approval of this action and of the authority granted herein. The Board warrants that it has, and at the time of this action had, full power and lawful authority to adopt this instrument. This resolution will remain in full force and effect until it is rescinded or amended by subsequent action of the Board.
Huberty moved to approve and amend this resolution and was seconded by Roethler.
Roll call vote: Huberty-aye, Roethler-aye, Thomsen-Aye, Morton-aye, Dietrich-aye, Hoyman-aye. Nays-none.
Adopted and approved this 15th day of April, 2020.
By: ________________________________________ Board President or Designee
Attest: ________________________________________ Board Secretary
Adjournment: Morton moved to adjourn at 6:43pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.04.22 - Special
Board Minutes - 2020.04.22 - SpecialEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting (Due to Timeliness of Purchases Needed for COVID-19 & Other Expenses)
Board of Education
April 22, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on April 22, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Conference Room. The Zoom technology and social distancing were used because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen
Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie (all by Zoom)
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman
Jane Hoyman, President, called the regular meeting to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
COVID-19 2nd Semester Grading:
In Elementary, student grades at third quarter will remain for second semester. The same thing will happen for Middle School. Those with a No Evidence or Not Yet grade will be given opportunities to improve their grades. For High School teachers will review current grades and determine semester grades. These grades will not impact their grade point average (GPA). College courses will remain as those classes transitioned to online. Colleges are requiring students to finish the coursework. Those grades will be reported according to Iowa Lakes grading policies. Students must remember if they fail a college course, they may lose the opportunity to enroll in a college course in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 school year. By law, the district is not allowed to give grades during the shutdown. Dietrich moved to approve the 2nd semester grading policy. Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Device Purchases 2020-2021:
Superintendent Hanna presented proposals for Chromebooks for students. A three year lease cost is $71,279. The board PPEL fund will be used for this cost. Hanna also proposed a lease for teacher laptops. This lease includes 65 laptops with a three year lease of $90,000. The Voted PPEL or Capital Projects funds will pay for these computers. Thomsen moved to approve the leases. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Internet Infrastructure Update 2020-2021:
Riverside Technologies, Inc performed an assessment of our internet infrastructure. Currently, the district needs to upgrade the infrastructure to handle the 1:1. This project qualifies for E-Rate. E-Rate will reimburse at the rate of 70%. The net cost to the district will be approximately $29,000. Hoyman moved to approve the purchase and Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Palo Alto County Gaming Corporation Grant Expenses:
Expenses for the PACGDC include the sound system for the High School gym, the Middle School sound system gym, the West Elementary sounds system in the gym and technology for the HS/MS cafeteria. The total cost of all equipment totals $74,934. $10,000 will be remaining from the Gaming Grant and those expenses will be determined at a later date. Thomsen moved to approve the PACGDC expenses and Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Parking Lot Internet Access:
Hanna informed the board of the purchase of internet access for the parking areas. The total cost was $2544. This equipment is currently already working.
Internet Hotspots:
VIPS has provided the district with hotspot access. These hotspots can be locked down to the school devices. The district plans to order 50 hotspots. This is a one time cost. Total cost with equipment and data usage for 4 months would come to $11,350. The CARES Act would be able to fund this type of expenditure. (The CARES Act will be revenue of approximately $85,000).
West Elementary Camera Upgrade:
Hanna presented the proposal for the camera upgrade at West Elementary. The total cost of the camera project is $19,000.
Morton moved to enter into exempt session and Roethler seconded at 6:13pm for negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations, mediation or the deliberative process of arbitration. Motion carried. Kibbie exited at 7:06pm.
Exit exempt session at 7:07pm
Huberty moved to adjourn at 7:08. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
___________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.05.12 Exempt Session
Board Minutes - 2020.05.12 Exempt SessionEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Exempt Session
Board of Education
May 12, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in an exempt session on May 12, 2020 at 5:00pm. The Zoom technology and social distancing were used because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen
Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie (all by Zoom)
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman
Jane Hoyman, President, called the meeting to order at 5:00pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Roethler moved to enter into exempt session and Thomsen seconded for the purpose of negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations, mediation or the deliberative process of arbitration. Motion carried.
Exit exempt session at 6:39pm
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:39pm. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Board Minutes - 2020.05.20 Regular & Exempt Session
Board Minutes - 2020.05.20 Regular & Exempt SessionEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Exempt Session & Regular Meeting
Board of Education
May 20, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on May 20, 2020 at 5:00pm (exempt) and 5:30pm regular in the HS Conference Room. The Zoom technology and social distancing were used because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen
Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie (all by Zoom)
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman,
Jane Hoyman, President, called the exempt session to order at 5:00pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
5:02pm Kibbie moved to enter into exempt session and Morton seconded citing negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations, mediation or the deliberative process of arbitration. Motion carried.
Exited exempt session at 5:38pm.
Kibbie motioned to adjourn the exempt session at 5:38pm and Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Mr. Hanna connected the Zoom session for the public while the board took a break.
Quorum was noted. (same as above in exempt session)
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items
Roethler moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 414.1-412.3 were presented for approval. Morton moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
MS Softball & 7th Grade Girls Track: Morton brought the contracts off the table. Governor Reynolds announced that summer sports would be able to be held. At this time the district does not know what that will include. Guidelines will be sent to districts. The motion died for a lack of a second.
Return to Learn: Three models of delivery types were presented from the state in regards to resuming school in the fall. Interim continuous learning, a combination or hybrid of continuous learning and traditional instruction and finally, traditional instruction were the three options. The district must submit a Return to Learn plan to the state by July 1. This will be a brief plan and not be inclusive of all guidance. The district is organizing committees focusing on multiple areas including leadership, infrastructure, health and safety, academic content, social and emotional behavior and equity. This plan will be a joint plan with the Emmetsburg Catholic School.
Resignations/Contracts: Huberty moved to approve the following resignations: Cathy Backstrom-MS Para-Educator, Erika Higgins-MS Special Education Teacher, Travis Birkey-Industrial Technology Teacher & Varsity Softball Coach (Softball beginning Summer 2021), Missy Birkey-Elementary Teacher & Head Volleyball Coach, Ally Bruhn-7th Grade Volleyball Coach. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Thomsen moved to approve the following contracts: David Rubis-HS Special Education Teacher, Dave Fog-Freshmen Football Coach, Mark Klaus-Co-Head Wrestling Coach, Tyler Bjustrom-Co-Head Wrestling Coach (change from Head Coaching alone), Danielle Auten-Head Volleyball Coach, Sonia Zamora Amoros-HS Spanish (pending final state requirements), Josh Bay-Volunteer Baseball Coach, Scott Higgins-7th Grade Girls Track, Erika Higgins-MS Softball (FY21). Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 403.6-403.7E7 & 403.6E3 & 403.7E8. The second readings will be in June.
Student Fee Schedule: Hanna recommended no fee increases for the 2020-2021 school year. Lunch and breakfast rates will not be addressed until a later date. Morton moved to approve the 2020-2021 student fee schedule as presented. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Iowa Lakes Community College Agreement (FY20): Dietrich moved to approve the FY20 agreement with Iowa Lakes Community College. Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
Summer Project List: Hanna presented a list of summer projects for 2020. Revenues were projected for the SAVES and PPEL funds. On-going costs were reviewed and remaining funds were noted. Items noted on the list included sidewalk at West Elementary, LED lighting in the Middle School gym, sidewalk on the east side of the High School, baseball and softball bleachers & prep work relating to the bleachers, electrical upgrades at the softball/baseball complex, lighting and fencing at the softball/baseball complex, scoreboard control for the baseball field and LED lighting for the bus barn. The total of all projects is $556,136. These are costs for projects discussed in the Facilities Committee. Hoyman would still like to see a sidewalk put in west of King Street in front of the high school. The projects will continue to be discussed and approved at a later date.
2005 Bus & 1994 Truck Bids: Four bids were submitted for the 1994 truck/blade. Huberty moved to approve the high bid of $926 from Ed Noonan. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. Two bids were submitted for the 2005 School Bus. Kibbie moved to approve the high bid of $1200 submitted by Kevin Walters. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Set Date for Board Work Session on School Budget Factors: Hanna will get back to the board with dates for a work session on school budget factors.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:56pm. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.05.21 Exempt Session (Negotiations)
Board Minutes - 2020.05.21 Exempt Session (Negotiations)EMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Exempt Session
Board of Education
May 21, 2020
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in an exempt session on May 21, 2020 at 7:00am. The Zoom technology and social distancing were used because of the COVID-19 pandemic situation.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen
Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie (all by Zoom)
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman
Jane Hoyman, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00am, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
AGENDA APPROVAL: Thomsen moved to the agenda. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
Roethler moved to enter into exempt session and Huberty seconded for the purpose of negotiating sessions, strategy meetings of public employers or employee organizations, mediation or the deliberative process of arbitration. Motion carried.
Exit exempt session at 7:43am.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 7:43am. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
____________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.06.04 Special Session
Board Minutes - 2020.06.04 Special SessionEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
June 4, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on June 4, 2020 at 6:00pm in the HS Library Room.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler (by Zoom), Katy Thomsen
Absent: Scott Kibbie, Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Kari Schany, Julie Dunlap
Jane Hoyman, President, called the special session to order at 6:00pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Approval of Master Contract
Hanna recommended approval of the Master Contract. Changes included in the tentative agreement included changing the contract to a one year contract (FY21 only), aging the schedule and adding $200 to the base salary. The total package increase equals 2.46%. Morton moved to approve the 2020-2021 Master Contract. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Thomsen moved to adjourn at 6:03pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.06.17
Regular Meeting & Board Workshop
Board of Education
June 17, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on June 17, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich
Scott Kibbie
Absent: Katy Thomsen, Val Morton
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Deb Hite, Kari Schany, Joe Schany, Arik Kerr, Sarah
Brugman (arrived 5:58pm)
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Dietrich moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Approval of Consent Items
Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Dietrich including allowing the board president to approve bills presented on June 30 to finalize for FY20. Those bills will also be presented to the entire board in July. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 403.6-403.7R2 were presented for approval. Roethler moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Return To Learn: Guidance will be coming by July 1st for re-opening in the fall from the state. Summer sport guidelines were reviewed. Transportation is an issue for reopening in the fall. The District Leadership Team (DLT) will meet mid-July to review the guidelines.
Resignations/Contracts: Roethler moved to approve the following resignations: Lori Riley-MS Para-Educator, John Zauche-5-6 Band/Vocal & Summer Band, Nicole Sanders-MS Para-Educator. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Kibbie moved to approve the following contracts: Scott Higgins-HS Special Education, Ellen Meerdink-9-12 Spanish, Jason Holt-Industrial Technology (1 year), Elizabeth Naviaux-5-8 Special Education, Alexis Carlson-5-7 Band/Vocal & Summer Band, Kelly Swanson-7th Grade Volleyball Coach, Charla Montag-9th Grade Volleyball Coach. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Board Policies: The board was presented with the following policies for a first reading: 500-501.03E1. The second readings will be in July.
Non-Certified Wages: Hanna recommended a 2.46% increase for the non-certified staff. Huberty moved to approve the 2020-2021 non-certified wage increase of 2.46%. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
Director & Administrator Wages:
Dietrich moved to approve the 2.46% increase in salary for the FY21 Directors. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Roethler moved to approve the FY21 Administrator salaries as follows:
Superintendent--Pay Freeze
Secondary Principal--$100,500 elimination of Concessions Manager and Ticket Manager.
Secondary At Risk-Coordinator/Assistant Secondary Principal--$70,000 payed from At-Risk Supplemental (previously approved)
Elementary Principal--$70,000 (previously approved)
Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:18pm. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Board Work Session-School Budget Factors
Larry Sigel of Iowa School Finance Information of Des Moines presented information regarding school budget factors. The main four talking points were:
A. School Finance Basics
B. Emmetsburg Fact Sheet
C. Five Year Projection Model
D. Questions
Trends and goals for the district were discussed regarding cash balance, fund balance and financial solvency ratios. The session was recorded for those that were not able to attend.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.06.24 Special Session
Board Minutes - 2020.06.24 Special SessionEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
June 24, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on June 24, 2020 at 6:30pm by Zoom..
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott
Absent: Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Darren Hanna
Jane Hoyman, President, called the special session to order at 6:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Roethler moved to approve the agenda and Kibbie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Morton moved to accept the resignation of Andrea Accola-Sabin as the High School Math Teacher. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:33pm. Hoyman seconded the motion. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ____________________________________
Board President Acting Secretary-Darren Hanna
2020-21 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 10/06/2020 - 18:44Board Meeting Minutes - 2020.02.17
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
February 17, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on February 17, 2021 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Val Morton (by Zoom), Katy Thomsen, Scott Kibbie
Absent: None.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman (by Zoom), Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom, Sara Straw, Kelly Josephson, Joe Schany, Jill Schany, Arik Kerr, Erin Siefken, Julia Badenhope, Mike Dunlap
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
TEACHING & LEARNING: 2021 Iowa’s Living Roadways Community Visioning Program
Julia Badenhope, an Iowa State University faculty member and a Community Planner and Designer works with the Living Roadways Visioning Program. Julia has developed a survey for 9th and 12th grade kids and their experiences in transportation. If the district decides to pursue the survey, packets will be sent home to these students. All surveys will be returned directly to Iowa State University. Julia presented the project to the board. Focus groups will include all types of users including the students. The survey will include maps, capture experiences and needs. The survey will also ask about what the kids will want. Recreation uses will also be asked. To find out more about the program, anyone can visit
Badenhope exited at 5:50pm.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 501.04-501.11 were updated. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and Morton seconded. Motion carried.
High School: Christensen reviewed the HS Edify Data. This program was implemented to assess student understanding of the Iowa Core Standards. This data drives the conversations and decisions made. STEM Best Grant application was updated to incorporate K-12 classes. The University of Iowa will be working with our teachers in the STEM program. The Standards Based Grading Committee held lengthy conversations about the Grading Guidelines at the HS. Some changes are being made to the current grading processes.
Middle School: Rodemeyer reported FAST (reading and comprehension) data from the Middle School. Students of the week were listed. aMath is the assessment for tracking math scores. The MS PBIS team set a goal to reduce office referrals. Spring conferences will be here soon. Staff is working on a process to again include students. There will also be options for parents not comfortable with coming to the school building.
Elementary: Valentine’s celebration was a success. 100th day of school celebrations. All elementary grades are improving their FAST scores. Preschool signup is happening now as well as Kindergarten. Mr. Swanson used the VR goggles to take kids to Mt. Everest. Congratulations to Mr. Swanson on his Impossible to I’m Possible honor! Also, congratulations to Ryan Brennan, Cade Shirk, Matt Wirtz and Jordan Anderson for making it to state in wrestling! You can listen on KEMB or KICD. You can also purchase the entire tournament viewing through TrackWrestling for $19.99.
Personnel: Roethler moved to approve the resignation of Brett Hansen as Varsity Baseball Coach beginning the summer of 2022. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 501.13-501.17 were reviewed. They will be presented for a second reading in March.
Budget Guarantee: Moved to approve the following resolution:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Emmetsburg Community School District, will levy property taxes for the fiscal year 2021-2022 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Roll call vote: Ayes-Dietrich, Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Thomsen, Roethler, Hoyman. Nays-none. Motion carried.
Out of State Travel: The High School Show Choir would like to travel to Vermillion, SD on February 27, 2021 for competition and is asking for board approval to travel out of state. Due to COVID concerns the Pella competition had to be cancelled. There are restrictions in place for Vermillion. Those restrictions have been reviewed. If any issues would come up between now and February 27 regarding COVID, plans may change. Thomsen moved to approve the out of state trip and Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:34pm. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes - 2020.12.18 Special
Board Meeting Minutes - 2020.12.18 Special
Special Meeting
Board of Education
December 18, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on December 18, 2020 at 10:00am in the Superintendent’s Office & by Zoom.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie (all by Zoom)
Absent: Val Morton, Bill Huberty, Katy Thomsen.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 10:00am, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Kibbie moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Approve Minutes from December 16, 2020: The minutes were reviewed from the Wednesday, December 16, 2020 regular meeting. The wording for the mini-grant was read. It is imperative that the wording is in accordance with the requirements of the mini-grant application. Dietrich moved to approve the minutes and Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Approve the Purchase of Auditorium Improvements: Superintendent Hanna presented a quote from Mid-States Audio & Video for a projection system and infrastructure improvements for the auditorium in the amount of $31,417. Discussions were held about what was included in the quote and additional sound system updates that will need to be made in the future. Kibbie moved to approve the purchase of the projection system and infrastructure needed for the auditorium improvements. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:12am. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.02.22 Master Contract
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.02.22 Master ContractEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
February 22, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on February 22, 2021 at 7:00am..
Present: Jane Hoyman (Zoom), Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler (Zoom), Aaron Dietrich (phone)
Scott Kibbie, Val Morton (Zoom), Katy Thomsen
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman (Zoom), Arik Kerr (Zoom), Jill Schany (Zoom), Darca
Saxton (Zoom), Kelly Josephson(Zoom), Tracie Christensen (Zoom)
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 7:00am, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Kibbie moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Master Contract Agreement: Morton moved to approve the Master Contract for 2021-2022 & 2022-2023. The base will increase by $1,375 in year one to $36,862 and $1,375 in year two to $38,237. Schedule B will remain the same. Seconded by Dietrich. Ayes-Hoyman, Huberty, Roethler, Dietrich, Morton. Nays-Kibbie. Abstain-Thomsen. Motion carried..
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:26am. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.03.17
Regular Meeting & Budget Hearing
Board of Education
March 17, 2021 Minutes
TEACHING & LEARNING: FFA’s Laney Montag Public Speaking Presentation
Laney Montag presented her Prepared Public Speaking speech to the board entitled “Unity in Agriculture”.
Laney will present her speech at the FFA State Contest in April.
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on March 17, 2021 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty (by Zoom), Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen Absent: Scott Kibbie, Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Darca Saxton
Jill Schany, Tiffany Tomlin-exit 5:40pm, Laney Montag-exit 5:40pm, Joe Schany, Arik
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:41pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Mr. Hanna presented the proposed budget for fiscal year 2021-2022. The overall tax rate is proposed to remain at $12.45. There were no questions from the audience.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies Student Series 501.13-501.17 were updated. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and Hoyman seconded. Motion carried.
High School: Parent-Teacher Conferences going on. Times changed a bit to accommodate parents better. The Extravaganza was held March 6. Even though it wasn’t like past years, it was a great event. The Parade of Bands was held March 9th-11th. Awards night will be held with National Honor Society induction on March 29th in the auditorium. ISASP testing will be held the week of March 22. All online students must come in to take those in person. Prom 2021 is April 24th with precautions in place. Press release will be forthcoming. Conditions for Learning Survey will be submitted this year. The results will be included in the ESSA designations for the Middle School and High School. National History Day involves the Middle School. Ava Dietrich’s project was selected to move on with her presentation.
Middle School: PBIS goals to reduce discipline referrals were met. The students were awarded with an incentive treat. Parent-Teacher Conferences were held last night and will be Thursday night. Numbers of parents have increased. Conferences are student led. Students take ownership in their own learning. Eight staff members attended the NIET National Conference virtually. This is a research based conference teaching teachers strategies in the classroom.
Elementary: Bjustrom’s report included information on Dr. Seuss Day, Kindergarten Round-Up, Ag in the Classroom, Parent-Teacher Conferences and the ISASPs that are coming up.
Personnel: Huberty moved to approve the resignation of Jadyn Schutjer as National Honor Society Sponsor and Diana Stafford-Elementary Teacher. Both resignations are effective at the end of the school year. Roethler seconded. Motion carried. The board would like to thank Mrs. Stafford for the many years of dedicated service. Thomsen moved to approve the following contracts:
Josh Bay-Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach ($3,186.00)
Molly McCain-Volunteer Girls’ Golf Coach ($0)
Jadyn Schutjer-Volunteer Girls’ & Boys’ Track Coach pending final certification ($0)
Ali Laubenthal-Middle School Softball Coach pending final certification ($1,976.00)
Scott Higgins-Middle School Baseball Coach ($1,976.00).
Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Student Series Policies 502-502.5, 503.1, 503.5-503.6RE2 and Employee Series 409.2 were reviewed. They will be presented for a second reading in April.
Budget: Morton moved to approve the FY22 Budget. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Shared Teaching Contract: Amanda Schmidt, Shared Superintendent for Gilmore City-Bradgate approached the Emmetsburg District to share a Librarian at .20 FTE. Roethler moved to approve the 28E Agreement with Gilmore City-Bradgate at 20%. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
Timberline Billing Service Contract: Hoyman moved to approve the renewal contract with TImberline Billing Service. Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Asset Works Agreement: Morton moved to approve the Asset Works agreement for a fixed asset inventory and Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:28pm. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.03.23 Special
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.03.23 SpecialEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
March 23, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on March 23, 2021 at 5:00pm.
Present: Jane Hoyman (Zoom),Kathy Roethler (Zoom), Aaron Dietrich, Val Morton (Zoom)
Scott Kibbie (by phone)
Absent: Katy Thomsen, Bill Huberty
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman (Zoom), Jill Schany (Zoom), Tim Rodemeyer (Zoom)
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:01pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Personnel: Kibbie moved to approve the resignation of April Buss as a Para-Educator, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, 8th Grade Girls Track Coach and Assistant Varsity Softball Coach. Morton seconded. Motion carried. Morton moved to approve a contract to Katie Schmitt as the 8th Grade Girls Track Coach for one year. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried..
Shared Boys Soccer Agreement: Dietrich moved to approve the Boys Soccer Sharing Agreement with Humboldt Community School. Roethler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:07pm. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.04.21
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.04.21
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
April 21, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on April 21, 2021 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie
Val Morton
Absent: Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Dan Hewitt,
Robin Hauswirth, Tyler Bjustrom, Kelly Josephson, Darca Saxton, Joe Schany,
Sara Straw, Arik Kerr, Jill Schany, Kari Schany, Brynna Ludwig (5:46pm)
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:31pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Brynna Ludwig presented her mural idea entitled “Emmetsburg Positivity Mural”. Brynna would like to paint this mural in the hallway entering through Door 4 (auditorium door). This mural depicts all sports and clubs offered to students. Brynna says this is her way of showing her appreciation for the offerings that students have. Mr. Hewitt will oversee the project. Mr. Hanna would like to set up a process to review ideas such as this and determine that the project fits the district vision. This project will begin soon taking approximately 4+ weeks.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Updated Policies 502.1-502.5, 409.2, 503.1, 503.5-503.6E2 were presented for approval. Hoyman moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
High School-There are 15 teachers training in the STEM Best Innovator Program. This certification means your educator may offer University of Iowa College of Business credit in STEM Innovation. Students in this class earn credit by demonstrating competency through the STEM Innovator Portfolio. At the High School level next year, Jill Schany will teach Composition I and II. Students will be able to take the class on campus and still earn the college credit. Career Exploration Day was offered virtually at the high school. Accuplacer was offered in our own building for students to be able enroll in classes at Iowa Lakes Community College. Students participated in the State FFA Leadership Convention April 19 and 20. Vocal state large group contests will be held in Emmetsburg on May 8th and will host five (5) other schools. Seniors last day is May 18. Graduation will be May 23rd. PK-11 last day is May 25 with an 11:00am dismissal. On May 25th staff will have a luncheon at 12:00pm and a retiree coffee following.
Middle School-Students of the Week were honored. ISASP testing has been completed. Testing was done online this year. Eighth graders will have an orientation on April 29th at 6:00pm. National Excellence in Teaching (NIET) Conference was attended by staff and will present at the May board meeting. For 2021-2022, fifth grade will be split in two sections, but in the Middle School building. A schedule will be developed for grades 6-8. Discussions are being held to add an exploratory class for Agriculture class.
Elementary-Elementary Track meet is May 7th with a rain date of May 14th. In the elementary school they will transition to three classrooms in the 1st grade. There are chicks in the preschool room that have students excited. ISASPs are complete. Self-Assessment MTSS Implementation (SAMI) is complete. The process gives an honest snapshot of the systems currently in place. May Day baskets are being made in the 3rd grade. They have approximately 3,000 baskets to make. A new math series will be adopted. Curriculum coaches are working to find a program. More information will be coming. Interviews are planned for Thursday for a special education teacher. Summer School plans have been solidified for June. Summer school will be an ESSER II expense (money received from COVID federal funds). Sara Straw will be presenting our PLC program to Northwestern College.
Personnel: Dietrich moved to approve the resignations of Karen Thilges-MS/Elementary Special Education Teacher, Allyson Bruhn-Freshman Softball Coach (Summer 2022) and Julie Bird-Basketball Cheer Coach. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried. Roethler moved to approve the following contract: Tim Swanson (one year)-Assistant Varsity Softball. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Board Policies (First Reading): The board held a first reading of board policies 502.6-502.10, 503.6.
Graduate List: Pending meeting final requirements and approval of Mrs.Christensen, Huberty moved to approve the presented list of graduates. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Public Hearing on Academic Calendar (6:09pm): Mr. Hanna presented the academic calendar for 2021-2022. Spring Break was set for March 14-18. The first day of school is set for August 23rd. Christmas Break was set for December 24-January 3. There were no comments from the audience. End 6:12pm.
Discuss/Approve 2021-2022 Academic Calendar: Kibbie moved to approve the Academic Calendar for 2021-2022. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Late Filed Open Enrollment: Kibbie moved to deny a late filed open enrollment application to Iowa Virtual Academy without good cause. Dietrich seconded the motion. Motion carried.
FY20 Audit:Morton moved to approve the FY20 audit. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
AEA Purchasing Agreement FY22: Dietrich moved to approve the AEA Purchasing Agreement for FY22. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Non-Certified Wages: Morton moved to approve a 30 cent raise for hourly staff, bus drivers a 5% increase for route, activity and special education routes, sub teacher pay to $130 per day and coaches that drive their own events to $60 per event out of town and $30 for in town events. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Directors’ Wages: Hanna recommended an average increase for Director’s of 2.2% increase. Dietrich moved to approve the increase and Huberty seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Principals’ Wages: Hanna recommended a 2.0% increase for Principals for FY22. Roethler moved to approve the increase and was seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Federal Trademark: Hanna reached out to Sean Solberg of Dentons Davis Brown firm about trademarking the E-Hawk brand. If an entity/club/organization would profit from the use of the E-Hawk brand, they would have to get the board’s approval if trademarked. The cost to the federal trademark is $1,700+attorney fees. Roethler moved to approve the process and application to trademark the E-Hawk name and muscle bird with E on the chest. Morton seconded. Ayes-Hoyman, Roethler, Kibbie, Dietrich, Morton. Nay-Huberty. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:42pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
____________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.06.16
Board Meeting Minutes - 2021.06.16E
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
June 16, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on June 16, 2021 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton (by Zoom), Katy Thomsen
Absent: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom
Joe Schany, Jacob Oliver
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Thomsen moved to approve the agenda as amended (moved Personnel to the beginning of the meeting). Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
ESSER Update: Mr. Hanna reviewed the ESSER funding with the board. Funds are available until possibly June 2024. ESSER III funds require a plan to be developed, shared with stakeholders and approved by the board by August. Public comments will be collected prior to approval. The goals of the district include to be open safely and remain open, regain loss of learning, implement professional development, purchase social and emotional learning curriculum, improve air quality (HVAC), update technology, update assessments tools, hire interventionists and full-time substitutes. These expenses will help long term as well as improve learning immediately.
PERSONNEL: Kibbie moved to approve the following resignations: Jeremy Zeigler-Football Trainer, Pam Rouse-Middle School Secretary, Amy Thompson-Kindergarten Model Teacher, Carla Fank-Middle School Secretary/Para-Educator, Rhonda McCartan-Financial Administrative Assistant/Athletic Director Secretary, Ben Thomsen-Junior Varsity Football Coach. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Hoyman moved to approve the following contracts: Amy Thompson-TLC K-4 Behavior Coach ($4,000), Ben Thomsen-Head Football Coach ($4,660), Mike Dunlap-9th Grade Boys’ Basketball Coach ($2,696). Seconded by Dietrich. Thomsen abstained. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Kibbie moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Thomsen (minutes from May were corrected by adding the motions for the mask mandate). Motion carried.
Morton exited from Zoom at 5:43pm.
Board Policies: Updated Policies were presented for approval. Dietrich moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Vehicle Purchase: The Facility Committee met and discussed purchasing an additional 12-passenger van. This type of van must be a used vehicle. Recently a used 12 passenger van became available and was purchased through Emmetsburg Ford at the cost of $31,320.00. The board will approve the purchase through claims paid.
Legislative Priorities: The list was read from last year. The board reviewed the list of priorities and tips. Hoyman moved to approve the following priorities: Local Accountability & Decision Making, School Funding, Mental Health and Sharing & Reorganization. Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
Fund Transfer: So that the district can utilize ESSER funds for the lease of Chromebooks, a fund transfer must be made from the General Fund to the Debt Service Fund to make that payment. Dietrich moved to approve the fund transfer and Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
ANP Contract for Network Management: Due to vacancy of a Technology Director the district is in need of network management. We will also utilize the Equipment Breakdown Insurance when needed with broken computers. It will be determined if a Chromebook is able to be fixed or replaced. The estimate received is not up to date. Mr. Hanna will work to get a number of devices that will need to be managed. At this time there is no request for approval of a contract.
Technology Position: Two applicants submitted their resumes, but were not a fit for our district. Administration is working to find in house staff that can help under the Technology TLC positions. Currently, Brett Hansen is handling the secondary building with technology. A paraeducator may also be assigned to also help with technology.
AEA IT Support: The AEA was in the building today to review the network and configurations. They have some time that they will be able to give to the district at an hourly rate.
FEH Contract/Baseball Complex: The baseball complex upgrades and dirt work needs to start this fall if there is hope to finish by the baseball season of 2022. FEH Design submitted a contract for $40,000 to include work for the bleacher replacement, press box structure, dugouts, electrical and lighting upgrades, fencing, public announcement/music improvements and scoreboard at the baseball complex. Thomsen and Dietrich asked if the contract could include the restrooms/concession stand. Mr. Hanna will speak with FEH Design about adding the additional work or drawing up an additional contract to include those projects. Kibbie moved to approve the contract and Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
Thomsen asked about the status of the greenhouse. A used greenhouse is available, but will need to be taken down and reconstructed. Some pieces will need to be replaced, but the structure will be donated. The process is still being investigated. The Facilities Committee will continue to look into the process and bring information to the full board.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:20pm. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
____________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.07.15
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
July 15, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on July 15, 2020 at 5:35pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman (Zoom), Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich
Scott Kibbie, Katy Thomsen, Val Morton (Zoom)
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Kelly Josephson, Darca Saxton, Joe Schany
Kari Schany (exit 6:26pm)
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:35pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Reopening Plan Update: Superintendent Hanna presented the possibilities for reopening. The Iowa Department of Education put guidance out to schools in early July. Staff has been meeting regularly to discuss reopening. Topics discussed were social distancing and face coverings and the hurdles it all entails. The actual requirements are not clear. If social distancing is implemented, not all students will be able to attend at the same time. If in person school attendance is implemented with all students here, there is not enough space to accommodate the six feet apart guidance. An online parent survey was distributed. Two questions were asked. Do you believe your children should return to school full time and that social distancing would be very limited? Do you believe the district should focus on social distancing and that my student may be home half of the week? All work will be required and graded. The district will not be able schedule family members at the same time. At this time, 68% believe students should return to school while 31.2% believe we should focus on social distancing. Limits to social distancing would accommodate approximately 13 students to a classroom. This does not include hallway time, recess, lunch, sports/activities or busing. With social distancing we would need to reduce the number of students in the building by half. The district would need to implement an alternate schedule. Kids would be home approximately half of the year. Supervision at home is an issue. As of today, Superintendent Hanna would have students return to school while giving parents the choice between remote or in person for the beginning of the school year. We would utilize the hybrid model to accommodate both. Social distancing would be implemented as much as feasible and sustainable. Late this afternoon, the state talked of a possibility of students staying home resulting in no funding and students would be considered home schooled. If this would be a requirement, it would alter the recommendation. The hybrid model highlights include revised scope and sequence, establishing a Learning Management System (LMS) such as Google Classroom or Canvas for grades 3-12 and Seesaw for PK-2 and the ability to Capture Focus Lesson as the teacher is delivering lessons to the in person class and post to Google Classroom, Canvas or Seesaw. There are many policies to be reviewed. Hanna hopes to have a recommendation by late July or early August.
Approval of Consent Items
Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Updated Policies 500-501.3E1 were presented for approval. Roethler moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Personnel: Thomsen moved to approve the resignation of Rachel Stockwell as a Elementary Para-educator. Seconded by Huberty . Motion carried. Morton moved to approve the following contracts and/or assignments: Julie Bird-Girls & Boys Basketball Cheerleading Sponsor, JaDee Gloede-Football & Wrestling Cheerleading Sponsor (change from prior contract of all sports cheer sponsor), April Buss-Middle School Para-educator, Madison Olson-Middle School Para-educator, Heather Trembly-Elementary Para-educator, Ali Weir-Elementary Para-educator and Holly Keenan-Student Council Sponsor. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
Board Policies (First Reading): The board held a first reading of board policies 404-405.9 dealing with Licensed Employees and 409.2E1-409.3R2, 414, 501.9 with updates regarding these policies and COVID-19. The board will review the policies again in August. There is an extensive list of policies to be reviewed dealing with COVID-19. The district will try to follow the lead of the Iowa Association of School Board.
Legislative Priorities: Priorities for the 2020-2021 year were discussed and selected. The board submitted the following priorities: 1) School Funding Policy 2) Mental Health 3) Teacher Leadership & Development 4) Special Levy Funds 5) Supplemental State Aid. Hoyman moved to approve and Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
PACH Nurse Contract: Hoyman moved to approve the contract with the Palo Alto County Public Health for the 2020-2021 school year. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Secretary/Treasurer: Superintendent Hanna recommended to approve the appointment of Lisa Chapman to Board Secretary/Treasurer. Roethler moved to approve the appointment. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Milk Bids: Milk bids were received from Anderson Erickson (AE), DFA Dairy Brands and Hiland Dairy. The board reviewed the submitted bids. Nutrition Director Diana Ayers noted that she would like to stay with Anderson Erickson (AE). She felt that AE was very easy to work with. There had been issues with Dean Foods (now DFA) in the past with both billing and broken coolers. The prices through Hiland Dairy were the highest with DFA being the lowest. The AE prices for the most used items of ½ pint cartons were 2 cents more per carton. Though AE did not have the lowest price, they did use pricing from July while the others used June. There were significant pricing differences between June and July escalator pricing. Superintendent Hanna recommended staying with AE. Dietrich moved to approve the bid from Anderson Erickson. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
Bread Bids: Bread bids were received from Okoboji Bake Shop and Pan-O-Gold Bakery. The board reviewed the submitted bids. Nutrition Director Diana Ayers noted that she would like to stay with Okoboji Bake Shop as the product is high quality and fresh. If there were any issues a quick email would resolve it. Superintendent Hanna recommended staying with Okoboji Bake Shop. Roethler moved to approve the bid from Okoboji Bake Shop. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
ILCC Sharing Agreement: Superintendent Hanna recommended the approval of the Career Connect Programs/Courses with Iowa Lakes Community College. Morton moved to approve the agreement and Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Business Procedure Manual: The Business Procedures Manual was updated with clerical corrections and auditor suggestions. Thomsen moved to approve the Business Procedure Manual. Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION (6:53pm): Morton moved to enter into a closed session citing Section 21.5(1)(1) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Exited closed session at 7:43pm.
Contract Amendment: Superintendent Hanna did not take a raise for 2020-2021. Board President Hoyman offered an additional five (5) days of vacation to be used in the 2020-2021 school year. Roethler moved to approve the amended contract to add an additional five (5) days of vacation for this school year. Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
BOARD COMMENTS: Following the closed session Board President Hoyman summarized the board comments from the superintendent evaluation. Hoyman acknowledged the outstanding performance of Superintendent Hanna over the past year. Director Morton noted he appreciated Hanna’s presence at school activities both in and out of town. Director Roethler valued the communication with the board and the implementation of systems in the district. Director Kibbie felt that the leadership shown in tough situations was important as well as the development of strategic planning. Director Huberty noted that Superintendent Hanna’s adaptability and flexibility especially during the COVID-19 situation was valuable. Huberty also appreciated the help that he received on-boarding as a new board member. Director Thomsen felt that Superintendent Hanna’s research and knowledge was imperative as she learned the new position of a board member. She also mentioned that the acceptance of the new board members and how they were always updated was a high point in Superintendent Hanna’s performance. Director Dietrich also felt that the communication was an improved asset since his time on the board. Dietrich has also valued the 5-10 year long range plans that Superintendent Hanna has worked on. Finally, Board President Hoyman thanked Superintendent Hanna for taking on the extra responsibility of the Elementary Principal as he was hired as only a Superintendent. Hoyman agreed with the others, noting especially Hanna’s professionalism and leadership by example, his acceptance of responsibility, his placing student safety and education as the highest priorities, handling of legal issues, board guidance and Hanna’s outstanding communication with the board, staff, parents, students, and community, especially during the pandemic..
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50pm. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
___________________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.07.28 Special Meeting
Board Minutes - 2020.07.28 Special MeetingEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
July 28, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on July 28, 2020 at 5:00pm via Zoom..
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich
Scott Kibbie, Val Morton
Absent: Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Darren Hanna
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:03pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Kibbie moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Personnel: Kibbie moved to approve the contract for David Dow as the 8-12 Math Teacher pending final background check results. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:09pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Acting Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.08.05 Special
Special Meeting
Board of Education
August 5, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on August 5, 2020 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Katy Thomsen,
Val Morton
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Sarah Strohman
Mary O’Connell, Tiffany Tomlin, Holly Keenan, Jill Schany, Brandt Roskens, Rhonda
McCartan, Darca Saxton, Susan Embrock, Joe Schany, Amy Thompson, Ron Smith
Jane Hoyman, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Approval of Agenda: Dietrich moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Secondary Student Handbook: Roethler moved to approve the Secondary Staff Handbook. Huberty seconded. Ayes-Thomsen, Dietrich, Huberty, Roethler, Hoyman. Nays-Morton. Motion carried.
Certified Staff Handbook: Collaboration Committee will work through the year with administration for change recommendations by early next calendar year for the next school year. Morton moved to approve the Certified Staff Handbook. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Non-Certified Staff Handbook: The same process for the Certified Staff Handbook will be conducted for the Non-Certified Staff Handbook. Huberty moved to approve the Handbook. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Special Education Nursing Contracts: Roethler moved to approve the contracts with Universal Pediatrics to allow their nursing staff to enter the building to work with specific need students. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Personnel: Thomsen moved to approve the Letter of Assignment for Nacole Darling as an elementary para-educator. Seconded by Hoyman. Motion carried.
Return to Learn Plan: Hanna stated that he has tried to wait as long as possible so that as few changes as possible would have to be made to the Return to Learn. The two biggest areas of guidance include social distancing and face coverings. Some language from the state has been confusing. Social distancing is mentioned in the state’s language, but is recommended. The Department of Education is recommending not requiring social distancing. If social distancing were required in our district, we would not be able to have all students in the building. It is important to know that if coming back into the building is set as a priority, social distancing will have its limitations. Our district does not have the space to keep students 6 feet apart at all times. If it is decided that social distancing is a priority, online learning will need to be a bigger part of the plan. A parent survey was sent out asking about social distancing. A second survey was put out regarding face coverings. Hanna’s recommendation includes planning for the majority of students to return, give parents a choice between remote or in person. All work is graded and required. The district will utilize the hybrid model to accommodate both. Social distancing will be implemented as much as possible. A layered approach will be implemented.
Registration will be entirely online. The fees for paying registration online will be absorbed by the district. Hybrid models were explained how the Learning Management Systems would work. There will be classroom strategies for mitigation. For example, the district will have hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, material sharing will be minimalized and rooms will be disinfected each night. Foggers and hydrostatic sprayers are ordered for cleaning. Hallways, cafeterias, gyms and lockers and restrooms will be disinfected throughout the day. Maintenance staff will be trained on enhanced cleaning techniques. An additional in-town shuttle will be provided for students. Families will be asked to sit together. Masks will be required for the shuttle because of the number of students until we can determine the number of students needing transportation. Buses will be disinfected nightly and between routes.
Staff will be required to wear face coverings. Face coverings are recommended for students. Students with underlying conditions will be advised to wear masks as well as those with relatives with underlying conditions. The Superintendent can require face masks if the situation warrants or in the case of reopening of a closure. Masks will be provided if requested.
The previously adopted school calendar will remain the same except for one change. That change would be to schedule parent-teacher conferences for August 24 and August 25. Parents will meet with teachers to ask questions and get information on the school day and how the Learning Management System works or whether they are in school or learning remotely.
The August Workshop Schedule was discussed. August 18 is new teacher orientation. August 19 is the Teacher Quality E-Hawk Tech Day. This day the teachers will learn how to use the remote learning options. August 20-21 will be anxiety training, building meetings, Learning Management Systems, Instructional Models, Palo Alto County Community Health and Health & Safety protocols.
The start of school will be a “soft start” for the first 10 days. There will be screening assessments. Those screenings will include academic screenings and social and emotional screenings. Students will need to re-acclimate to school. Relearning routines and behaviors will be reviewed. Health and safety protocols will be taught to students. The district will need to be ready to make changes when necessary to accommodate changing situations.
Return to Learn Plan: Huberty moved to approve the Return to Learn Plan. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
One Page Reopening Plan: Roethler moved to approve the One Page Reopening Plan. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
One Page Instructional Options: Hoyman moved to approve the One Page Instructional Options for 2020-2021. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
COVID-19 FAQ: Morton moved to approve the COVID-19 FAQ document. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Health & Safety Return to Learn: Roethler moved to approve the Health & Safety Plan. Hoyman seconded. Motion carried.
Parent Request Form for Remote Learning: Thomsen moved to approve the Parent Request Form to Learn Remotely. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
Revised 2020-2021 Academic Calendar: Roethler moved to approve the updated 2020-2021 Academic Calendar. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Dietrich moved to adjourn at 7:19. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
________________________________________ _________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.08.19
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
August 19, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on August 19, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie
Katy Thomsen, Val Morton
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Julie Dunlap
Mary O’Connell, Tyler Bjustrom, Kari Schany, Kelly Josephson, Holly Keenan, Arik
Kerr, Darca Saxton, Mike Dunlap, Jadyn Schutjer
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Thomsen moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Updated Policies 404-404.R2, 405.1-405.9, 40-.2E1403.9R2, 414.9, 501.09-501.09E1, 601.2, 604.11, 907-907.1R1 were presented for approval. Kibbie moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
The website has been updated with COVID Resources for the Return to Learn Plan. Google Classroom updates will be added for parents. There will be 2-3 minute videos by subject for parents to view. Parents may also submit a question through the FAQ link. The application on the phone has all of the same information for quick access. Superintendent Hanna has sent out information about the requirement of students riding the bus must wear a face mask.
STEM BEST AWARD-Principal Christensen along with teachers Darca Saxton and Kelly Josephson worked together to bring either “Iowa Big” or “No Boundaries” programs to the district. One way to start this was to apply for the Stem Best Grant. Emmetsburg CSD was awarded up to $25,000 to implement this plan. The plan for this program is to offer real world and relevant opportunities that don’t exist in the school setting. The program encompasses students in grades 7-12. Christensen has worked with surrounding districts to join their program. The plan will start with approximately 15 students. One of the first tasks is to find an off-site location. This is a comprehensive proposal that includes STEM curriculum, valuable partnerships with community businesses and real-world learning opportunities at the postsecondary education and training level. Emmetsburg will serve as a model to share unique perspectives, strengths, demographics and program focus with other schools throughout Iowa.
Personnel:Huberty moved to approve the resignation of Bill Geelan as Assistant Varsity Baseball Coach and Travis Hayenga-Elementary Para-educator. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried. Hoyman moved to approve the following contracts and/or assignments: Volunteer Football Coaches-Tyler Bjustrom, Bruce Nelson, Jared Joynt and Erin Cogdill-Elementary Para-Educator. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Board Policies (First Reading): The board held a first reading of board policies 406.1-406.6, 409.1-409.2. Athletic Department Budget:The 2020-2021 Athletic Budget was submitted. The board asked questions regarding revenue and expenses especially with changes in regards to COVID. Dunlap reviewed prior year figures. The budget presented allotted the same expenses as the previous year. Dietrich moved to approve the budget for 2020-2021. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Official Depositories for FY21:. The resolution for official depositories was presented. Thomsen moved to approve the resolution naming Laurens State Bank, Iowa Trust & Savings Bank and Wells Fargo as the official depositories with a maximum of $8,000,000 at each bank. Aye-Thomsen, Dietrich, Roethler, Huberty, Morton, Kibbie, Hoyman. Nay-none. Motion carried.
Fundraisers SY21:. Dunlap presented the list of fundraisers from the prior year with their profits. The fundraisers for the 2020-2021 year were also presented. COVID requirements dictated some of the reasons for not holding certain fundraisers. Superintendent Hanna recommended holding off on holding those fundraisers that have contact with the public. Hanna wants to limit the risk and prioritize school attendance. Hanna recommended r the Ribeye Dinner by the Band Boosters (by using a food truck & individual meal sales) and any on-line sales. Dunlap and Hanna will get together to determine future options for other groups.
West Elementary Handbook: Principal Bjustrom explained handbook changes to the board including lunch times and parents will not be allowed to escort students to the classroom. Huberty moved to approve and was seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
SAVE Contracts with Iowa Lakes Community College: Roethler moved to approve SAVE contracts with Iowa Lakes and Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
Van Purchase: The van replaces the Suburban. The van is a 2018 Ford 350 and can be used to transport students for activities. The Suburban is currently being advertised for bids. Dietrich moved to purchase the van for $28,850 from Emmetsburg Ford. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Adult Meal Prices: Hoyman moved to approve the increased adult meal price of $3.85 which was dictated by the USDA. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Return to Learn Faculty & Staff Supplemental Resource: Hanna presented the resource for staff regarding COVID questions and regulations. Both FFCRA and FMLA conditions were discussed and are outlined in the document. A listing of FAQs for staff were included. Thomsen moved to approve the document and was seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Strategic Plan Administered by UNI: In coordination with the City of Emmetsburg, the district would like to have the University of Northern Iowa facilitate a plan to set goals for the next 5-10 years. Some of the work would include working with the city in creating common goals. The cost for the district is approximately $5,000. The ultimate goal is to decide what is wanted of the entire community and gives a road map for guidance. Hoyman moved to approve the agreement with UNI to facilitate the strategic plan. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Bowling: Hanna recommended the sponsorship of a bowling team for Emmetsburg CSD. It will be structured much the same way as the trap shooting program. The district will not incur the coaching cost.The program is for high school students. The season runs from November-February. All rules will be followed the same as all sports. Dunlap will have to work on setting up a schedule with other teams for competition. Kibbie moved to approve the sponsorship of a bowling team. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Re-admission of Previously Expelled Student: Student A from an expulsion last school year has requested readmission to the district. Parents are asking for remote learning and transition into alternative learning in the future year(s). Hanna recommended readmission with the stipulation that Student A uses the remote learning option. Roethler moved to approve the readmission. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 7:56pm. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
____________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.09.16
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
September 16, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on September 16, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie
Katy Thomsen, Val Morton
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Sara Straw
Tyler Bjustrom, Kelly Josephson, Darca Saxton, Julie Dunlap, Arik Kerr
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Thomsen moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Updated Policies 406.1-406.5 were presented for approval. Hoyman moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Edify Assessments-Instructional Coaches Sara Straw and Kelly Josephson presented the Edify Assessment Program to the board. This program was used by the elementary last year and was added to the Middle and High Schools this year. This is a comprehensive assessment. It is much like the Iowa Assessments, but on a smaller scale. The assessments help teachers to ensure that students know grade level material. The data helps administration and teachers determine the understanding of the students. The program will evaluate if goals are met. The tests are aligned to what is taught. Teachers receive immediate feedback. The tests help teachers know what is going well and what is not and what needs to be changed. The data helps teachers find what students need more help with. Teachers review the data weekly in Professional Learning Communities (PLC). The data also helps administrators decide what kind of professional development is needed.
Secondary Report-Christensen has been working with the Student Council and still allowing the Homecoming experience for the students. There will not be a parade, but there will be a pep rally on the football field. Students will be on the home side. Public is allowed to come and remain in their vehicle or use the visitor side bleachers. There will be limited attendance at coronation. More detailed information will be on the website this week. Christensen also shared enrollment information. Many registration fees are still outstanding. The goal is to integrate the payment system with the registration process for next year.
Elementary Report: Bjustrom reviewed the vision of the elementary with the board.Bjustrom stated, “The vision of West Elementary is to create a safe and productive learning environment where students and staff flourish using an engaging and appropriate curriculum.” One example included the process created so that one 3rd grade teacher could teach both classes when the other 3rd grade teacher had to be out for COVID precautions. Bjustrom talked about the unity of each class becoming imperative. The PLC program drives the curriculum and the technology is a major proponent of instruction. Technology is utilized to make lessons more engaging and effective. Not having a pool of very many substitutes has led to many innovative ways to teach students and has been effective during the pandemic.
Personnel: Dietrich moved to approve the resignation of Chad Francis as Freshmen Basketball Coach pending finding a replacement. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried unanimously. Dietrich also moved to approve the volunteer cheer coach for basketball Jenna Wolfe. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Board Policies (First Reading): 407-407.6E2 policies were reviewed by committee. First reading was submitted to the entire board.
Special Education Modified Allowable Growth Request: Huberty moved to approve the Modified Allowable Growth application for Special Education in the amount of $295,262.56. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Early Graduation: Christensen presented a list of seniors applying for early graduation. Morton moved to approve the early graduation students pending meeting final requirements by the end of the semester. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Chevy Suburban Bids: Bids for the 2001 Chevy Suburban were opened. Three bids were received. Arik Kerr-$700, Jim Wickman-$775 and George Zech-$1,100. Morton moved to approve the high bid from George Zech and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Educational Assistance Program: Hanna presented the Educational Assistance Program that will enable teachers to get help with tuition costs as long as they are receiving endorsements needed by the district in high need areas. The maximum amount allowed per year is $5,250. Tuition reimbursement is paid to the educational institution.Hoyman moved to approve the Program. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Seasons Contract: Hanna presented a contract between the Northwest Iowa Mental Health Center, dba, Seasons Center. This contract will allow a qualified Mental Health Therapist and a Youth Services Worker to be housed in the district and help students. The amount of the contract is $45,000. Hoyman moved to approve the contract and was seconded by Roethler. Ayes-Hoyman, Roethler, Morton, Thomsen, Dietrich, Huberty. Nay-Kibbie. Motion carried.
Hoyman congratulated Mike Dunlap on his 100th win over Algona on September 4th!
Hoyman also expressed condolences from the entire board to the Nadaly Lara family.
Thanks was also given to the crises teams and everyone involved with the process.
Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:42pm. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ______________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.10.07 Special Meeting
Board Minutes - 2020.10.07 Special MeetingEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
October 7, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on October 7, 2020 at 7:00am in the library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Katy Thomsen, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton (by Zoom)
Absent: none
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, Tim Rodemeyer, Holly Keenan, Joe Schany, Sue Rouse, Kari Schany, Ally Bruhn, Robin Hauswirth, Jill Schany, Lori Riley, Arik Kerr, JaDee Gloede, Amy Thompson
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 7:00am, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Hoyman reviewed the procedures of a public board meeting and the process for comments and complaints.
Superintendent Contract Renewal: Hoyman informed the audience that the board met in an exempt session regarding the superintendent’s contract renewal. Huberty wanted to express to the public that he is on the board for everyone and not just one group. He is here to support staff, public, the superintendent and first and foremost the students. Huberty wanted all to know that he thought through his decision carefully and wanted those on hand to know that he is there for all of them. Roethler spoke to the audience about the Policy & Educational Committee held Tuesday morning. Roethler said she was “blown away” by the educational plans for instructional framework and priority standards that Principal Christensen and Superintendent Hanna presented to the committee. She noted that the plans are what are best for our students and raising scores.
The terms of the contract are as follows, Year 1: $138,000, Year 2: $142,000 and Year 3: $146,000 plus a district contribution of $4,000 to a 403(b) (a tax sheltered annuity plan). Secretary Chapman asked the board about the 403(b) contribution noting the district rescinded the policy allowing 403(b) contributions years ago. Chapman was directed to address the change with legal permission to allow the exception for the superintendent. All other benefits including family insurance, life insurance, long term disability and leave days remained the same as the current contract.
Kibbie moved to approve the contract and Dietrich seconded. Ayes-Kibbie, Dietrich, Huberty, Hoyman, Morton, Roethler. Nays-None. Abstain-Thomsen. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:09am. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
__________________________________ ______________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.10.21
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
October 21, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on October 21, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom, Sara Straw, Kelly Josephson, Darca Saxton, Jill Schany, Joe Schany
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Instructional Framework-Kelly Josephson and Jill Schany presented the Standards Based Grading/Standards Based Learning (SBG/SBL) program. Teachers work with four essential questions. Those questions include, what do the students need to know, what do they already know, what do we do if they don’t know and what do we do if we already know. Teachers use feedback, reteaching/reassessing and multi-tiered interventions. The teachers’ job is to make sure the students know the material and are reaching the standards. If students already know it, extension activities are utilized and students are pushed to learn. Learning is pushed to all students. The focus is to continue to learn and not a grade. Grading guidelines that were adopted were shared with the board and audience. There are a few points that are non-negotiable. Those include grading on a 4.0 scale and all assessed work must be tied to a course or grade level standard. It was enforced that feedback is important in learning. Teachers must allow re-take assessments. Homework is allowed, but not graded. The grading must be communicated to the students. Staff has been doing self audits which showed growth.
Josephson and Schany exited at 5:45pm.
CONSENT ITEMS: Roethler moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Updated Policies 407.1-407.5 dealing with licensed employees were presented for approval. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Elementary Report- PBIS winners were celebrated at West. Some events at the elementary school include a new TV in the lunchroom for educational viewing, conference sign up (either in person or virtual) is out and there will be a Fall Party October 29.They will begin a board review meeting in the morning following board meetings for staff. Mr. Bjustrom will facilitate more face to face time with staff and coordinate face to face time between staff members. He thanked his staff especially for the extra time and efforts due to COVID. Mr. Bjustrom also gave a shout out to Mr. Carpenter and his secretarial staff for their extra work. Staff is excited for the promotion of our school through the community partnerships.
Secondary Report-Mr. Rodemeyer, Assistant Secondary Principal, celebrated the Students of the Week for Middle School. Homework camp is starting up again. TRIO is helping to help with the program both in instruction and funding. October goals include less tardies. Rewards will include a tech day with games and/or phones. The students would like to put together a middle school volleyball tournament through the WIN group. Students require that participants must have 3 or less missing assignments to participate. Brackets have been created by the kids. Retraining was discussed. A food bank drive is being coordinated by Kate Schiek, K-7 Guidance Counselor, and the middle school student council.
Mrs. Christensen, Secondary Principal, will be working with parents and students that are doing online schooling. She will have conversations with those students that are not doing the work required to pass the course. It is the district responsibility to keep contacting the students and parents. Online learning has been difficult. Christensen spoke about the Quail Project in the Agriculture classroom. Friday, October 23rd, will be a “practice day”. This day will allow students to catch up on any missing assignments. A doughnut day through PBIS will be on Friday for all those that have no outstanding assignments. New lunchroom tables have arrived. These tables were purchased to improve seating and spacing due to COVID rules.
Personnel: Roethler moved to approve the resignation of Jessica Biddle as a Middle School para-educator. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried unanimously. Thomsen moved to approve the volunteer coach for wrestling, Mark Saxton. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Board Policies (First Reading): 408-408.3 policies were reviewed by committee. First reading was submitted to the entire board.
Sale of 2003 Chevy Mid-Size Bus: Morton moved to approve the only bid received from Keith Whittington of Spirit Lake in the amount of $501. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
LEP Allowable Cost: The district has overspent the allowed amount of funding for English Language Learners due to the increased need for the students. In this case, the state has allowed for districts to ask for the allowable growth back. The district is requesting the maximum amount of $13,968.48. Morton moved to approve the LEP Allowable Cost authority at the maximum amount $13,968.48 and seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Middle School Football Field: Hanna has been having conversations with Kim Kibbie, City Clerk. At one point the school deeded the property to the city for the recreation department. That has changed. At this time only middle school football is using the property. Kibbie has offered to deed the property back to the district. Hanna recommends accepting that offer. Dietrich moved to approve the acceptance of the offer of deeding the property back to the district. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Pepsi Contract: A five (5) year contract was offered with new lower pricing. They have also offered $2,000 cash per year. This funding will help with any future expenses for athletics or the board’s choosing. Hanna recommends that the board approve the contract. Morton moved to approve the contract. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Dietrich moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:34pm. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.11.18 Annual Meeting
Board Minutes - 2020.11.18 Annual MeetingEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Annual Meeting
Board of Education
November 18, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular annual session on November 18, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen (by Zoom), Scott Kibbie (by Zoom), Aaron Dietrich-arrived 5:40pm
Absent: None.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom, Sara Straw, Kelly Josephson, Darca Saxton, Jill Schany, Joe Schany, Rhonda
McCartan, Sue Rouse, Mike Dunlap
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Hybrid Model Update-.The current goal is to make it to Christmas break by attending in person or the hybrid model. Currently the county is at a 24.7% positivity rate. The district is working with Palo Alto County Public Health. Tracking of cases in the buildings and numbers of those quarantined is recorded. The original state guidelines were a 10% absentee rate and a 15% county positivity rate. These are guidelines and the district works with those in mind. The concern is making sure we have enough staff on hand to fill all roles.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Dietrich moved to approve the consent items except for the Student Activity Funds reports and was seconded by Morton. Dietrich moved to table the Student Activity Fund Reports to next month. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Updated Policies 408.1-408.3 dealing with licensed employees were presented for approval. Huberty moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT OF RETIRING BOARD: Roethler moved to adjourn the meeting with the retiring board at 5:50pm. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY ELECTED: School election is not held until 2021 so we have no new board members this year.
ELECTION OF PRESIDENT: Secretary Chapman called the meeting to order and called for nominations of president. Dietrich and Roethler nominated Hoyman. Roethler called for nominations to cease. By ballot vote Hoyman was declared president by a 7-0 vote.
ELECTION OF VICE-PRESIDENT: Newly elected President Hoyman called for nominations of the Vice-President. Dietrich nominated Roethler and Huberty called for nominations to cease. By ballot vote Roethler was declared vice president by a 7-0 vote.
OATH OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS: Chapman administered the oath of office for president to Hoyman and for vice president to Roethler.
TIME & PLACE OF MONTHLY MEETINGS: Hoyman moved to have the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 in the High School Library as the regular meeting time and place. Morton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
ROLL CALL: Huberty, Morton, Roethler, Hoyman, Kibbie (by Zoom), Thomsen (by Zoom), Dietrich-Here. Absent-none.
PERSONNEL: There were no resignations. Dietrich moved to approve Bruce Nelson as a Volunteer 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Dave Walters as a Volunteer Boys Basketball Coach and April Buss as a 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach at $1,976 and as an 8th Grade Girls Track Coach at $2,268.00. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
BOARD POLICIES: The board presented the first reading of board policies 409-409.2 and 803.1, Handbook Title IX and Remote Learning.
GAMING GRANTS: Hanna informed the board that the district intends to use the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation grant on technology in the classrooms. There will not be a shared school award this cycle. Morton moved to approve the application for the PACGDC award in the 2020 cycle. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
APPOINTMENTS/COMMITTEES: Huberty moved to approve the committee assignments as they were in the previous year. Negotiations & Finance-Morton, Hoyman, Dietrich. Facilities & Transportation-Huberty, Kibbie, Dietrich. Education & Policy Development-Hoyman, Roethler, Thomsen. School Improvement Advisory-Kibbie, Roethler, Morton. Emmetsburg Education Foundation-Thomsen. IASB Delegate-Huberty. Palo Alto County-Dietrich.
BOARD SECRETARY/TREASURER: Dietrich moved to approve Lisa Chapman as the District Secretary/Treasurer. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
LEGAL COUNSEL: Morton moved to approve Steve Avery as legal counsel for the district. Dietrich seconded. Motion carried.
PUBLISHER: Huberty moved to approve Emmetsburg Publishing as the local publisher. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
K-12 DESK AUDIT: Hanna reviewed the enrollment of students in all courses with attention drawn to specific classes as well as the gender, race and ethnicity of students in courses. Morton moved to approve the desk audit and Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
ADDITIONAL EARLY GRADUATION: Huberty moved to approve the early graduates. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
SBRC APPLICATION: Morton moved to approve the SBRC Application for Open Enrollment in the amount of $20,640. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried 7-0 vote. Morton also moved to approve the SBRC Application for ELL Beyond 5 Years in the amount of $3,146.44. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried 7-0 vote.
DISTRICT DEVELOPED SERVICE DELIVERY PLAN: THE DDSDP plan was reviewed by Tracie Christensen. The delivery system was developed in accordance with Iowa Administrative Code Rule 41.408(2)”c”. The group that developed the system included parents of eligible children, special education teachers, general education teachers, administrators, and at least one representative of the AEA. The plan discusses how students will be served, caseload determinations and assurances. Roethler moved to approve the plan and Hoyman seconded. Motion carried.
HUDL AGREEMENT: Kibbie moved to approve the agreement with Hudl. This package will allow the district to live stream events. The program is non-instructional and can be paid from PPEL. Dietrich seconded the motion. Motion carried.
LARGE GROUP RISK POOL for NATURAL GAS: In fiscal year 2020 the board approved the become a part of the Large Group Risk Pool Consortium for Natural Gas, but did not actually participate in the program. Hanna presented an agreement to participate in order to alleviate some of the burden of natural gas costs in the general fund. The program is a type of insurance plan that is paid from the Management Fund. The district would pay a premium for the insurance of the natural gas costs. The premium would include an historical figure based on past natural gas usage with an included amount of insurance. The advantage of the program is the saved costs in the general fund. The disadvantage would be the increased cost to include the premium. Over the span of 1 ½ years the increased cost would equate to approximately $18,659. The board weighed the pros and cons, but ultimately did not make a decision. Kibbie moved to table the discussion until the December meeting in order to research the possibility further. Huberty Seconded. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie moved adjourn at 6:37pm. Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2020.12.16 Minutes
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
December 16, 2020 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on December 16, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich (by Zoom), Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Scott Kibbie
Absent: None.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom, Sara Straw, Kelly Josephson, Mike Dunlap, Arik Kerr, Joe Schany, Kari Schany
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:38pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Thomsen moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton moved to approve the consent items less any Student Activity Funds Reports. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Student Activity Fund Reports from November: Dietrich moved to take Item 2a Student Activity Fund Reports from the table. Morton seconded. Motion carried. Hoyman asked the board if they would prefer to postpone the discussion about any Student Activity fund reporting to a date in January after they have a chance to meet in a workshop regarding the changes proposed. Morton moved to approve postponing the Student Activity Funds reports to a date in January. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Updated Policies 409.1-409.2, 803.1, Handbook Title IX and Remote Learning were presented for approval. Thomsen moved to approve the policies and was seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Large Group Risk Pool for Natural Gas: Kibbie moved to take the discussion regarding the Large Group Risk Pool for Natural Gas off the table Seconded by Morton. Motion carried. Hanna presented the agreement to the Finance Committee and summarized it again with the entire board. The premium for the agreement would be paid from the Management Fund instead of paying for natural gas from the general fund. This would free up approximately $79,000 in the general fund. There is currently enough in the Management Fund to pay for this agreement as well as meet current and future obligations. The district is in need of additional funds in the general fund due to loss of students and increasing costs in the coming year(s). This is one tool that may be used to achieve that goal. Superintendent Hanna recommended approving the resolution with the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool. After due consideration and discussion, Director Morton introduced the resolution below and moved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Director Thomsen. After due consideration, President Hoyman put the question to the motion and the roll being called, the following Directors voted:
Ayes: Morton, Thomsen, Huberty, Kibbie, Roethler, Hoyman, Dietrich
Nays: None
Whereupon, the President declared the resolution duly adopted, as follows:
Resolution approving the participation by the School District in a joint agreement establishing local government risk pools
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Emmetsburg Community School District in the County (Counties) of Palo Alto, State of Iowa (the “School District”) is required by Section 274.3 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, to operate, control and supervise all public schools within the boundaries of the School District and is authorized to exercise any broad and implied power not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Iowa and administrative rules adopted by state agencies pursuant thereto, related to the operation, control and supervision of those public schools; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 670.7, subsection 1 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, the School District may join and pay funds into a local government risk pool to protect the School District against any and all liability, loss of property, or any other risks associated with the operation of the School District and the costs of local government risk pools shall be included in the School District’s management levy as provided in Section 296.7 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, or, if the School District has not certified a management levy, the costs shall be paid from the School District’s general fund; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 296.7 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, the School District may enter into agreements obligating the School District to make payments beyond its current budget year to establish and maintain local government risk pools to protect the School District from tort liability, loss of property, environmental hazards or any other risk associated with the operation of the School District; and
WHEREAS, the School District is authorized pursuant to Chapter 28E of the Code of Iowa, as amended, to enter into joint agreements with other public agencies and with private agencies (both as defined therein) for the joint exercise of powers, privileges and authorities exercised or capable of being exercised by the School District; and
WHEREAS, because of the fluctuation of the costs of natural gas and variability of the quantities of natural gas used by the School District caused by changes in winter weather conditions, it is in the best interests of the School District to enter into a joint agreement with other public agencies, in substantially the form as has been presented to and considered by the Board (the “Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Agreement” or the “Agreement”) providing for the forming and creation of the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission (the “Commission”) for the purpose of establishing one or more local government risk pools (together, the “Local Government Risk Pools”) to help the participating public agencies mitigate budget risks associated with winter heating and other natural gas consumption, to enter into contractual arrangements with private parties to access natural gas for the benefit of the participating public agencies, to establish premiums to be paid by the participating public agencies, to pool their risks and stabilize gas prices annually and to facilitate the purchase by and delivery to the participating public agencies of natural gas periodically;
NOW, THEREFORE, It Is Hereby Resolved by the Board of Directors of the School District, as follows:
Section 1. The participation by the School District in the Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Agreement and the Local Government Risk Pools established in accordance therewith are hereby approved.
Section 2. The Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Agreement is hereby approved, and the President and Board Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to accept and execute the same and any related documents for and on behalf of the School District.
Section 3. The Board shall determine from time to time which, if any, of the Local Government Risk Pools established by the Commission are appropriate for the School District to participate in and shall enter into such related documents and agreements as may be necessary in connection therewith and the President and Board Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same for and on behalf of the School District.
Section 4. To the extent that the School District incurs obligations to pay premiums or other costs in connection with such Local Government Risk Pools, the Board agrees to include in its annual budget sufficient funds to pay such obligations each fiscal year from its management levy and/or general fund levy.
Section 5. The President and the Board Secretary (or their acting designees) are hereby authorized to execute and deliver any and all agreements, documents and instruments required in connection with the Agreement and to carry out the purposes set forth in this resolution.
Section 6. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict.
Passed and approved the 16th day of December, 2020.
President, Board of Directors:
Jane Hoyman
Lisa Chapman
Secretary, Board of Directors
The Board took up and considered matters relating to participating in a joint agreement relating to the establishment of a local government risk pool.
After due consideration and discussion, Director Morton introduced the resolution below and moved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Director Thomsen. After due consideration, the President put the question on the motion and the roll being called, the following named Directors voted:
Ayes: Morton, Thomsen, Huberty, Kibbie, Roethler, Hoyman, Dietrich Nays:
Whereupon, the President declared the resolution duly adopted.
HS Report (Christensen): There have been many discussions with teachers regarding students that are not doing any work. Christensen is working with Apex Learning to make sure students are going to be able to get all the credits that they need to graduate. She feels disheartened that students are not putting forth the effort. There is language that says that you can limit the remote learning to those that have medical exemption from a doctor. Administration is looking at requiring students to attend in person. Teachers are spending a lot of time and effort with no reciprocation from some students. STEM Best group met today. The program will include the entire K-12 student body in the program. The goal is to incorporate the concepts into the classroom to increase accessibility.
MS Report (Rodemeyer): Rodemeyer reviewed the Students of the Week honors. Even though remote learning has had negative impacts, the Hybrid Model also has students doing really well, especially with 5th and 6th graders. The students are following directions and showing up when they are asked. Behavioral referrals are down. Homework Camp on Wednesdays has great numbers. The Middle School has four students competing for the All Iowa Honor Band. Seventh and eighth graders recorded their Holiday Vocal Concert. The Food Drive will be accepting donations and delivered to the Food Bank before Christmas break.
Elementary Report (Bjustrom): PBIS Winners were listed. In regards to the Hybrid Model, the overall feeling is that everyone is ready for it to be over. Teachers are working on report cards and linking to curriculum mapping. The PBIS team is working with students that may need that extra encouragement. Working with the school therapist to find additional ways to help students beyond the PBIS team. Students are excited to have more youth programs opening up. The Holiday movie will be held in-house this year.
Iowa Statewide Assessment of Student Progress: The assessments will be held in the spring and will be done online. It is the hope to have results by the end of the school year.
PERSONNEL: There were no resignations or contracts.
BOARD POLICIES: The board presented the first reading of board policies 409.4-409.8. The policy development committee plans to rescind these policies as the wording will be in the handbooks in the future.
OPEN CAMPUS CHANGES: The changes would include giving the privilege to leave during 9th period Directed Study Hall and arrive after morning college classes or study halls. In other words, they will be able to come later and leave earlier if all requirements are met. The majority of students are meeting the expectations. Grades will be reviewed and privileges can be revoked if necessary. Huberty moved to approve the changes as set out by Principal Christensen. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
MODIFIED SUPPLEMENTAL AMOUNT for AT-RISK/DROPOUT: A motion was made by Thomsen and seconded by Hoyman to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $117,929 for Modified Supplemental Assistance for the purpose of the Dropout Prevention and At-Risk programs. Motion carried.
Christensen informed the board the request for a greenhouse for the district. Administration is working on finding grants to raise the money for the greenhouse. Today’s request is to purchase the benching and materials for the greenhouse through the PACGDC Mini Grants. This signature program can draw the interest of students and help retain instructors. The goal is to have the best equipment and facilities for all students to make the district appealing to everyone. Director Aaron Dietrich made a motion to apply for a Mini Grant from PACGDC for Emmetsburg Community School District - Greenhouse Project in the amount of $3,825.00. Director Kathy Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie moved adjourn at 6:52pm. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2021.01.20
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 20, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on January 20, 2021 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Scott Kibbie (by Zoom)
Absent: None.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tracie Christensen (by Zoom), Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom, Sara Straw, Kelly Josephson, Robin Hauswirth, Joe Schany, Jill Schany
Mike Dunlap
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 5:30pm, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
TEACHING & LEARNING: Impossible to I’m Possible
In response to current conditions in today’s environment, administration created the “Impossible to I’m Possible” program. Administration has awarded and will continue to award staff that take extra steps to lead the students and district. Staff awards included the Preschool Team, Darca Saxton, Renee Iverson, Holly Keenan, Amy Thompson and Brett Hansen.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 409.4-409.7 were rescinded. These policies were moved to the Handbook. Moved to approve the rescission and seconded. Motion carried.
Student Activity Fund Reports from November: Morton moved to approve the transfers to correct accounting in the student activity fund. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
High School: Mrs. Christensen reviewed enrollments. Middle School is down two students from the beginning of the year. High School is also down two students from the beginning of the year. Enrollments are very fluid with a family enrolling three new students today. Students’ credits at Iowa Lakes Community College for first semester were reviewed. There were three failed classes costing the district $1,701. This number is down from previous years. The first semester grades were reviewed at the High School. Most of the classes that were failed were online. The Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) program at the High School was reviewed. Christensen spoke of her vision. A meeting was held today with the AEA to go over the action plan for Portrait of a Graduate.
Middle School: Mr. Rodemeyer recognized the Students of the Week: Jacob Fox, Addison Weir, Tristen Hasbrouck and Bronson Dietrich. Online students are now using the Apex online program. There are seven students using the program in Middle School. They are working on getting the program to run smoothly and troubleshoot with parents when needed. Rodemeyer talked about the PBIS program in the Middle School which has been in place for quite some time. Mrs. Josephson is heading up an innovation project with some of the 5th and 6th grade students. The goal is to have student voice and choice in creating a solution to the missing work problem that students have.
Elementary: Mr. Bjustrom talked of the students that made clay figurines of people they look up to. ISASP testing dates are coming up. There are two student teachers in the building. Bjustrom recognized the staff that received the Impossible to I’m Possible awards in the last couple of weeks. West plans to have the Preschool Open House on February 24. Details will be in the paper soon. Bjustrom informed the board about the PBIS program at West and recognized Amy Thompson who has worked to polish the program.
Personnel: Thomsen moved to approve the resignation of Chad Francis as Assistant Varsity Softball Coach to be able to accept the position of Head Varsity Softball Coach. Roethler seconded. Motion carried. Huberty moved to approve the following contracts: Ben Thomsen-Head Boys & Girls Track Coach (was previously only Girls/1 year only)-Additional $1, 474, Dave Rubis-Assistant Varsity Boys & Girls Track ($3,186), Chad Francis-Head Softball Coach ($4,660), April Buss-Assistant Varsity Softball Coach ($3,186). Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Policies 501.04-501.12 were reviewed. They will be presented for a second reading in February.
COVID Leave Policy: The previous federal legislation expired December 31, 2020. The district will be receiving ESSER II funds to help pay for any expenses related to COVID. Mr. Hanna is recommending that the district continue the resolution for the district until the end of the school year. Roethler moved to approve the following resolution:
The resolution allowing employees satisfying one of the three standards noted below to be eligible for two weeks of leave capped at 80 hours paid at the employee's full regular compensation rate expired on 12/31/2020 For a part-time employee it is the number of hours equal to the average number of hours that the employee works over a typical two-week period. Please select the applicable reason and follow the related instructions.
I am unable to work or telework for the following reasons:
___I am quarantined pursuant to Federal, State, or local government order.
___I am quarantined on the advice of a health care provider due to COVID-19 concerns.
___I am experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking a medical diagnosis.
The Emmetsburg Community School District extends the provisions of the expired resolution to those employees who have not previously used the allowable additional 80 hours of COVID leave through the end of the 2020-2021 school year. If a staff member has previously used the 80 hours of COVID leave, the staff member would then be eligible to use their first Sick Leave, if they run out of Sick Leave they could use then use Personal Leave, and if they exhaust their personal leave, they could then use emergency leave for remaining time. All leave must be substantiated by our school nurse and/or Palo Alto County Community Public Health when using this additional COVID leave.
Seconded by Thomsen. Roll call vote: Roethler, Morton, Kibbie, Hoyman, Huberty, Thomsen, Dietrich. Motion carried.
It is vital that staff who are positive or have been exposed to a positive case do not come to work with the possibility of spreading the virus. Teachers will have the option of teaching from home if applicable. In such cases no sick leave will be needed. The District will be able to use ESSER II funds to cover the cost associated with this extension.
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:07pm. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Minutes - 2021.05.11 Special
Board Minutes - 2021.05.11 Special
Special Meeting
Board of Education
May 11, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on May 11, 2021 at 7:00am.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Kathy Roethler (Zoom), Aaron Dietrich (Zoom)
Scott Kibbie, Val Morton (Zoom), Katy Thomsen
Absent: Bill Huberty
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman (Zoom), Arik Kerr (Zoom), Tracie Christensen,
Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom,
Jane Hoyman, President, called the session to order at 7:00am, acknowledged the fact of a quorum.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Mr. Hanna thanked all staff for their service.
Morton moved to approve the following resignations:
Jean Carpenter-Cook
Bryan Ruff-Systems Administrator
Stacy Berkland-Para-Educator
Billie Jean Buhrow-Para-Educator
Mike Dunlap-Head Football Coach
Roethler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Thomsen and Morton entered the meeting at 7:03am.
Contracts/Letters of Assignment
Dietrich moved to approve the following contracts and/or Letters of Assignment:
Jason Holt-Industrial Technology Teacher-$49,835
Michelle Hatland-Kitchen Help/Temporary Part-Time with ESSER Funding-$10.40/hr
Sandy Chada-Kitchen Help/Temporary Part-Time with ESSER Funding-$10.40/hr
Jenna Wolfe-Basketball Cheer Sponsor-$1,009
Michael DeMaria-HS Science Teacher-$47,257, HS Varsity Baseball Summer 2022-$4,660
Kimberly Link-Elementary Special Education Strat 2/Shared with Catholic School-$48,394
Katie Schmitt-MS 8th Grade Girls Track-$2,268
Scott Higgins-7th Grade Girls Basketball-$1,976
Jadyn Schutjer-MS Softball pending receipt of certification.
Morton voiced concern regarding communication to him about the resignations and contracts before hearing about it at the board level. Mr. Hanna thanked Morton and noted that a point will be made to improve that communication.
Kibbie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
All contracts/letters of assignment are subject to a clear background check and certification.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:10am. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
________________________ ________________________
Board President Board Secretary
Board Work Session Minutes - 2020.09.02
Board Work Session Minutes - 2020.09.02EMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Work Session
Board of Education
September 2, 2020 Minutes
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on September 2, 2020 at 5:30pm in the HS Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Aaron Dietrich, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy
Thomsen, Scott Kibbie
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Lisa Chapman, Julie Dunlap,
Jadyn Schutjer, Kelly Josephson
COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies
The goals for the district were reiterated. Administration is doing everything possible to keep our students and staff safe and healthy and in school as well as everything possible for our kids to play and compete. The district has already faced making decisions about positive cases of COVID-19. If a positive case of COVID-19 with a student exists and had been in the school within 48 hours of the positive test, the following protocol will be implemented:
Middle School/High School-With Palo Alto Community Health, contact tracing would be conducted. Those in close contact (within 6 feet for 15 continuous minutes), that person would be quarantined. Remaining students would continue with in-person learning but will require face coverings. Face masks and shields have been ordered and distributed to all students and staff. Students with medical conditions are exempt from the requirement. A medical note will be required.
Grades 3 & 4-Same procedures.
PK-2-Students in the same classroom as the positive case would begin remote learning for a period of 14 days. Students in the remaining classes would continue to learn in person.
If the positivity rate rises above 10% for a 3 day average:
If after the implementation of the protocols, there are still increases in virus activity, the district will add another level of protocol. The A/B School Week by Family process will be implemented. Face masks would be required.
Final Level of Mitigation Protocol:
This level would only be used if all protocols fail. The Department of Education will allow the district to file a waiver to close a building or the district if the positivity rate in Palo Alto County exceeds 15%.
Open Campus
Policy was approved by the board on August 5, 2020 that included changes regarding Open Campus. The current policy states the following requirements must be met for Open Campus: passing grade in all classes, no more than 2 missing assignments, attends school on a regular basis and is on time for class, student must have 3 or less minor discipline/office referrals per quarter and student must have less than 2 major officer referrals for the year. Open campus gives seniors the privilege to leave school grounds during the 9th period Directed Study Hall. The option for juniors to have open campus for 2nd semester was deleted. Students have been unhappy with the changes. Graduation rates for the last 3 years were reported. The graduation rate for 2019 was below the state average. Emmetsburg CSD dropout rate for 2018-2019 was 4.46%. Tracie Christensen,, HS/MS Principal noted that Emmetsburg needs to do a better job of setting expectations, holding all accountable to those expectations and making our students ready for the future. Christensen reported that 7.2% of graduating seniors had to enroll in remedial classes through a public college/university. Chronic absenteeism is a problem. 16.4% is Emmetsburg’s chronic absenteeism rate. The state average is 12%. Failed high school classes during three years totaled 158. First semester of 2019-2020 included 2,358 missing assignments in high school. College class numbers were reported. Over a three year period the district incurred over $32,000 for college classes that were failed by the student. Christensen, along with Assistant HS/MS Principal, Tim Rodemeyer, is reviewing procedures in the college course programs to better prepare students. Christensen’s top priority is to create a culture in which teachers can teach and students can learn. She would also like to collaborate with the Building Leadership Team to implement a Tier II MTSS Intervention System to prevent students from falling through the cracks. Administration plans to use the Edify Assessment system to better prepare students and see their growth. Some of the practices that Christensen plans to implement include developing a Portrait of a Graduate, partnering with Iowa Lakes Community College to put together a process that benefits students, put together a team for the STEM Best Grant as well as developing an Apprenticeship Program.
Christensen is open to reviewing data at the end of the first quarter and making possible changes to current processes. The biggest concern is COVID-19. Keeping the students safe is most important. Secondly, absenteeism and grades will be reviewed.
The work session ended at 7:20pm.
__________________________________ __________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
2021-22 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Tue, 06/22/2021 - 13:3701.05.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
01.05.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting
Board of Education
January 5, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on January 5 at 12:00pm in the Conference Room. (Emergency meeting due to the timeliness of approving a coach for practice beginning on January 6th, 2022.)
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Bruce Nelson, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley
Absent: Val Morton, Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, Lisa Chapman
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 12:00pm.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Personnel: Riley moved to approve the resignation of Jadyn Schutjer as the 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. Riley moved to approve the contract of the 7th grade Girls Basketball Coach to Max Dunlap ($1,976). Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Huberty moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:05pm. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
__________________________________ _____________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
01.19.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
01.19.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 19, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on January 19, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Amy Thompson, Kelly Josephson, Robin Hauswirth, Kelly Klaus, Sara Straw, Jacob Oliver, Joe Schany, Kari Menefee, Tyler Bjustrom (by Zoom), Tiffany Tomlin, Emily Schany, Rachel Miner, Laney Montag, Aurora Peters, Carson Hoffman,Connor Egland, Darca Saxton, Kate Francis, Nicolas Anderson-Flynn, Lauren Rouse, Solara Rolon, Jill Schany, Kari Schany, Jamie Rouse
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
PUBLIC COMMENT-None on hand for comment.
FFA Members-FFA Officers spoke to the board about their FFA program. The members reviewed the National Convention trip where they attended a motivational speaker, workshops, a zoo and visited with colleges regarding their agricultural programs. FFA President Montag noted that fruit sales brought in $26,129. Sub-district contests are coming up. Those that receive a first or second placing will move on to districts and possibly state in April. Carson Hoffman informed the board about the Friends of Ag Program. The FFA members exited following their presentation.
SEL Handbook-Behavior Coaches Amy Thompson (Elementary) and Kari Menefee (Secondary) discussed the Social and Emotional framework and how it integrates with the district’s strategic plan through the handbook developed. They requested that this piece be adopted into the handbook.
Middle School Student Council Mini-Grant-Middle School Student Council members Nicholas Anderson-Flynn, Lauren Rouse and Solara Rolon presented the outdoor tables project which was submitted as a mini-grant to the Palo Alto County Gaming & Development Corporation. A survey was sent to all middle school students with varying ideas submitted. The total project cost of two tables would be $3,475.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton moved to approve the consent items with amendments made to the December 15 minutes (the correct people on hand approving motions after the storm had passed and the board reconvened were corrected) and was seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Thomsen moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 407.6, 407.6E1 (407.1E1-number correct to 407.6E1)) 600-602.4, 705.3-705.3R1. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
High School: Enrollment is slightly down. Two students in the Alternative School have completed their coursework. PBIS Students of the Month were noted. PBIS data from the first semester was reviewed.
Middle School: MS Students of the Month noted. Enrollment update-down two students from first semester. PBIS goals reviewed. FAST score data was reviewed.
Elementary: Bjustrom reviewed enrollment by grade level. There are six more students in the elementary school from the beginning of the year. Students are currently taking FAST tests. A Literacy Night survey has been sent to parents. February 22 will be Literacy Night for grades 2-4 from 6-7pm and February 24th will be for Kindergarten and 1st Grades from 6-7pm. Bjustrom reported $12,042.50 of the goal for the playground project in the Parents in Education (P.I.E) group was raised. They will be looking at another fundraiser at the end of the year.
Personnel: Morton moved to approve the following resignations: Kim Link-Elementary Special Education effective end of school year and Lisa Chapman-Business Manager/Board Secretary effective March 31, 2022. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Riley moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Bruce Nelson-Volunteer Middle School Girls Basketball Coach. Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes-Riley, Huberty, Thomsen, Morton, Roethler. Nays-None. Abstain-Nelson. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 603.1-603.9R1, 403.7 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular February board meeting.
Emergency Temporary Standard OSHA Vaccine Mandate: A first reading was held, but the district does not have to do anything with this policy due to the current stay.
SBRC FY22 SWVPP Increased Enrollment Funding Request: Riley moved to approve as part of the district’s response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the district’s administration authorization to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for funding related to FY22 SWVPP increased enrollment in the amount of $61,429.50. Seconded by Nelson. Ayes-Huberty, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays-none. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Nelson moved to adjourn at 6:27pm. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
01.28.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes- West Elem HVAC
01.28.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes- West Elem HVACEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
January 28, 2022 Special Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on January 28, 2022 at 12:00pm in the Conference Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bruce Nelson, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Katy Thomsen, Bill Huberty
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 12:00pm.
Approval of Agenda: Thomsen moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
HVAC Project at West Elementary: Superintendent Hanna shared the plans and specifications for the West Elementary Air Conditioning Phase I project. Plans,specifications and budgeting were discussed among the board. Huberty moved to approve the plans and specifications. Morton seconded. Motion carried. Dates for bids: Pre-Bid Meeting is February 14, 2022 at 2pm, Sealed bids are due February 22, 2022 at 2pm. The special meeting is scheduled for February 23, 2022 to approve the bids.
Adjournment: Morton moved to adjourn at 12:13pm. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
______________________________ _____________________________
Board President Board Secretary
02.23.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
02.23.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Public Hearing
Board of Education
February 23, 2022 Minutes
A public hearing was held regarding the West Elementary HVAC/A-C Project at 5:30 pm in the High School Library. The public hearing reviewed the proposed plans , specifications, form of contract and the estimated cost of said improvements. Those in attendance were: Board Members-Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bill Huberty, Scott, Kibbie, Bruce Nelson, and Lori Riley. Administrators-Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, and Tyler Bjustrom. Also in attendance were: Kelly Josephson, Brett Hansen, Randy Olson, Sara Straw, Matt Graves, Robin Hauswirth, Diane Weiland, Darca Saxton, Kari Menefee.
Katy Thomsen moved to open the public hearing. Bill Huberty seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Comments regarding the public hearing:
No comments were received.
Bruce Nelson moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Lori Riley. Motion carried.
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on February 23, 2022 at 5:33 pm in the High School Library (following the public hearing).
Present: Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie
Absent: Kathy Roethler
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Kelly Josephson, Brett Hansen,
Randy Olson, Sara Straw, Matt Graves, Robin Hauswirth, Diane Weiland, Darca Saxton,
Kari Menefee.
Val Morton, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm.
Approval of Agenda: Scott Kibbie moved to approve the agenda with one late item (Discuss/Approve/Reject Bids for West Elementary Air Conditioning Phase 1 Bids). Seconded by Katy Thomsen. Motion carried.
Computer Science Plan- The District is now required to develop and implement a Computer Science Plan. Development Team Members Sara Straw, Randy Olson, Brett Hansen, and Tracie Christensen presented the progress made to date on the development of the plan.
Core Values Activity- Secondary Instructional Coach Kelly Josephson, facilitated an activity with Board Members on identifying core values for ECSD. Josephson then reviewed the results of the same activity that was completed with staff at both the elementary and secondary levels. The next step is to synthesize all of the information into a common set of core values for the District.
CONSENT ITEMS: Bill Huberty moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Bruce Nelson. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Bruce Nelson moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 603.1-603.11. Seconded by Katy Thomsen. Motion carried.
High School: Secondary Principal Tracie Christensen shared highlights from the High School Building Report.
Middle School: Principal Tracie Christensen shared highlights from the Middle School Building Report.
Elementary: Principal Tyler Bjustrom shared highlights from the Elementary School Building Report.
Personnel: Scott Kibbie moved to approve the following resignations: Sarah Brugman-Middle School Teacher, Robin Hauswirth-Middle School Teacher, Jenifer Thayer-Middle School Teacher, Holly Keenan-Prom Sponsor, Tim Rodemeryer Assistant High School Track. Seconded by Bill Huberty. Motion carried.
Katy Thomsen moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Alyssa Enderson-Business Manager/Board Secretary ($55,000). Seconded by Scott Kibbie. Motion carried.
Scott Kibbie moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Briar Rowly-Head Baseball Coach ($4,660). Seconded by Bill Huberty. Motion carried.
Scott Kibbie moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Jadyn Schutjer-Assistant Track Coach ($3,186). Seconded by Bill Huberty. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 604.1-604.9, Cell Phone Policy for Students and Educational Assistance Requests that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular March board meeting.
Early Retirement Applications: Applications for the early retirement program were submitted to the board by Sarah Brugman, Robin Hauswirth and Jenifer Thayer, all Middle School Teachers. Bruce Nelson moved to approve the applications and Lori Riley seconded. Motion carried. The board thanks these three long time teachers for their dedication to teaching and loyalty to the district.
Out of State Trip: Mr. Rodemeyer requested the approval of a class trip for the 8th Grade class to travel to Mt. Kato in Mankato, MN. Katy Thomsen moved to approve the trip and Bruce Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
West Air Conditioning Phase 1 Bids: There was one bid received for the project. That bid met all bidding requirements. The bid was approximately $200,000.00 dollars over the projected estimates. Scott Kibbie moved to reject the bids and rework the project bids for the Summer of 2023. Bruce Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Scott Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:27pm. Lori Riley seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board Vice-President Acting Board Secretary
03.16.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes- Budget Hearing
03.16.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes- Budget Hearing
Public Budget Hearing
Board of Education
March 16, 2022 Minutes
A public hearing was held regarding the Public Budget Hearing at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Kibbie moved to open the public hearing. Roethler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Comments regarding the public hearing: None
No comments were received.
Roethler moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on March 16, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library (following the public hearing).
Present: Val Morton (by phone), Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie, Kathy Roethler
Absent: Bruce Nelson, Katy Thomsen, Bill Huberty
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:34pm.
Public Comment: There were no patrons present to speak.
Approval of Agenda: Kibbie moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Riley moved to approve the consent items with the minutes amended including Nelson’s comments regarding early retirement and was seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
High School: Secondary Principal Tracie Christensen shared their report from the High School Building Report.
Middle School: Principal Tracie Christensen shared their report from the Middle School Building Report.
Elementary: Principal Tyler Bjustrom shared their report from the Elementary School Building Report.
Personnel: Morton moved to approve the following contracts: Gable Bonner- HS Math ($47,257-BA Step 7), Gable Bonner- Freshman Football ($2,696- Schedule B, Lacey Kilgore-Elementary Teacher ($51,767-MA Step 7), Kayla Schrunk-5th Grade Teacher ($41,244-BA Step 3), Kayla Schrunk-7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach ($1,976), Kayla Schrunk-7th Grade Girls Volleyball Coach ($1,976), Gabriel Davis-MS Science Teacher ($38,237- BA Step 1), Ashley Bonner- K-4 At-Risk Counselor ($47,257) & Varsity Softball Coach ($4,660 Schedule B). Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Approve the FY23 Budget: Riley motioned by to approve the FY23 Budget. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Approve the FY23 Budget Guarantee:
RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Emmetsburg Community School District, will levy property taxes for the fiscal year 2022-2023 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Motion by: Roethler. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Roethler, Morton, Kibbie, Riley Nays: None. Absent: Nelson, Thomsen, Huberty
Appoint Secretary/Treasurer: Kibbie motioned to approve Alyssa Enderson as the Board Secretary/Treasurer. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried. Enderson read the oath.
Items to Table: Motion by Kibbie to table the following: Old Business-Second reading of Board Policies 604.01-604.09 and New Business items to the March 23rd Board Meeting: Sharing Teaching Contract, Audit, Public Hearing for Academic Calendar, Contract with LGRP, AEA Purchasing Agreement, Cooperative Agreement for Pre-Service Clinical Placement, Early Graduation Request, Teacher Retention Payments, Camera Upgrade, Auditorium Sound System Upgrade due to the timing and availability of Board Members. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 5:46pm. Riley seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
03.23.2022 Regular Board Meeting/Public Hearing Minutes
03.23.2022 Regular Board Meeting/Public Hearing MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Public Budget Hearing
Board of Education
March 23, 2022 Minutes
A public hearing was held regarding the Athletic Complex Improvements at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
FEH Design presented an overview of the project
Comments regarding the public hearing: No comments were received.
Without objection, the public hearing was closed at 6:35 p.m
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on March 23, 2022 at 6:37pm in the High School Library (following the public hearing).
Present: Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Scott Kibbie, Bruce Nelson, Bill Huberty, Lori Riley,
Katy Thomsen.
Absent: None
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom, Jill Schany,
Sara Straw, L.B. Hurley
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 6:38 pm.
Public Comment: There were no patrons present to speak.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Tabled Agenda Items: Motion by Kibbie to untable and act on items A and C-M from the March 16, 2022 meeting. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Motion by Kibbie to approve revisions to Board Policies. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Softball/Baseball Improvements:
Motion by Morton to approve to set Bid Time, Date, and Place on the Athletic Complex Improvements for the Emmetsburg Community School District for 10:00 am, Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at the High School – Media Center. Bids will then be publicly opened at this location. Second by Nelson. Motion carried
Motion by Nelson to approve the proposed plans, specifications and the proposed form of contract and estimated cost of construction for the “Athletic Complex Improvements for the Emmetsburg Community School District”. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Shared Teaching Contract: Motion by Morton to approve the shared teaching contract. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
A public hearing was held regarding the 2022-2023 Academic Calendar at 6:45 pm in the High School Library.
Comments regarding the public hearing: No comments were received.
Without objection, the public hearing was closed at 6:47 p.m
Approve the FY23 Academic Calendar: Motion by Huberty to approve the FY23 Academic Calendar. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Contract with LGRP: Motion by Thomsen to approve the LGRP contract. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
AEA Purchasing Agreement: Motion by Riley to approve the annual AEA Purchasing Agreement. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Cooperative Agreement for Pre-service Clinical Placement: Motion by Nelson to approve the Cooperative Agreement for Pre-Service Clinical Placement. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Early Graduation Request: Motion by Nelson to approve the Early Graduation requests. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Teacher Retention Payments from the State: Motion by Nelson to approve the State Teacher Retention payments. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Camera Upgrade: Motion by Kibbie to approve the Camera Upgrades by Thompsonknows. Second by Morton. Motion carried.
Auditorium Sound System Upgrade: Motion by Huberty to upgrade the sound system in the auditorium with RDI. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 7:00 pm. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
03.28.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
03.28.2022 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
March 28, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session onMarch 28, 2022 at 5:30 PM.
Present: Val Morton, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Scott Kibbie and Lori Riley
Also Present: Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, Tim Rodemeyer, & Sara Straw
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie . Motion carried.
Discuss/Approve Superintendent Search: Discussion was held about search firm options and desired traits in a Superintendent.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 PM. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
04.07.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
04.07.2022 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
April 7, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on April 7, 2022 at 7:30 AM.
Present: Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, and Lori Riley
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Alyssa Enderson, and Jill Schany
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 7:30 AM.
Approval of Agenda: Nelson moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Discuss/Approve Contracts and Resignations: Motion by Huberty to approve the following resignation- Marcia Morse- HS Spanish Teacher. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. Nelson made a motion to approve the following contracts- Haleigh Reicks-HS Science ($38,237.00 BA Step 1) with 3 year sign on bonus, Abbie Schany- Co Junior High Softball Coach ($1,134) and JV Softball Coach ($3,186.00), and Molly Schany- Co Junior High Softball Coach ($1,134.00) and Freshman Softball Coach ($2,696.00). Motion was seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Nelson moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 AM. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
03.31.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
03.31.2022 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
March 31, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on March 31, 2022 at 6:00 PM.
Present: Val Morton, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Scott Kibbie and Lori Riley
Also Present: Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Jill Schany, & Darca Saxton
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Approval of Agenda: Thomsen moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie . Motion carried.
Superintendent Search Firm Presentations: Presentations were given by Grundmeyer Leader Services and Ed Wise LLC via Zoom meeting.
Discuss/Approve Superintendent Search: Motion was made by Kibbie to hire Grundmeyer Leader Services to perform the Superintendent search. Seconded by Morton. Ayes- Roethler, Kibbie, Nelson, and Morton. Nays- Huberty and Riley. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:41 PM. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
04.20.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
04.20.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Board Meeting
Board of Education
April 20, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on April 20, 2022 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie,
Kathy Roethler(via zoom)
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, Alyssa Enderson, Kari Menefee, Arik Kerr, Kelly Josephson, Darca Saxton, Jill Schany, Robin Hauswirth, Sara Straw, and Lou Ann Gvist from IASB.
Val Morton, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM.
Approval of Agenda: Scott Kibbie moved to approve the agenda with one table item (Discuss Public Access to Facilities). Seconded by Katy Thomsen. Motion carried.
History Day Projects- Students had projects set up in the lobby for Board members to view and hear presentations from 5:00- 5:30 PM.
CONSENT ITEMS: Bill Huberty moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Lori Riley. Motion carried.
Board Policies: None
High School: Secondary Principal Tracie Christensen shared highlights from the High School Building Report.
Middle School: Assistant Principal Tim Rodemeyer shared highlights from the Middle School Building Report.
Elementary: Principal Tyler Bjustrom shared highlights from the Elementary School Building Report.
Discuss/Approve/Reject Sports Complex Bids: Nelson motioned to approve the Graves Construction bid. Second by Huberty. Roll call vote: Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Huberty, Nelson, Thomsen, Riley. Nays- Kibbie. Motion carried.
Personnel: Katy Thomsen moved to approve the following resignations: Ellen Barkve- Cook, Dorothy Waldschmidt- Cook, Kari Menefee- Secondary Behavior Coach & 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, Dawn Siemers- Elementary Secretary. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 604.10-605.5. The second reading will be held at the regular May board meeting.
Graduate List: Bill Huberty moved to approve the 2022 Senior Graduate List pending they meet all the Graduation requirements. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Non-Certified Wages: Motion by Nelson to approve 0.50 cent raise to all Non-Certified staff. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Directors’ Wages (Non-Certified): Motion by Nelson to approve 3% increase in Director wages excluding Business Manager and Second Nurse. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Administrator Wages: Motion by Kibbie to approve 3% increase in salary for Administrators. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Staff Retention Payment (Other than Teachers): Motion by Nelson to approve the staff retention payment in the amount of $1,000 per Full Time employee and $500 per Part Time employee and $300 for the 5 coaches who are not Full or Part Time Employees of Emmetsburg CSD. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Out of State Trip: Mr. Bjustrom requested the approval of a class trip for the 3rd Grade class to travel to Sioux Falls, SD to attend the Sioux Falls Zoo and Butterfly aquarium. Scott Kibbie moved to approve the trip and Katy Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
Vista Software Contract: Nelson moved to approve the Vista Software agreement. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Scott Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:34 PM. Katy Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board Vice-President Board Secretary
04.20.2022 Work Session Minutes
Work Session
Board of Education
April 20, 2022 Minutes
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on April 20, 2022 at 6:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie,
Kathy Roethler(via zoom)
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, Alyssa Enderson,
and Lou Ann Gvist from IASB.
Val Morton, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM.
The purpose of the workshop is to educate current and new board members on their legal authority and responsibilities to the school district. Lou Ann Gvist conducted the Board Development Workshop with participation and collaboration from Board members and Administrators.
The work session ended at 8:35 PM.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board Vice-President Board Secretary
04.20.2022 Work Session Minutes
Work Session
Board of Education
April 20, 2022 Minutes
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on April 20, 2022 at 6:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie,
Kathy Roethler(via zoom)
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, Alyssa Enderson,
and Lou Ann Gvist from IASB.
Val Morton, Board Vice President, called the meeting to order at 5:40 PM.
The purpose of the workshop is to educate current and new board members on their legal authority and responsibilities to the school district. Lou Ann Gvist conducted the Board Development Workshop with participation and collaboration from Board members and Administrators.
The work session ended at 8:35 PM.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board Vice-President Board Secretary
04.27.2022 Closed Session Board Minutes
04.27.2022 Closed Session Board MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting- Closed Session
Board of Education
April 27, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on April 27, 2022 at 5:30 PM.
Present: Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton and Lori Riley
Also Present: Alyssa Enderson & Tracie Christensen
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:34 PM
Approval of Agenda: Kibbie moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION: Motion by Kibbie to move into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session; seconded by Morton. Roll call- Roethler, Morton, Huberty, Kibbie, Riley, Thomsen, Nelson. Moved into closed session at 5:38 PM.
Tracie Christensen entered at 5:50 PM.
Katy Thomsen exited at 6:19 PM and re-entered at 7:13 PM.
Motion by Kibbie to exit closed session at 8:17 PM. Seconded by Morton. Roll call- Roethler, Morton, Huberty, Kibbie, Riley, Thomsen, Nelson.
Scott Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:19 PM. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
05.03.2022 Closed Session Board Minutes- Superintendent Interviews
05.03.2022 Closed Session Board Minutes- Superintendent InterviewsEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Closed Session
Board of Education
May 3, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on May 3, 2022 at 2:00 PM.
Present: Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Scott Kibbie, and
Lori Riley
Absent: Val Morton
Also Present: Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 1:56 PM.
Approval of Agenda: Nelson moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Closed Session- Superintendent Interviews: Motion by Kibbie to move into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session; seconded by Riley. Roll call- Roethler, Huberty, Kibbie, Riley, Thomsen, Nelson. Moved into closed session at 2:00 PM.
Val Morton arrived at 5:04 PM
Recess from 6:02 PM to 6:42 PM
Motion to exit closed session at 8:07 PM by Kathy Roethler. Seconded by Riley. Roll call- Roethler, Morton, Huberty, Kibbie, Riley, Thomsen and Nelson.
Superintendent Contract: Motion by Morton to extend a contract to our preferred candidate per our discussion in closed session. Second by Nelson. Ayes- Roethler, Thomsen, Kibbie, Riley, Huberty, Nelson, and Morton. Nays- None. Motion carried.
Motion to adjourn meeting at 8:39 PM by Kibbie. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
05.18.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
05.18.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
May 18, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on May 18, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Bruce Nelson, and Lori Riley
Absent: Scott Kibbie and Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Alyssa Enderson, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen,
Tyler Bjustrom, Cory Jenness, Kelly Josephson, Sara Straw, Jeremy Zeigler,
Darca Saxton, Amy Thompson, Robin Hauswirth, Kelly Klaus, Kari Menefee,
Mike & Robert Frederick
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:31pm.
Elementary Outcomes- Sara Straw presented student testing score data
Secondary Outcomes- Kelly Josephson presented student testing score data
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: None at this time. Discuss Public Access to Facilities remains tabled until the June meeting.
High School: Robert Frederick presented his Eagle Scout project which includes a trophy case and planters to the Middle School area.
Middle School: Reports were given to the board.
Elementary: Reports were given to the board.
Personnel: Nelson moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Ashley Bonner- NHS Advisor- $532.00; Sarah Yotter- Musical Choreographer- $856.40; Cory Jenness- Superintendent- $140,000.00; Saige Matthies- Special Education Teacher- $43,568.00; Amy Stewart- MS Teacher- $51,767.00 with $2,500.00 sign on bonus; Madison Schoening- 5-12 Behavior Coach- $4,000.00; Jill Schany- Secondary ELA Model Teacher- $4,000.00; Holly Keenan- Secondary HS Math/Science Model Teacher- $4,000.00; Kari Menefee- Elementary BLT- $1,000.00; and Elizabeth Naviaux- MS BLT- $1,000.00. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 605.7-606.1 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular June board meeting.
Equipment Repair Insurance Contract: Morton motioned to approve the Jester Insurance contract for FY23. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Salary Increase for Food Service Staff: Hanna presented the need to increase Food Service staff. Huberty motioned to approve the increase in pay for Cooks and Servers. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Navigate360 SEL Subscription: Lori Riley motioned to approve the Navigate360 contract. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Summer Projects: Morton made the motion to approve the Summer project list. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Secondary Handbook Review: The first half of the Handbook was given to Board members to review. The second half will be given in June and final approval will be at the regular July board meeting.
Adjournment: Morton moved to adjourn at 6:05pm. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
05.26.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
05.26.2022 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
May 26, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on May 26, 2022 at 12:00 PM.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Scott Kibbie, Bill Huberty and Bruce Nelson
Also Present: Darren Hanna and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM
Approval of Agenda: Kibbie moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
May Personnel: Huberty motioned to approve the new hires including Eric Flynn 7-12 Band Teacher; BA24 Step 7- $50,264.00 and Sarah Frederick West Administrative Assistant- $16.00/hour. Kibbie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
May Additional Claims: Nelson motioned to approve the additional claims for May. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 PM. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
_______________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
06.16.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
06.16.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
June 16, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on June 16, 2022 at 5:00pm in the High School Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Bill Huberty, Scott Kibbie, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley,
& Bruce Nelson
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, Cory Jenness,
Kelly Josephson, Darca Saxton, Jill Schany, Arik Kerr, & BJ Schany
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Thomsen moved to approve the consent items. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
OLD BUSINESS: Kibbie motioned to untable discussion for Public Access to Facilities. Second by Thomsen. Motion carried. Discussion was held on protocols for the weight room and gym access by members and organizations in the public with an emphasis on safety for students.
Second Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 605.6R1-607.6 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve the second reading. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Val Morton exited the meeting at 5:28 pm.
Para-Teacher Grant: Mrs. Christensen gave a presentation on the consortium Emmetsburg is included in
Personnel: Huberty moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Dawn Daniels- SPED teacher- $19,320.00; Danielle Auten- Elementary SPED Stipend- $7,500.00; Eric Flynn- Summer Band $3,225.00 & Head HS Band/Jazz Band- $4,660.00; Deb Benjamin- ½ of Secondary Behavior Coach- $2,000.00; Madison Schoening- ½ 5th Model Teacher- $2000.00; & Maria Ortiz- Cook- $13.50/ hour. Huberty also motioned to include the following resignation in the approval: Alexis Carlson- 5th/6th Grade Music Teacher. Both motions were seconded by Thomsen. Motions carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 700-701.4 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting.
FY23 Fee Sheet: Nelson motioned to approve the School Fee Sheet for FY23. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Secondary Handbook Review (Second Half): Christensen reviewed the 2nd portion of the Secondary Handbook and noted the changes/revisions. Approval will be at the July Board meeting.
Elementary Handbook Review: Bjustrom reviewed the Elementary Handbook and noted the changes/revisions. Approval will be at the July Board meeting.
Graves Construction Contract (Baseball/Softball Improvements: Nelson moved to approve the contract with Graves Construction for the Baseball/Softball field improvements. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Certified Staff Handbook: Hanna reviewed the proposed changes to the Certified staff handbook for FY23. Riley motioned to approve the FY23 Certified staff handbook. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Support Staff Handbook: Hanna reviewed the proposed changes to the Support staff handbook for FY23. Huberty motioned to approve the FY23 Support staff handbook. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Mediacom Contracts: Hanna presented the current telephone billings and pressed for the need to minimize and consolidate the line usage in order to avoid overspending on phone, fax and internet lines. Kibbie motioned to approve the MS/HS building contract with Mediacom. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried. Thomsen motioned to approve the West building contract with Mediacom. Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Lumen Contract: Nelson made the motion to approve the contract with Lumen for phone access/long distance lines. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Iowa Lakes Contract: Huberty motioned to approve the contract for FY23 school year. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Bauer Plumbing (Bathroom Remodel): Hanna presented the need to update 4 bathrooms in the MS/HS building. Nelson motioned to approve the quote with Bauer Plumbing for the fixtures and stalls needed to do the remodel. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Door Security Contract with ANP: Riley motioned to approve the contract with ANP for Security Door services. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Additional Cameras with ThompsonKnows: Kibbie motioned to approve the purchase of additional cameras for the building. Riley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Discuss Middle School Football Field: Discussion was held regarding the Middle School Football field and the desired purpose of utilizing the space.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 7:01pm. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
08.06.2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes
08.06.2021 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
August 6, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on August 6, 2021 at 8:00am in the High School Library.
Present: Val Morton, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Katy Thomsen (arrived 8:10am)
Absent: Jane Hoyman, Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom, Jill Schany
Kathy Roethler, Board Vice-President called the meeting to order at 8:00am.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Student Handbooks:
Dietrich exited the meeting at 8:25am.
Secondary Student Handbook-Huberty moved to approve the Secondary Student Handbook for the 2021-2022 School Year. Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes-Morton, Thomsen, Roethler, Huberty. Nays-Morton. Motion carried.
Elementary Student Handbook-Morton moved to approve the Elementary Student Handbook. Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Revised ANP Phone System Contract: Huberty moved to approve the revised contract with ANP for the phone system. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
HUDL Contact: Roethler moved to approve the contract with HUDL and was seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Morton moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50am. Roethler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
08.21.2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
08.21.2021 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
August 18, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on August 18, 2021 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie,
Val Morton, Katy Thomsen (by Zoom)
Absent: None.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Darca Saxton, Tyler Bjustrom, Tracie Christensen
Tim Rodemeyer, Joe Schany
Jane Hoyman, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Hoyman moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 503.4, 503.7, 504.1-504.7. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
High School: Christensen advised the board that technology will be ready for the start of the school year. She reported on the number of families still to register online. Discussions about using the program and any issues were held. Suggestions have been submitted to JMC, the student software program, for improvements. Open House is 4pm-7pm, Thursday, August 19th. Computers will be handed out the first day of school. New branding graphics have been added in the middle school gym, middle school hallways and some additional areas that are being quoted. The ESSER funds can be used to pay for the graphics on the CARES room for safety and privacy. Quotes are also being created for trophy cases for the vocal room hallway. Curriculum changes were noted.
Middle School: Summer School update-18 students attended. Summer school was a great way to boost the students in the areas they were needing. Mr. Rodemeyer thanked new secretaries Angie Strohman and BJ Buhrow for their quick learning of the student information system and registrations. Open House for Middle School will also be held tomorrow night from 4pm-7pm, August 19. Students will get the chance to see lockers, where their rooms are and any changes of teachers and their assignments. Students can get their locker assignments and schedules at the Open House.
Elementary: Model teachers were involved in MISIC training (regarding district curriculum) on August 12. A Parent-Teacher Conference will be held August 19, from 12pm-7pm. As of today, enrollment is up by 20 students at the elementary school. Smart TVs are in every classroom. An additional paraeducator is being hired for the higher number of students in Kindergarten.
Personnel: Dietrich moved to approve the resignation of Laura Hasbrouck as a Middle School paraeducator. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried. Kibbie moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Madison Schoening-MS BLT ($1,000), Tami Jensen-Elementary BLT ($1,000), Kari Schany-Elementary BLT ($1,000), Bill Geelan-Elementary BLT ($1,000), Allyn Heikens-HS Science Teacher for 1 Semester, Arik Kerr-HS Quiz Bowl ($768), Marcia Morse-Modification from .88 to .5 time, Sheryl Darling-Registered School Nurse ($38,000), Amber Christensen-Transfer from MS Paraeducator to Technology Assistant ($16.00/hr), Stephanie Tahtinen-Elementary Paraeducator ($11.29/hr). Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 505.5-505.9, 213.1, 401.14, 502.3, 504.3, 505.5, 711.2R2, 804.6, 804.6R1 and 905.3. Second readings will be reviewed and/or revised in September.
Athletic Department Budget: Rodemeyer reviewed the general athletic budget. Minor updates were made to accommodate uniform rotations. Morton moved to approve the general athletic budget. Seconded by Dietrich.
Official Depositories for FY22: Huberty moved to approve the official depositories for fiscal year 2021-2022. Seconded by Roethler. Ayes-Dietrich, Hoyman, Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Resolved, that the Emmetsburg Community School District of Emmetsburg, Iowa in Palo Alto County approves the following list of financial institutions to be depositories of the Emmetsburg Community School’s funds in conformance with all applicable provisions of Iowa Code Chapters 452 and 453 (1983), as amended by 1984 Acts, S. F. 2220. The treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Emmetsburg Community School’s funds in amounts not to exceed the maximum approved for each respective financial institution as set out below:
Community State Bank (formerly Laurens State Bank): $9,000,000
Iowa Trust & Savings Bank: $9,000,000
Wells Fargo: $9,000,000
CERTIFICATION, I hereby certify that the foregoing is true and correct copy of a resolution of the Emmetsburg Community School adopted at a meeting of said body, duly called and held on the 18th day of August 2021, a quorum being present, as said resolution remains of record in the minutes of said meeting, and it is now in full force and effect.
Dated: August 18, 2021
Fundraisers for FY22: Board discussions were held about accounting for each fundraiser. The sponsor or coach holding a fundraiser must complete their Resale Report at the end of each fundraiser. Concerns about multiple fundraisers and becoming more unified were discussed. Equipment requests for fundraisers must be run through either PPEL, Capital Projects or the General Fund. Dietrich moved to approve the fundraisers as presented. Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
ESSER III American Rescue Plan: Hanna reviewed the most recent version of the ‘Big Rocks’ for ESSER III funding. The priority categories included Health & Safety, Personnel for Opportunity to Learn, Extended School Year, Day & Summer School and Curriculum & Resource, Professional Development, Technology, Assessment System for Special Needs and Administrative Support Systems. Additional needs will be monitored as the year progresses. Dietrich moved to approve the ESSER III plan. Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Trademark Request: Laura Wheeler-Plantz requested use of the muscle bird trademark for her creations at The Glass Shop. Kibbie moved to approve the request. Dietrich seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Return to Learn Plan: Hanna informed the board that the district is required to review the Return to Learn Plan every 6 months. The plan reviewed language from the state. Updates included that the district cannot require vaccinations or masks. There is also no contact tracing. Federal language requires masks on public transportation, including school buses. State language dictates that we cannot require masks on school property which includes school buses. Hanna recommended that the language in the district Return to Learn Plan recommends, but does not require masks. Testing is voluntary. Morton moved to approve the Plan and Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
Account Transfers: Dietrich moved to approve the transfers as presented. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Kibbie exited at 6:56pm.
Cafeteria (Flex) Plan: Morton moved to approve the Plan Documents for the Cafeteria (Flex) Plan to be administered by Advantage Administrators. Seconded by Roethler. Motion seconded.
Greenhouse Project Resolution: Grants and donations have been secured. Bids for cement work and dismantling and installation of the greenhouse. Cost to the district will be minimal.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors for Emmetsburg Community School District, in Emmetsburg, Iowa that the District is hereby authorized to proceed with construction of a Greenhouse on existing school property adjacent to the Emmetsburg Community District Middle/High School.
The metal structure for the greenhouse will be received through a donation of an existing structure from a patron living in the Emmetsburg Community School District. The owner will be given a receipt for fair market value of the structure.
The District has received and will apply a $10,000 grant from Farm Credit Services of America to the project.
Dated: August 18, 2021
Jane Hoyman
Board President
ATTEST: Lisa Chapman, Business Manager/Board Secretary
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was made by member Huberty, seconded by member Dietrich and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor: Dietrich, Hoyman, Huberty, Morton, Roethler, Thomsen; the following voted against the same: None; and the following were absent: Kibbie: whereupon the resolution was passed and adopted and signed by the Board President and Business Manager/Board Secretary.
Morton moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 and Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
09.01.2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes
09.01.2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting
Board of Education
September 1, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on September 1, 2021 at 8:31pm following the work session in the High School Library.
Present: Val Morton (by Zoom), Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Jane Hoyman, Scott Kibbie
Absent: Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Jill Schany, Arik Kerr, Kelly Josephson, Joe Schany, Kelly Klaus
Jane Hoyman, Board President called the meeting to order at 8:31pm.
Approval of Agenda: Roethler moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
State Audit Contract: President Hoyman cited Iowa Code regarding Student Activity Funds. Hoyman also read the opinion of Steve Avery, Legal Counsel. The Finance Committee recommended contracting with the state auditor to review the student activity fund. Morton moved to approve the contract and Roethler seconded the motion. Ayes-Morton, Huberty, Roethler, Hoyman, Kibbie. Nays-Thomsen. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37pm. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
_________________, Board President
_________________, Board Secretary
Dated September 1, 2021
_______________________________ ________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
09.01.2021 Work Session Minutes
09.01.2021 Work Session Minutes
Work Session
Board of Education
September 1, 2021 Minutes
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a work session on September 1, 2021 at 6:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Val Morton (by Zoom), Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Jane Hoyman, Scott Kibbie
Absent: Aaron Dietrich
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Jill Schany, Kelly Josephson,
Kelly Klaus, Joe Schany, Scott Wirtz, Michelle Theesfeld, Bill Geelan, Holly Keenan,
Anny Fiene, Danielle Auten, Jen Bauer, Lindsy Frambach, Bruce Nelson, Ben
Thomsen, Mark Klaus, Arik Kerr
Superintendent Hanna presented a power point entitled Public Purpose.
The purpose of the workshop is to understand acceptable practices within the Student Activity Fund while fully supporting our Student Activities. The authority/responsibility for the development, implementation, and oversight of the Student Activity Program/Fund resides with the Board of Directors. The guidance that is driving the district is the Department of Education’s Frequently Asked Questions dated 3-23-2016. Some past practices are in line with current guidance/rules and could continue forward. Some past practices are not in line with current guidance/rules and will need to be addressed. The board and audience reviewed questions from the Board, Administration, and Coaching Staff that had been previously submitted. Responses from Kassandra Cline, SBRC Liaison from the Department of Education were read. Kassandra Kline entered the meeting at 7:00pm to answer any additional questions. Kline left the meeting at 8:11pm.
705.4R2 is the policy regulation that specifically addresses Student Activity Funds. It is the Policy Committee’s intention to spell out the policy regulation and bring it to the full board. The policy will be updated as well as inserting the updated regulations in the handbooks.
The Policy Committee will make recommendations to the Board for revision of 705.4R1 Use of Public Funds Regulation at a later date. The policy regulation revision will need two readings unless deemed an emergency by the board.
The work session ended at 8:29pm.
________________________________________ _____________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
10.06.2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes- Closed Session
10.06.2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes- Closed Session
Special Meeting
Board of Education
October 6, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on October 6, 2021 at 5:00pm in the High School Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen
Absent: Aaron Dietrich, Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Tim Rodemeyer, Lisa Chapman
Jane Hoyman, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:01pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION: Director Morton motioned to move to closed session citing Iowa Code as follows: 21.5(e) To discuss whether to conduct a hearing or to conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. and 21.5(a) To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds as requested by the parent. Huberty seconded. Ayes-Hoyman, Huberty, Morton, Roethler. Nays-None. Motion carried.
The board moved to the Conference Room to discuss the issue.
Exited Closed Session at 5:21pm.
The board reconvened in open session in the High School Library at 5:21pm.
Director Thomsen exited at 5:35pm.
Expulsion/Suspension of Student X
Director Morton moved to suspend Student X for the remainder of the school year. An evaluation must be completed prior to re-entry in the district. Roethler seconded the motion. Ayes-Hoyman, Huberty, Morton, Roethler. Nays-None. Motion carried.
The board moved to the Conference Room for the closed session.
CLOSED SESSION: Director Huberty motioned to move to closed session citing Iowa Code as follows: 21.5(e) To discuss whether to conduct a hearing or to conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. and 21.5(a) To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds. Roethler seconded. Ayes-Hoyman, Huberty, Morton, Roethler. Nays-None. Motion carried.
The board moved to the Conference Room for the closed session.
The board reconvened in open session.
Expulsion/Suspension of Student Y
Director Morton moved to suspend Student Y for the remainder of the school year. An evaluation must be completed prior to re-entry in the district. Roethler seconded the motion. Ayes-Hoyman, Huberty, Morton, Roethler. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Morton moved to adjourn at 5:46pm. Huberty seconded the motion. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
11.15.2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes- Annual & Organizational Meeting
11.15.2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes- Annual & Organizational Meeting
Regular Annual Meeting
Board of Education
November 15, 2021 Minutes
(dated changed to allow board to attend school board convention in Des Moines)
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District’s annual meeting met in a regular session on November 15, 2021 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Jane Hoyman, Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Aaron Dietrich, Val Morton, Katy
Thomsen, Scott Kibbie
Absent: None.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tyler Bjustrom, Tim Rodemeyer, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Kelly Josephson, Danielle Auten (exit 6:03pm), Mary Ellen Jackson (exit 6:03pm), Dave Dow, Jana Nelson, Liz Naviaux, Jessica Biddle, Darca Saxton, Robin Hauswirth, Jill Schany, Arik Kerr, Joe Schany, JaDee Gloede, Sarah Brugman, Rebecca Dow, Roger & Sandi Keith
Jane Hoyman, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
TEACHING & LEARNING-Emmetsburg Instructional Model
Kelly Josephson, Danielle Auten, Mary Ellen Jackson
The district uses multiple targets when planning each class period in their instructional model. Those targets include Engagement, Check for Understanding, Instructional Time, Assessments, Expectations, Rules/Routines and Learning Targets. The targets are for both instructors and students. Presenters gave specific examples of using these strategies in their classrooms. The document presented in simple form is a quick reference for staff and students.
CONSENT ITEMS: Dietrich moved to approve the consent items and was seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Morton moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 401.07, 200.3, 206.1-206.2, 213, 302.5, 303.6, 412.3, 504.14, -15, 603.6, 604.01606.2, 701.2, 803.1. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Allowable Cost: Thomsen brought the LEP discussion back to the table. Thomsen moved to allow district administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $7,138.47 related to excess costs incurred for offering the English Language Learner program in the prior fiscal year. Seconded by Morton. Ayes: Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Roethler, Thomsen, Hoyman, Dietrich. Nays: None. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. Motion carried.
High School-Christensen is looking for ways to get more parents to High School conferences. Christensen reviewed mid-term academics. An initial meeting was held November 8 regarding Portrait of a Graduate. The next meeting will be November 18 at 5:00pm in the HS/MS Library. Buena Vista University (BVU) contracted the district regarding a strategic partnership with them. This memorandum with BVU includes a 30% discount for staff and their children for tuition.
Middle School-Conference attendance rates were reviewed. An average of 64% of parents attended their students’ conference. Paraeducator Ms. Horst put together a lesson to write letters for the veterans. Students went to the VFW on November 11th. Isaac Strohman was able to read his letter to the veterans. Middle School is continuing to work on appropriate use of technology in their PBIS program. Students of the month were presented.
Elementary-Conferences percentages were reviewed. The average attendance at the elementary school was 94.8%. The elementary fundraiser was completed this past week through Partners in Education (PIE) group. This fundraiser is going to the elementary playground equipment. PBIS students of the week were able to eat doughnuts with Mr. Bjustrom on Friday.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn the retiring board at 6:03pm. Seconded by Dietrich. Motion carried.
Hoyman and Dietrich exited following the meeting.
Secretary Chapman called the organizational meeting to order at 6:05pm.
The oath of office was administered to new board members Bruce Nelson and Lori Riley by Secretary Chapman.
Chapman called for nominations of Board President. Kibbie nominated Kathy Roethler. Morton moved to cease nominations. Huberty seconded. Motion carried. Ballots were distributed. Roethler was appointed by a 7-0 vote. Chapman called for nominations of the Vice-President. Kibbie nominated Morton. Nelson nominated Thomsen. Thomsen called for nominations to cease and Roethler seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ballots were distributed. Morton was appointed as the Vice-President on a 4-3 vote. The oath of office was administered to President Roethler and Vice-President Morton.
Time & Date: The time and date of the regular monthly meeting was set for the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm in the HS/MS Library. Kibbie moved to set the meetings as noted and Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Huberty moved to approve the organizational meeting agenda. Kibbie seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Public Comment Policy: The Public Comments Participation Policy 213 was reviewed for the audience for instances when they would like to speak about issues on the agenda. Jessica Biddle voiced her concerns with both the notifications of agendas and the OSHA mandates on the agenda.
First Reading Board Policies: Board policies 105, 210.8, 212, 212.1, 307, 401.4, 502.4, 508-508.5, 606.6 and 502.1 were reviewed with the board for the first reading. These policies will be read again in December for the second reading and approvals.
OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) on COVID-19 Vaccination & Testing
Administration has reached out to legal and IASB regarding the ETS. We have been directed to wait on adopting any policies. There is a possibility that there will be a ruling on the stay allowed for the 5th circuit applicable for the remaining circuits. There are also religious and medical exemptions. Hanna received information from legal at Iowa Association of School Board regarding the exemptions that are allowed for the vaccination, weekly testing and mask mandates. There is a simple form that will need to be completed by the staff member for the exemption. As information is received, administration will get the information out to staff and public as soon as possible. The ETS is to be in place by December 6th if the stay is not upheld.
Electrical & Plumbing Service for Greenhouse
Electrical: One bid was received from K & W Electric in the amount of $6,148 to complete the electrical work for the Greenhouse. Thomsen moved to accept the bid from K & W Electric. Riley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Plumbing: One bid was received from Bauer Plumbing in the amount of $3,230 to complete the plumbing work for the Greenhouse. Nelson moved to accept the bid from Bauer Plumbing. Huberty seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Prairie Lakes AEA 8 Director District Ballot
Kibbie moved to vote for Sue Brown as the director for district 2 to represent Emmetsburg CSD on the Prairie Lakes AEA 8 board. Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Palo Alto Gaming Grant & Mini Grants: The Palo Alto County Gaming & Development Corporation school grant application will be requesting the funds for an update to the sound board and sound system in the auditorium. This will take the system from an analog system to a digital system. The Shared School grant application will be requesting an update to the camera system. The Mini Grant will be initiated by the students in the Middle School Student Council. The students will come to the board at the December meeting for approval.
Appointments/Committees: The committees and appointments were set as follows:
Negotiations/Finance-Nelson, Morton, Thomsen
Facilities/Transportation-Roethler, Huberty, Morton
Education/Policy Development-Kibbie, Riley, Huberty
School Improvement Advisory (SIAC)-Roethler, Nelson
Emmetsburg Education Foundation-Riley
IASB Delegate-Huberty
Palo Alto County Supervisory-Kibbie
Legal Counsel: Kibbie moved to approve Steve Avery of Cornwall, Avery, Bjornstad & Scott and Ahlers & Cooney P. C. as the district legal counsel. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Local Publisher: Morton moved to approve Emmetsburg Publishing as the local publisher for the district. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
K-12 Desk Audit: Superintendent Hanna reviewed the enrollment data with the board and audience. Thomsen moved to approve the enrollment data and was seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Early Graduation: Three (3) seniors applied for early graduation. Pending meeting final requirements, Morton moved to approve the applications for early graduation. Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
School Budget Review Committee (SBRC) Applications
Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2020: Morton moved to allow administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $56,384 for open enrolled out students who were not included in the district’s previous year certified enrollment count. Seconded by Huberty. Ayes: Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays: none. The motion passed on a 7-0 vote.
Limited English Proficient (LEP) Instruction Beyond 5 Years: Morton moved to allow administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $1,537.20 related to the English language learning program for students who have exceeded five (5) years of weighting that are included on the Fall 2021 certified enrollment headcount. Seconded by Riley. Ayes: Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays: none. The motion passed by a vote of 7-0.
Copier Lease: Superintendent Hanna presented the proposals for a new copier lease. Proposals were received from the current company, Gordon Flesch (formerly Advanced Systems) and Access Systems. Hanna recommended the proposal from Access Systems due to a savings of over $19,000 over the three (3) contract period. Kibbie moved to approve the lease from Access Systems. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Buena Vista University (BVU) Partnership: Secondary Principal Christensen presented the Memorandum of Understanding for a partnership with BVU. A letter for employees, FAQs and list of educational opportunities was reviewed. One advantage for employees and their children included a 30% discount for tuition. Morton moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with BVU and Kibbie seconded. Motion carried.
Kibbie moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:22pm. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
12.15.2021 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
12.15.2021 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
December 15, 2021 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on December 15, 2021 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty (Zoom), Kathy Roethler, Val Morton (Zoom), Katy Thomsen (Zoom), Scott Kibbie, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley (Zoom)
Absent: None.
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tyler Bjustrom, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie
Christensen, Jacob Oliver
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Approval of Agenda: Kibbie moved to approve the agenda. Iowa School Performance Profiles was moved to the beginning of the meeting. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Iowa School Performance Profiles-There are eight factors that rate the districts. West Elementary increased from 38.52 to 58.63. They are now a commendable school. Middle School rated 47.44 and now at 57.19. 54.7 is the state average. The Middle School is now in the top half. High School was 49.34 and now 54.97 and also rated as commendable. The district has reason to celebrate their accomplishments! Still room to grow and staff will continue to work to improve.
The board recessed at 5:39pm when the tornado sirens were going off. Nelson exited and went home. Power was lost and Riley, Morton, Thomsen and Huberty that were connected by Zoom were lost. The board moved to a room of safety. When it appeared that danger had passed, it was decided to move forward with the meeting as long as we could maintain a quorum. Connectivity was limited in the HS Library. The meeting was moved to Mrs. Christensen’s office where Nelson and Morton were able to be reached by teleconference. A quorum was reached and the meeting reconvened at 6:10pm. Still in attendance were Darren Hanna, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, Kathy Roethler, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton (by phone), Bruce Nelson (by phone), Lisa Chapman and Jacob Oliver.
CONSENT ITEMS: Kibbie moved to approve the consent items including the Financial Health Analysis and was seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Morton moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 108, 210.8, 212, 212.1, 307, 401.04, 502.1, 502.4, 508.1-508.3, 606.6. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
High School:.Items highlighted in the High School report included Senior Open Campus, Portrait of a Graduate, Students of the Week and a review of the holiday entertainment.
Middle School: Middle School reviewed the students of the month, homework camp, end of semester plans, 15 days of Christmas and the holiday entertainment.
Elementary: West Elementary enrollment numbers were reviewed.Other events highlighted were the K-1 concert, and the movies that students will see on December 22.
Personnel: Kibbie moved to approve the following resignations: Jill Schany-Yearbook Advisor & David Dow-HS Science (effective at end of school year). Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried. Kibbie moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Jadyn Schutjer-7th Grade Girls Basketball ($1,976), Pete Kapustynksi-Long Term Substitute HS Science. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 600-602.4, 407.6, 4071.E1, 705.3, 705.3R1 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. A new policy included is the Early Retirement Policy. Second readings will be reviewed in January.
Modified Allowable Supplement-At Risk/Dropout Prevention: The district plans to use the Dropout and At-Risk funding for the At-Risk teacher salary, counselors, Iowa Net High Academy, credit recovery, summer school and after school programs. A motion was made by Nelson and seconded by Kibbie to authorize the district’s administration to submit a request to the School Board Review Committee in the amount of $35,094 for Modified Supplemental Assistance for the purpose of the Dropout Prevention and At-Risk programs. Motion carried.
PACGDC: Superintendent Hanna submitted the application’s for the School Award, Shared School Award and Mini-Grants for the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation for the board’s approval.
The following quotes were approved:
RDI for sound system updates in the amount of $61,458.66. Morton moved to approve the quote and Nelson seconded. Motion carried.
Thomsen for security cameras in the amount of $61,222.28. Kibbie moved to approve the quote and Roethler seconded. Motion carried.
Boland Recreation for outside tables for the Middle School playground in the amount of $6,257. Nelson moved to approve the quote and Roethler seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The board made the following resolutions to approve the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation applications for grants:
WHEREAS, the Emmetsburg Community School Board of Directors supports the School Grant Award application to the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation for the purpose of updating sound boards/sound system in the Emmetsburg Community School Auditorium and updates to the security camera system at the High School and Middle School. Val Morton made a motion to apply for a School Award Grant from PACGDC to apply funds towards an Auditorium Sound System/Sound Board updates and Security Camera updates in the High School and Middle School. The total cost of the project is $122,680.94. Scott Kibbie seconded. Ayes-Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays-None. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Emmetsburg Community School Board of Directors supports the Shared Schools Award application to the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation for the purpose of updating the camera system at the Emmetsburg Community High School and Middle School. Val Morton made a motion to apply for a Shared Schools Grant from PACGDC for security camera updates in the amount of $10,000.00. Bruce Nelson seconded. Ayes-Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays-None. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Emmetsburg Community School Board of Directors supports the Mini-Grant Award application to the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation for the purpose of adding playground equipment at the Emmetsburg Middle School. Scott Kibbie made a motion to apply for a $5,000.00 Mini-Grant from PACGDC for addition of playground equipment at the Emmetsburg Middle School for a total project cost of $6,257.00. Bruce Nelson seconded. Ayes-Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays-None. Motion carried.
EDA Contract Revision: Nelson moved to approve the revised Engineering Design Associates, Inc. contract. EDA is the company used as the architects for the West Elementary School Classroom HVAC retrofit project. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Kibbie moved to adjourn at 6:36pm. Motion carried.
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
2022-23 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Wed, 06/22/2022 - 08:4401.18.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
01.18.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 18, 2023
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on January 18th, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie, Bruce Nelson,
and Val Morton
Absent: Bill Huberty and Student Board Members Devan Garmin, Sierra Wolff, and
Ben Merwald
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson (via Google Meet)
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton motioned to approve the consent items. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 802-803.02 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Thomsen to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Building Administrators. Jenness gave the Student Board report to the Board.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 804-807.04 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular February board meeting.
Personnel: Motion by Riley to approve the Resignations of Josh Bay- Assistant Baseball Coach, Natalie Schmidt-Cook, and Jill Ricke- Cook. The new hires of Halie Francis- Paraeducator($14.00/hour) and Ally Bruhn- 5th Grade($15,538.10). Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes- Roethler, Kibbie, Thomsen, Riley, and Nelson. Nays- Morton. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Kibbie to approve the Open Enrollment Requests as presented. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is February 13, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 PM. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
02.15.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
02.15.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
February 13, 2023
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on February 13, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Kathy Roethler, and
Katy Thomsen; Student Board Member Ben Merwald
Absent: Student Board Members Sierra Wolff and Devan Garman
Also Present: Tracie Christensen, Alyssa Enderson, Cory Jenness, Tyler Bjustrom, and
Tim Rodemeyer
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Kibbie to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: January board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, Fundraising, and Donations. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 804-807.04 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Morton to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Building Administrators. Student Board Member Ben Merwald presented the monthly student report. Jill Schany presented the Advanced Placement course offerings.
Initial Proposal from Emmetsburg Education Association: The initial proposal from the association was presented.
Initial Proposal from Emmetsburg Community School District: The initial proposal from the district was presented by Superintendent Jenness.
Tentative Agreement with EEA: Motion by Nelson to approve the FY24 Tentative Agreement with the Emmetsburg Education Association. Seconded by Riley. Katy Thomsen abstained from voting. All other members voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 900-802.04, 507.9 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular March board meeting.
Adoption of District Mission, Vision Statement & District Goals: Huberty motioned to adopt the new District Mission, Vision Statement, and District Goals. Kibbie seconded the motion. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Changes to 2022-23 School Calendar: Jenness presented proposed changes to the Academic Calendar for the remainder of the 2022-23 school year. Kibbie motioned to approve the calendar as presented by the Superintendent. Morton seconded. Ays- Morton, Kibbie. Nay- Roethler, Huberty, Thomsen, Riley, and Nelson. Motion failed. Motion by Nelson to approve the first two options canceling PD time and adding April 10th as a student day. Ays- Roethler, Kibbie, Huberty, Thomsen, Riley, and Nelson. Nays- Morton. Motion carried.
Public Hearing for the 2023-24 Academic Year Calendar: The Board held the public hearing for the Emmetsburg Community School 2023-24 Calendar. President Roethler opened the hearing and asked for objections. There were no written or oral objections. President Roethler closed the hearing. Motion by Huberty to approve the 2023-24 Academic Calendar. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CNA Registered Apprenticeship: Motion by Morton to approve the CNA Apprenticeship program with Palo Alto County Health System. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Hot Shots Trap Shooting Sponsorship: Motion by Thomsen to approve the sponsorship of the Hot Shots Trap Shooting Team. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Western Iowa Tech Concurrent Enrollment: Motion by Riley to Western Iowa Tech as a Concurrent Enrollment provider. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Nelson motioned to approve the following resignations: Tim Swanson- JH Football Coach and Molly Schany- Freshman Softball Coach; and hires: Cassandra Ayers- Cook($13.00/hour) and Ann Marie Samojedny- P/T Cook($13.00/hour). Thomsen seconded. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Morton to approve the Open Enrollment requests as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is March 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:00 PM. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
02.17.2023 Special Board Meeting Minutes
02.17.2023 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
February 17, 2023
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on February 17, 2023 at 12:00 PM in the Superintendent’s Office and via Google Hangouts.
Present: Scott Kibbie(via Google Hangouts), Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Kathy Roethler(via Google Hangouts), Bill Huberty (via Phone) and Val Morton(via Google Hangouts)
Absent: Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM
Approval of Agenda: Riley moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Morton motioned to approve the resignation of Randy Olson- Title IA Teacher. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion passed.
Adjournment: Nelson moved to adjourn at 12:01 PM. Riley seconded the motion. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
03.21.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
03.21.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
March 20, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on March 20, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie, Bruce Nelson, Bill Huberty,
and Val Morton.
Absent: Student Board members Sierra Wolff, Devan Garman, and Ben Merwald
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
And Tyler Bjustrom
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Kibbie to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Nelson motioned to approve the consent items including: February board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, and donations. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 900-902.04, 507.09 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve second reading. Seconded by Kibbie. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Elementary ELA Curriculum Adoption: Sara Straw, Danielle Auten, Sueanne Deitering, and Amy Thompson presented the Elementary ELA Curriculum Adoption process.
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Building Administrators. Jenness gave the Student Board report to the Board.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 507.09R1, 903-903.05 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular April board meeting.
Reading Curriculum: Motion by Riley to approve the new Elementary Reading Curriculum purchase with CKLA. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Master Contract: Motion by Huberty to approve the FY24 Master Contract. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Staff Contracts: Motion by Morton to approve the Staff salary increases for FY24. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
E-Rate Category 2 Bids: Motion by Huberty to approve the bid from ANP for E-Rate Category 2 projects. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Wellness Goals: Motion by Thomsen to approve the Wellness Goals as presented. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
FY24 Contract with LGRP: Motion by Thomsen to approve the FY24 Iowa Local Government Risk Pool Commission for Natural Gas Program Participation Agreement. Seconded by Morton. Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Thomsen, Nelson, Riley, and Huberty. Nays- Kibbie.Motion carried.
Career & College Transition Counselor with ILCC: Motion by Kibbie to tentatively approve the Staff Sharing of Career and College Transition Counselor with Iowa Lakes Community College with the stipulation that Iowa Lakes CC finds a 3rd school to join the sharing agreement. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Riley to approve the Resignations of Arik Kerr- Quiz bowl, and the New Hires of: Haily Hoyman- 3rd Grade Teacher, Hannah Jacobsma- 5th and 6th Band & Vocal Teacher, Emily Lee- 1st Grade, Dan Hewitt- HS Athletic Director, Josh Soenen- JV Baseball Coach, Charla Montag & BJ Buhrow- Prom Co-Sponsors. Seconded by Nelson. Morton abstains from vote due to conflict of interest. All others voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: None
Next Board Meeting is April 5th at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 PM. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
04.19.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
04.19.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
April 19, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on April 19, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie, Bruce Nelson, Bill Huberty,
and Val Morton. Student Board member Devan Garman
Absent: Kathy Roethler and Student Board members Sierra Wolff and Ben Merwald
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer
Val Morton, Vice Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Riley to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Riley motioned to approve the consent items including: March board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, Field Trip Requests, Bids for Obsolete Equipment and donations. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 903-903.5 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
FFA Presentation: Hannah Noethe performed a speech to the Board of Education that she presented at the State FFA Convention.
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Building Administrators. Student Board member Devan Garman gave the Student Board report to the Board.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 904-905.03 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular May board meeting.
Additional Contracts: Motion by Huberty to approve the extended contracts for FY24 including Schedule B, extended contracts, and TLC positions. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Graduate List: Motion by Thomsen to approve the Class of 2023 Graduate list. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Audit RFP: Motion by Nelson to approve Schnurr and Company LLC as School auditors for FY24, 25, & 26. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Riley to approve the Resignations of Cam Arnold- Pareducator, Allie Bigley- Paraeducator, and Brett Hansen- MS Football Assistant Coach; and the New Hires of: Amber Miller- 6th Grade Teacher, Brett Hansen- MS AD, and Bayleigh Theesfeld- Freshman Softball Coach. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: None
Next Board Meeting is May 1st at 12:00 PM Budget Hearing in the High School Conference Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Riley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:11 PM. Seconded by Kibbie. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
05.01.2023 Budget Hearing Meeting Minutes
05.01.2023 Budget Hearing Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Budget Hearing Meeting
Board of Education
May 1, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on May 1, 2023 at 12:00 pm in the High School Conference Room.
Present: Bill Huberty, Lori Riley, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton(via Google Meet)
and Scott Kibbie(via Google Meet
Absent: Bruce Nelson and Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 12:01 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Riley to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Budget Presentation: Jenness presented the FY24 Budget information.
Public Comment: None
FY24 Budget Approval: Motion by Huberty to approve the FY24 Budget as presented. Seconded by Riley. Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Huberty, and Riley. Nays- Kibbie. Motion carried.
FY24 Budget Guarantee Resolution: Motion by Riley to approve the FY24 Budget Guarantee Resolution. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Riley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:43 pm. Seconded by Kibbie. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
05.17.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
05.17.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
May 17, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on May 17, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Lori Riley, Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson
Absent: Val Morton and Scott Kibbie; Student Board Members Devan Garman, Ben Merwald
And Sierra Wolff
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, Tyler Bjustrom
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Riley to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Thomsen motioned to approve the consent items including: April board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, and Bids for Obsolete Equipment. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 904-905.03 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Building Administrators. Superintendent Jenness gave the Student Board report to the Board.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 100-103 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular June board meeting.
Denovo Facilities Management: Motion by Nelson to approve the contract with Denovo to create a facilities management plan for Emmetsburg CSD. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Bus Purchase: Motion by Riley to approve the purchase of a new bus with School Bus Sales. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Master Contract Language: Motion by Huberty to approve changes to the Master Contract language per Superintendent Jenness’ recommendations. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
2023-24 School Calendar: Motion by Thomsen to approve the change to the 23-24 Academic calendar per Superintendent Jennness’ recommendations. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Nelson to approve the Resignations of Ann Marie Samojedny- Cook, Stephanie Tahtinen- Paraeducator, Briar Rowley- 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach, and Scott Higgins- MS Baseball Coach; and the New Hires of: Dawson Weir- Freshman Baseball Coach, Amber Christensen- MS Yearbook Stipend, Mike Soenen- Volunteer Baseball coach, Tyce Jenness- Summer custodial help, and Matt Wirtz- FY24 Paraeducator. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: None
Next Board Meeting is June 21st @ 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Riley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 PM. Seconded by Huberty. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
06.06.2023 Special Board Meeting Minutes
06.06.2023 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
June 6, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on June 6, 2023 at 12:00 pm in the High School Conference Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen, Val Morton, Bill Huberty, and Lori Riley
Absent: Bruce Nelson, and Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Riley to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Thomsen to approve the New Hires of: Stacie Vermeer- Kindergarten teacher and Jessica Biddle- Cross Country Coach. Seconded by Morton. All voted in favor. Motion passed.
Shingle Bids: Motion by Morton to approve the bid for Christopher Construction to Reshingle the West Elementary Building. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is June 21st at 5:30 PM in the High School Library
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 PM. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
07.20.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
07.20.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
July 20, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on July 20, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley,
Scott Kibbie
Absent: None
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Val Morton motioned to approve the consent items. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Huberty moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 700-701.4. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
New Board Financial Reports: SBO Enderson presented the format for the new monthly board reports for FY23.
Personnel: Morton moved to approve the following resignations: Ali Weir- Elementary Paraeducator and Ben Thomsen- Freshman Baseball Coach & 7th Grade Boys Basketball Coach; seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried. Katy Thomsen motioned to approve the following contracts- Sara McWilliams- HS Science Teacher (MA+5- $48,760.00), Briar Rowley- Paraeducator ($14.00/hour), Alli Bigley- Paraeducator ($14.00/hour), and Ashley Warren- Paraeducator ($14.00/hour); seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 702-704.7 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular August board meeting.
Naming Depositories: Riley motioned to approve the Depository Resolution for FY23. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Approval of Milk Bids: Nelson moved to accept the Milk Bid from Anderson Erickson for the FY23 school year. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Approval of Bread Bids: Huberty moved to accept the Bread Bid from Okoboji Bake Shop for the FY23 school year. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Approval of Lunch Prices: Morton moved to approve the following food program prices for the FY23 school year- Adult Lunch $4.13, Student Lunch $2.85, Student K-4 Breakfast $1.35, Student 5-12 Breakfast $1.50. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Approval of Handbooks: Huberty motioned to approve the following handbooks for the FY23 school year- Support Staff, Business Procedures, Secondary Handbook, Elementary Handbook, Certified Staff Handbook (with changes), and the Athletic Policies Handbook. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Approval of ILCC Agreement: Nelson motioned to approve the FY23 agreement with Iowa Lakes Community College. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Approval of Universal Pediatrics Contract: Morton motioned to approve the FY23 contract with Universal Pediatrics for Special Education Health Services. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
EMC Insurance: Huberty motioned to approve the EMC Equipment Breakdown insurance contract for the FY23 school year. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Morton motioned to table the following items due to lack of contracts received- Seasons Center, OnTo College, STEM Nepris, Advanced Network Professionals(Phone Replacement & Network Management). Nelson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Discuss Board Legislative Priorities: Nelson motioned to table the Legislative Priorities to next month. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Approval of Board Committees for FY23: Huberty motioned to approve the Board Committees for FY23. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is August 17, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Scott Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:21 PM. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
08.01.2022 Closed Session Minutes
Special Meeting
Board of Education
August 1, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on August 1, 2022 at 5:00pm in the High School Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Katy Thomsen
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
CLOSED SESSION: Director Thomsen motioned to move to closed session citing Iowa Code as follows: 21.5(e) To discuss whether to conduct a hearing or to conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. and 21.5(a) To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds as requested by the parent. Nelson seconded. Ayes-Roethler, Huberty, Morton, Riley, Nelson, Thomsen. Nays-None. Motion carried.
The board moved to the Conference Room to discuss the issue.
Lawyer Steven Avery was phoned at 6:05 pm and added to the closed session discussion.
Exited Closed Session at 6:27 pm.
The board reconvened in open session in the High School Library at 6:29 pm.
Reinstatement of Student X
Director Nelson moved to reinstate Student X for the FY23 school year with stipulations that will be evaluated and signed at the next school board meeting on August 17, 2022 in Closed Session. Riley seconded the motion. Ayes-Morton, Huberty, Riley, Nelson, Thomsen . Nays-None. Roethler abstains from the vote for personal reasons. Motion carried.
Reinstatement of Student Y
Director Nelson moved to reinstate Student Y for the FY23 school year with stipulations that will be evaluated and signed at the next school board meeting on August 17, 2022 in Closed Session. Riley seconded the motion. Ayes-Morton, Huberty, Riley, Nelson, Thomsen . Nays-None. Roethler abstains from the vote for personal reasons. Motion carried
Personnel: Morton motioned to approve Shelbie Reding as the 7th Grade volleyball coach- $1,976.00. Seconded by Huberty. Ayes- Morton, Huberty, Roethler, Nelson, Thomsen. Nays- Riley. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Nelson moved to adjourn at 6:27pm. Riley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
08.17.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
08.17.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
August 17, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on July 20, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie
Absent: Bruce Nelson
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Kelly Josephson, Sara Straw, Tracie Christensen
Tyler Bjustrom, Tim Rodemeyer, Haleigh Reicks, Kyle Kavin, Darca Saxton,
Jill Schany, Amy Stewart, Gabby Davis, and Kayla Geelan
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:32pm
Educational News: New Teacher Introductions- Reicks, Geelan, Stewart, and Davis introduced themselves to the Board.
CLOSED SESSION: Director Thomsen motioned to move to closed session at 5:34 PM citing Iowa Code as follows: 21.5(e) To discuss whether to conduct a hearing or to conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. and 21.5(a) To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds as requested by the parent. Kibbie seconded. Ayes-Roethler, Huberty, Riley, Thomsen, Kibbie. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Val Morton entered Closed Session at 5:39 PM.
Riley motioned to exit closed session at 5:41 PM. Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes- Roethler, Huberty, Riley, Thomsen, Kibbie, Morton. Nays- None. Motion carried.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Val Morton motioned to approve the consent items. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Thomsen moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 700-701.4. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Personnel: Huberty moved to approve the following resignations:Jennifer DeSmidt- paraeducator. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. Bill Huberty motioned to approve the following contracts- Natalie Schmidt- Cook ($13.50/hour); Cameron Arnold- Paraeducator ($14.00/hour); and Dawson Weir- paraeducator ($14.00/hour) seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: Riley motioned to approve the August Open Enrollment list as presented. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
FY23 Athletic Budget: Kibbie motioned to approve the Student Activity Athletic budget in the amount of $62,654.00. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 705-706.2, 501.14-501.15,606.06 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular August board meeting. Riley motioned to table policies 705-706.2. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
MS Football Field: Morton motioned to approve the contract gifting the MS Football Field to the City of Emmetsburg. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
ANP Contract for Network Management: Kibbie motioned to untable ANP contract from July meeting. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried. Thomsen motioned to approve the FY23 support contract with Advanced Network Professionals. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Student Board Members: Kibbie motioned to approve the addition of student board members. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is September 13, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Scott Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:28 PM. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
08.31.2022 Special Board Meeting Minutes
08.31.2022 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
August 31, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on August 31, 2022 at 12:00 PM in the Superintendent’s Office and via Google Hangouts.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Lori Riley, and Val Morton(via Google Hangouts)
Absent: Scott Kibbie, Bruce Nelson, and Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 12:00 PM
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Personnel: Huberty motioned to approve the resignation of School Bus Driver David Vanheuvelen and the hires of: Jackie Leuer- MS Special Education- $38,237.00 and Jill Ricke-Server-$13.00/hour. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Riley moved to adjourn at 12:01 PM. Huberty seconded the motion. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
09.21.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
09.21.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
September 21, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on September 21,, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie, and
Bruce Nelson
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
Tyler Bjustrom
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
Approval of Agenda: Morton moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Bill Huberty motioned to approve the consent items. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Educational News:
New Teacher introductions from Eric Flynn, Jaclyn Leuer, Lacey Kilgore, and Gable and Ashley Bonner.
Extended Learning Update was given by Jill Schany and Darca Saxton about the EXL program
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Christensen, Rodemeyer, and Bjustrom
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 705-706.2 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Morton to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Sealed Bids- Stoves: Sealed bids for the Electric stoves were opened and accepted as follows: Tom Griffin (Double Range) $50.00; Kim Banwart $220; Tammi Griffin $179. A bid for Double Range was rejected for Diana Ayers due to only one double range available. Director Thomsen motioned to approve the bids for the sale of the stoves. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 707.01-709 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular October board meeting.
Approval of State Audit Report: Motion by Morton to approve Special Audit Report. Second by Kibbie. Ayes- Roethler, Kibbie, Morton, Huberty. Nays- none. Abstained from vote: Nelson, Thomsen, and Riley.
Approval of Allowable Growth- Special Education Deficit: Motion by Morton to approve the Special Education deficit for FY2021 of $145,931.26 for Allowable Growth. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Board Legislative Priorities: Nelson motioned to untable form July meeting. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried. Riley motioned to approve the following Legislative Priorities for FY23: School Funding, Teacher Recruitment and License, Standards and Accountability, and Expanding Educational Opportunities. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
EDA Contract: Motion by Thomsen to approve the EDA contract for West Elementary HVAC. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Student Board Members: Motion by Kibbie to table the approval of student board members. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Personnel: Riley motioned to approve the hire of two student TPRA employees: Dru Baak- paraeducator $14.00/hour and Emma Westfall- paraeducator $14.00/hour. Nelson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: None
Next Board Meeting is October 19, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Scott Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 PM. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
10.19.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
10.19.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
October 19, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on September 21, 2022 at 5:00pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton(via Google Meet), Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley,
Scott Kibbie(via Phone), and Bruce Nelson
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
Tyler Bjustrom
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Bill Huberty motioned to approve the consent items. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Verification of Board Voting Procedures: Board voting protocols were discussed.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 707.01-709 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Thomsen to approve second reading. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
ExL Plan: Motion by Riley to approve the FY23 ExL Plan. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Sealed Bids- Stoves: Sealed bids for the Electric stoves were opened and accepted as follows: Ruth Kerber- $75.00 for one Stove. Director Huberty motioned to approve the bid for the sale of the stove. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Christensen, Rodemeyer, and Bjustrom
Certified Enrollment Projections/Comparisons: Discussion on current enrollment and future projections.
Seasons Center Contract/Sharing Agreement: Motion by Thomsen to approve the FY23 contract with Seasons Center/Sharing Agreement. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Sharing Agreement- Human Resource Director: Motion by Huberty to approve the FY23 Sharing Agreement of Human Resource Director with Sibley-Ocheyedan. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Early Retirement Policy: Motion by Thomsen to approve the FY23 Early Retirement policy to eligible members 55 years plus 15 years in the District. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Baseball/Softball Change Order: Motion by Kibbie to deny the Athletic Complex Change Order. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Instructional Support Levy Renewal: Director Thomsen introduced and caused to be read the Resolution hereinafter set out and moved its adoption; seconded by Director Nelson; after due consideration by the Board, the President put the question upon the adoption of said Resolution and, the results of the roll call vote were: Roethler- aye, Morton- aye, Kibbie- aye, Nelson- aye, Thomsen- aye, Riley- aye, and Huberty- aye. Whereupon the President declared said Resolution duly adopted.
Student Board Members: Kibbie motioned to untable the Student Board members from September. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried. Riley motioned to approve the addition of Student Board Members Sierra Wolff, Ben Merwald and Devon Garmon to the Board. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 710-712, 407.06, 213.01 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular November board meeting.
Personnel: Huberty motioned to approve the resignation of Katie Schmitt- Cross Country Coach and the hire of the following: Sarah Yotter- MS Para- $14.00/hour; Briar Rowley- 7th Grade Boys Basketball- $1,976.00; and Mark Saxton- Volunteer Wrestling Coach. Nelson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: Thomsen motioned to approve the Open Enrollment list for October. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is November 16, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Bruce Nelson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:48 PM. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
11.09.2022 ISL Hearing Minutes
ISL Hearing
Board of Education
November 9, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in an ISL Hearing on November 9, 2022 at 5:00 PM in the HS Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Lori Riley(arrived at 5:10 PM), Katy Thomsen, and Bruce Nelson
Absent: Val Morton and Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM
Public Comment on Instructional Levy Hearing: No public comment was made.
Adopt Resolution to Participate in Instructional Support Program: Director Nelson introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Director Thomsen seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the vote was:
AYES: Roethler, Thomsen, Nelson, and Huberty
NAYS: None
The President declared the resolution adopted.
Review/Approve to Release HVAC Construction Documents: Huberty motioned to table the HVAC Construction Document release. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Approve Contracts: Huberty motioned to approve the resignation of Jeremy Zeigler as MS Wrestling Coach and the Hire of Gable Bonner as Floating Wrestling Coach- $2,245.00. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Nelson moved to adjourn at 5:24 PM. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
____________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
11.22.2022 Organizational Meeting Minutes
11.22.2022 Organizational Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
November 22, 2022
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on November 22,, 2022 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, and
Scott Kibbie and Bruce Nelson (via Google Meet); student board member
Ben Merwald
Absent: student board members Sierra Wolff and Devan Garmin
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton motioned to approve the consent items. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Public Comments: Discussion on Public comment during the Board meetings was held. Motion by Riley to keep Board Policy as written. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 707.01-709 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve second reading. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
LEP Allowable Cost: Motion by Thomsen to approve the LEP Program allowable amount of $7,314.45. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Reports were given by Building Administrators. Student Board Member Ben Merwald gave the Student Board report to the Board.
ADJOURNMENT OF RETIRING BOARD: Motion by Riley to adjourn the meeting at 5:39 PM. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried.
Secretary Enderson called the Organizational meeting to order at 5:40 PM.
Enderson called for nominations of Board President. Morton nominated Kathy Roethler. Riley nominated Bruce Nelson. Thomsen moved to cease nominations. Huberty seconded. Motion carried. Ballots were distributed. Roethler was appointed by a 4-3 vote. Enderson called for nominations of the Vice-President.Roethler nominated Morton. Nelson nominated Thomsen. Thomsen nominated Nelson. Huberty called for nominations to cease and Kibbie seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ballots were distributed. Morton was appointed as the Vice-President on a 4-3 vote. The oath of office was administered to President Roethler and Vice-President Morton.
TIME, DATE, & PLACE FOR MONTHLY MEETINGS: The time and date of the regular monthly meeting was set for the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm in the HS/MS Library and will be revisited at the April Board meeting. Huberty moved to set the meetings as noted and Thomsen seconded. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 800-801.05 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular December board meeting.
Sequential Course Change for Science Curriculum: Discussion on sequential courses for our Science program was held. Kibbie motioned to approve the curriculum. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Palo Alto Gaming Development Corporation Grant & Mini Grant: Motion by Riley to approve the PACGDC Mini Gaming Grant for $5,000.00. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Motion by Morton to approve the Full PACGDC Gaming Grant. Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Riley, Thomsen, Huberty, and Kibbie. Nays- Nelson. Motion carried.
Legal Counsel: Motion by Morton to approve Steve Avery as the district’s legal counsel for FY23. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
Local Publisher: Motion by Kibbie to approve the Reporter Democrat as the district’s local publisher. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
K-12 Desk Audit: Motion by Morton to approve the K-12 course enrollment data as presented. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Early Graduation: Motion by Huberty to approve the list of Early Graduates for FY23 pending they meet all the requirements. Seconded by Roethler. Motion carried.
SBRC Application:
Open Enrollment Out not in Fall 2021: Morton moved to allow administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for a modified supplemental amount of $118,515.80 for increased enrollment count.Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes: Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays: none. The motion passed on a 7-0 vote.
ELL Beyond 5 Years: Morton moved to allow administration to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for LEP Students beyond 5 years in the program for $1,575.21. .Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes: Huberty, Kibbie, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays: none. The motion passed on a 7-0 vote.
Personnel: RIley motioned to table the personnel. Morton seconded. Motion carried.
Open Enrollments: None
CLOSED SESSION: Superintendent Goals
Director Thomsen moved to go into closed session citing Iowa Code as follows: 21.5(e) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Seconded by Riley.
Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Riley, Thomsen, Nelson, Huberty, and Kibbie. Motion carried.
The board moved to the Conference Room for the closed session at 6:51 PM.
Director Huberty motioned to exit closed session at 7:28 PM. Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes-Roethler, Huberty, Morton, Thomsen, Kibbie, Riley, and Nelson. Nays-None. Motion carried.
Personnel: Riley motioned to untable the personnel. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried. Motion by Huberty to approve the resignation of Madison Olson- Paraeducator. Second by Kibbie. Motion carried. Motion by Morton to hire Racheal Fogarty- West Para- $14.00. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. Motion by Morton to hire Kristi Hackbart- Bus Driver- $105.00/day. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried. Motion by Huberty to hire Shaylee Horst- MS Yearbook Sponsor- $500.00 stipend and Beth King- West Yearbook Sponsor- $500.00 stipend. Thomsen seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is December 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 PM. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
2023-24 BOARD MINUTES Jen@iowaschool… Mon, 06/26/2023 - 10:4901.17.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
01.17.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 17, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on January 17, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Morgan Grimm,
Bruce Nelson, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
and Tyler Bjustrom
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30 am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Caven to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Caven motioned to approve the consent items including: December board minutes, claims, and SBO Financial reports. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 211-217 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Roethler to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Student Board Member Ben Merwald reviewed the student board report.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 300-302.8 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular February board meeting.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the new hires of: Ryan Brennan- Paraeducator, Seth Vaske- Assistant Baseball Coach, Tim Rodemeyer- HS Girls Assistant Track, and Jessica Biddle- HS Boys Assistant Track; and Termination of Beverly Salas- Cook. Seconded by Morton. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Caven to approve the Open Enrollments as presented. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is February 20th at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:09 am. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
02.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
02.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
February 20, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on February 20, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Morgan Grimm,
Bruce Nelson, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
and Tyler Bjustrom
Bruce Nelson, Board Vice President called the meeting to order at 6:30 am.
Val Morton arrived at 6:32 am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Roethler to approve the agenda. Seconded by Caven. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Auditorium Naming: Brandt Roskens presented the opportunity to name the auditorium after Dave and Kelly Fog. His request also included naming the sound booth after Dan Voigt.
FFA Presentation: Mr. Vermeer and Ag students shared their vision/plan for the Greenhouse.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Superintendent Jenness reviewed the activity director report and the student board report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: January board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, and Field Trip Requests. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 300-302.8 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Riley to approve second reading. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 303-303.9, 505.8 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular March board meeting.
Auditorium/Sound Booth Naming: Motion by Huberty to approve the naming of Emmetsburg Auditorium to Dave & Kelly Fog Auditorium and the Sound booth to Dan Voigt Sound booth. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Public Hearing for 2024-25 School Calendar: A Public Hearing was held regarding the 2024-25 Academic Calendar at 7:15 am in the District Board Room. Motion by Caven to open the public hearing. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. There were no comments received on the academic calendar. Motion by Huberty to close the public hearing at 7:37 am. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Motion by Grimm to approve the FY25 Academic Calendar as presented. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Ayes- Morton, Caven, Grimm, Roethler, and Huberty. Nay- Riley, Nelson. Motion carried.
Concession Stand Project: Motion by Huberty to table the Concession Stand proposal from CMBA in the amount of $500,000.00. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Visitor Press Box: Discussion was had on the need for a Visitor Press Box. No motion was made.
Personnel: Motion by Caven to approve the resignations of: Kristi Anderson- paraeducator, and Cassandra Ayers- cook; and the new hires of: Chelsea Kenyon- 3 Year PK Teacher, Ryan Brennan- Volunteer Wrestling Coach, Sheila Kulow- Volunteer Cheer Coach, and Erin Handeland- Volunteer Track Coach. Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Riley to approve the Open Enrollments as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is March 20th at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Riley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 am. Seconded by Morton. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
03.06.2024 Special Board Meeting Minutes
03.06.2024 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Education
March 6, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special Board Meeting on March 6, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson, Val Morton, Kyle Caven, Lori Riley,
and Morgan Grimm
Also Present: Cory Jenness
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30 am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Roethler to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Approval of Master Contract: Motion by Caven to approve the FY25 Master Contract and Schedule B. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Approval of Staff Contracts: Motion by Roethler to approve the FY25 Staff Contracts as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CMBA Proposal for Concession Stand: Motion by Huberty to untable the Concession stand proposal. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Motion by Nelson to approve the CMBA proposal for concession stand project. Seconded by Morton. Ayes- Nelson, Morton, Roethler, Grimm, and Huberty. Nays- Caven and Riley. Motion carried.
Lakeside Disaster Preparedness Plan: Motion by Grimm to approve transportation services for Lakeside Senior Care in the event of a disaster. Seconded by Roethler. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the following resignation: JaDee Gloede- Football and Wrestling Cheer sponsor; and the following new hires: Justin VerMeer- HS Ag Teacher, Sheri Hartman-Coffey- Elementary SPED Teacher, Allysha Clark- Paraeducator, Bre Hotovec- Paraeducator, Ryan Brennan- MS Baseball Coach, and Matt Wirtz- Volunteer Golf Coach. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is March 20th at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Caven motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:14 am. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
03.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
03.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
March 20, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on March 20, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Morgan Grimm,
Bruce Nelson, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tim Rodemeyer,
and Tyler Bjustrom; Student Board Member Ava Faulkner
Bruce Nelson, Vice Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30 am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Caven to approve the agenda. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Val Morton arrived at 6:31 am.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Superintendent Jenness reviewed the activity director report. Student Board member Ava Faulkner.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: February board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports and the additional Field Trip Request. Seconded by Caven. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 303-303.9, 505.8 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Nelson to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 304.1-307, 401.1, 503.1-R(1), 503.2. 701.5, 502.7 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular April board meeting.
Early Graduation Request: Motion by Huberty to approve the Early Graduate list as presented. Seconded by Caven. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Morton to approve the resignations of: Dru Baak- Paraeduactor, Dawson Weir- Paraeducator & MS Football Coach, and Kayla Geelan- 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach; and the new hires of: Cole Johnson- Teacher for FY25 and Megan Geelan- Teacher for FY25. Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Caven to approve the Open Enrollments as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Closed Session- Superintendent Evaluation: Motion by Riley to move into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session; seconded by Caven. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. Moved into closed session at 6:55 AM.
Motion to exit closed session at 7:40 am by Caven. Seconded by Nelson. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson.
Motion by Nelson to enter closed session. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson.
Motion by Nelson to exit closed session. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson.
Motion by Nelson to approve the 3 year Superintendent contract. Seconded by Grimm. Motion carried.
Riley and Roethler exited the meeting at 8:18 AM.
Closed Session- Administrator Contracts: Motion by Caven to move into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session; seconded by Nelson. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. Moved into closed session at 8:19 AM.
Motion to exit closed session at 8:47 am by Nelson. Seconded by Grimm. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson.
Motion by Caven to approve the Administrator contracts. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Public Budget Hearing is scheduled for April 3 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room
Next Board Meeting is April 17 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 am. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
04.17.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
04.17.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
April 17, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on April 17, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Morgan Grimm,
Bruce Nelson, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
and Tyler Bjustrom
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:31am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Roethler to approve the agenda. Seconded by Caven. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Superintendent Jenness reviewed the activity director report. Student Board member Ben Merwald reviewed the student board report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: March board minutes, Claims, and SBO Financial reports. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 304.1-307, 401.1, 503.1-R(1) that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Morton to approve second reading. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 400-401.11 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular May board meeting.
FY23 Audit: Motion by Nelson to approve the FY23 Audit by Schnurr & Company. Seconded by Caven. Motion carried.
HS Gym Air Conditioning: Motion by Caven to approve the HS Gym Air conditioning bid from Swift Air for $119,082.00. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
High School Lockers: Motion by Huberty to approve the HS Hallway lockers bid from VIPS. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Bus Barn Parking Lot: Motion by Grimm to approve the concrete work at the Bus Barn parking lot from Hansen concrete. Seconded by Huberty. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
LGRP Contract: Motion by Nelson to approve the natural gas program contract with Wood River Energy for FY25. Seconded by Morton. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
PACHS Natural Disaster Memorandum: Motion by Riley to approve the natural disaster memorandum for emergency transportation with Palo Alto County Hospital. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Western Iowa Tech Memorandum: Motion by Roethler to approve the dual credit memorandum with Western Iowa Tech. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Approve FY25 Contract Revisions: Motion by Caven to approve the FY25 contract revisions as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Grimm to approve the resignations of: Matt Wirtz- MS Head Wrestling Coach; and the new hires of: Chelsea Strohman- JV Football Cheer Sponsor & Wrestling Cheer Sponsor, and Jenna Garrelts- Football Cheer Sponsor. Seconded by Huberty. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Nelson to approve the Open Enrollments as presented. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Public Budget Hearing is scheduled for April 29 at 12:00 PM in the Central Office Board Room
Public Budget Hearing #2/Approval is scheduled for April 30 at 11:00 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Next Board Meeting is May 15 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Grimm motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:51 am. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
05.15.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
05.15.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
May 15, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on May 15, 2024 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Morgan Grimm,
Bruce Nelson, and Kyle Caven
Absent: Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
and Tyler Bjustrom
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30 AM.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Huberty to approve the agenda. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
ISASP Results: Sara Straw and Kelly Josephson presented the annual ISASP assessment results for the district.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Superintendent Jenness reviewed the activity director report. Student Board member Ava Leth Faulkner reviewed the student board report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Nelson motioned to approve the consent items including: April board minutes, Claims, and SBO Financial reports. Seconded by Caven. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 400-401.11 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Grimm to approve second reading. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 402-402.6, 705.4-705.4R2 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular June board meeting.
Student Lounge Project: Motion by Nelson to approve the Student Lounge project from Premier F & E in the amount of $15,000.00. Seconded by Grimm. Motion carried.
MS/HS Roof Repairs: Motion by Roethler to approve the MS/HS roof repairs from Elevate Roofing in the amount of $136,892.00 . Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Discuss Ring/Fence: Motion by Nelson to approve the Discuss ring and fence project. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Concession Stand Design: Adam from CMBA presented the design for the concession stand and the bidding process.
Kyle Caven exited the meeting at 7:32 AM.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the resignations of: Jadyn Schutjer- HS Counselor, Ryan Brennan- Paraeducator, Cindy Nelson- Cook, Margaret Miller- Cook, Joyce Froisland- Cook, Kent Kerber- Custodian, Amber Kramer- MS Teacher, and Scott Higgins- MS Track Coach; and the new hires of: Holly Kerr- transfer to MS Counselor contingent on HS Math hire, and Anna Fiene transfer to 6th grade. Seconded by Morton. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Board Work Session is June 12 at 5:00 PM
Next Board Meeting is June 19 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 AM. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
06.12.2024 Board Work Session Meeting Minutes
06.12.2024 Board Work Session Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Board Work Session Meeting Minutes
Board of Education
June 12, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a Board Work Session on June 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson, Val Morton, Kyle Caven, Lori Riley,
and Morgan Grimm
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Patrick Davis-Denovo, Matt Gillaspie- Piper Sandler, Brian Mitchell, Chelsea Rouse
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Caven to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Teaching & Learning: Matt Gillapsie presented the financial information regarding the potential future GO bond election. Patrick Davis with Denovo and the campaign committee gave updates.
Next Board Meeting is June 19th at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:18 pm. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
06.19.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
06.19.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
June 19, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on June 19, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Kyle Caven, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty,
and Morgan Grimm
Absent: Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
and Tyler Bjustrom
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda with the removal of the Closed Session for Land Acquisition. Seconded by Caven. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Superintendent Jenness reviewed the activity director report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: May board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, and Online bids for obsolete equipment. Seconded by Roethler. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 402-402.6, 705.4-705.4R2 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Grimm to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Val Morton exited the meeting at 7:18 am.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular July board meeting.
Discussion on Board Meeting Time: Discussion was held. No motion was made.
Changes to Handbooks: Discussion was held on the proposed changes to the FY25 handbooks. Annual approval of handbooks will be during the regular July meeting.
Dual Credit Partnership- ILCC: Motion by Caven to approve the Dual Credit Partnership with ILCC. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
STT Sharing Agreement with PLAEA: Motion by Huberty to approve the STT Sharing Agreement with PLAEA as presented. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Classroom Clinic: Motion by Grimm to approve the Annual agreement with Classroom Clinic. Seconded by Roethler. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Timberline Agreement: Motion by Caven to approve the Annual agreement with Timberline Billing Agreement. Seconded by Huberty. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
SAVE Agreement- ILCC: Motion by Roethler to approve the SAVE agreement with ILCC. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Caven to approve the new hires of: Cole Johnson- 8th Grade Football Coach & MS Boys Wrestling Coach, Matt Wirtz- 7th Grade Football Coach, Cassie Hagedorn- Paraeducator @ West, Shannon Brown- Paraeducator @ West, Dee Johnson- Business Administrative Assistant, and Darca Saxton- moving to 2nd Grade from EXL. Seconded by Huberty. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: None
Resolution ordering a Special Election on the Question of Approving a Debt Service Levy for the Payment of General Obligation Bonds: Director Morgan Grimm introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Director Kyle Caven seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and the vote was: Ayes: Kyle Caven, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, and Morgan Grimm. Nays: None. Absent: Lori Riley and Val Morton. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is July 17, 2024 @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:11 am. Seconded by Roethler. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
07.19.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
07.19.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
July 19, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on June 26, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Katy Thomsen,Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson
and Lori Riley
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Huberty to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Val Morton arrived at 5:32 pm.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: June board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, Fundraising, and Bids for Obsolete Equipment. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 104-107 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Riley to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Superintendent Jenness and SBO Enderson presented the Board of Education with a Finance report cheat sheet.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 402.05, 503.07, 507.02, 605.03, 605.05, & 401.07 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular August board meeting.
FY24 Milk & Bread Bids: Nelson motioned to approve Okoboji Bake Shop for Bread and Anderson Erickson for Milk for the FY24 school year. Seconded by Thomsen. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
FY24 Depositories: Huberty motioned to approve the FY24 depositories resolution. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Board Legislative Priorities: Motion by Nelson to approve the FY24 Board Legislative priorities as follows: Student Achievement, School Safety, Mental Health, and School Funding for the Emmetsburg Community School District. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Handbooks: Motion by Morton to approve the following handbooks for FY24: Certified Staff, Support Staff, Business Procedures, Athletic Policies, Secondary, Elementary, and Title IX. Seconded by Huberty. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Sharing Agreements: Motion by Nelson to approve the following sharing agreements for the FY24 school year: .2 FTE Librarian with West Bend-Mallard/Gilmore City-Bradgate, and HR Director with Sibley-Ocheyedan. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Release of Construction Documents to Bid: Motion by Nelson to approve the release of construction documents to bid on August 22rd at 2:00 PM with bids to be awarded on August 23rd regular school board meeting. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Annual Contracts: Motion by Huberty to approve the following annual contract: ILCC Partnership- SAVE students. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion passed.
Subaward Agreement for IDHS Grant: Motion by Morton to approve subaward agreement for the IDHS grant. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted in favor. Motion passed.
EMC Insurance Renewal: Motion by Nelson to approve the EMC insurance renewal with an increase in deductible to $2,500.00. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion passed.
Personnel: Motion by Morton to approve the resignation of Julie Dunlap- HS Secretary and hires of: Sundree Kitzinger- Paraeducator @ West, Charla Montag- AD Secretary, Arik Kerr- 8th Grade Football, Dawson Weir- 7th Grade Football, Matt Wirtz- MS Assistant Football, and the volunteer coaches: Dru Baak- MS Assistant Coach, Bruce Nelson- MS/HS Volunteer Football Coach, Jarrod Joynt- MS/HS Volunteer Football Coach, Briar Rowley- MS/HS Volunteer Football Coach, Molly McCain- HS Volunteer Girls Golf Coach, Tyler Bjustrom- Volunteer Wrestling Coach, Mark Saxton- Volunteer Wrestling Coach, Austin Flynn- Volunteer Wrestling Coach, Abby Burns- Volunteer Volleyball Coach . Seconded by Riley. Nelson abstained from voting. All others voted in favor. Motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is August 23 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Morton motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 pm. Seconded by Huberty. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
08.24.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
08.24.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
August 23, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on August 23, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson,
Scott Kibbie(via Google Meet), Val Morton (via Google Meet), and Lori Riley
Absent: Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Nelson motioned to approve the consent items including: July board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, and Athletic Booster license plate fundraiser. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 402.05, 503.07, 507.02, 605.02, 605.03, 605.05, and 401.07 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports to the Board of Education. Motion by Huberty to make a language change in the West Elementary handbook. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Scott Kibbie arrived at 5:40 pm via Google Hangouts.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 507.02, 502.10, 402.02, and 705.01 R(1) that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Nelson motioned to approve the readings as presented waiving the second reading. Huberty seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
MS Wednesday Practices: Nelson motioned to approve Middle School practices that are non mandatory on Wednesday early out days. Discussion was held. Bruce Nelson withdrew his motion. Kibbie motions to remove verbiage from secondary handbook in reference to Wednesday evenings. Huberty seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Bids for West HVAC: Kibbie motioned to table the bids for the West Elementary HVAC project pending work session discussion. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Riley to approve the resignation of Joe Schany- Paraeducator and Sophia Carlson- Paraeducator and the new hires of: Shaylee Horst- Paraeducator, Olivia Sanders- TPRA Paraeducator, Branda Carrigan- Paraeducator, Sarah Brugman- 6th Grade Teacher, and Ally Bruhn- 5th Grade Teacher. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Nelson to approve the open enrollment requests as presented. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Board Work session September 6th at 5:30 pm.
Next Board Meeting is September 20th at 5:30 PM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:17 pm. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
09.06.2023 Board Work Session Minutes
Board Work Session
Board of Education
September 6, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special Board Work Session on September 6, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Bruce Nelson, Scott Kibbie, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen
Absent: Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
HVAC/West Elementary: Discussion was held by Denovo, Piper Sandler, EDA and the Board of Education regarding the building analysis completed by Denovo and areas of concern regarding the West Elementary School building.
Next Board Meeting is September 20th at 5:30 PM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 pm. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
09.20.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
09.20.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
September 20, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on August 23, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the High School Library.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie, & Bruce Nelson
Absent: Katy Thomsen
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer,
And Tyler Bjustrom
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Morton to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton motioned to approve the consent items including: August board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, Fundraisers, Bids for Obsolete Equipment, and Okoboji Sharing agreement for Debate Team. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Bruce Nelson arrived at 5:33 PM.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports to the Board of Education. Student Board Member Ben Merwald presented the Student Report.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 200-206.4 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular October board meeting.
Special Education Modified Supplemental Amount: Kibbie motioned to approve the FY23 Special Education Modified Supplemental Amount of $222,202.68. Riley seconded the motion. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Bids for West HVAC: Kibbie motioned to untable the Bids for West HVAC from the August meeting. Seconded by Morton. All members voted in favor. Motion passed. Kibbie made a motion to reject the bids for the West Elementary HVAC. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.
28E Agreement w/City of Emmetsburg: Motion by Nelson to approve the 28E agreement with City of Emmetsburg to waive facility rental rates for groups affiliated with the school or city for facility usage excluding major events like Prom. Seconded by Riley. Kibbie abstained from voting. All other members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Nelson to approve the hires of: Haleigh Reicks- HS Yearbook Sponsor and Volunteer Coach David Walters for Boys/Girls Basketball season. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Huberty to approve the open enrollment requests as presented. Seconded by Morton. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is October 18th at 5:30 PM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 pm. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
10.18.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
10.18.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
October 18, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on October 18, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, & Katy Thomsen
Absent: Bruce Nelson and Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, and Tracie Christensen
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Huberty to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: September board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, Fundraisers, Donations, and Bids for Obsolete Equipment. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 200-206.4 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Riley to approve second reading. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: HS Counselor Jadyn Schutjer presented the ICAP data and process of students developing their 4 year plans during HS years. Building Principal Tracie Christensen presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. AD Dan Hewitt presented his report to the board. Jenness reviewed the student board report.
Val Morton arrived at 5:43 pm.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 207-209.7 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular November board meeting.
Discuss Certified Enrollment Projections/Comparisons: Superintendent Jenness presented the comparables for the FY23 and FY24 Certified Enrollment.
LEP Allowable Costs: Huberty motioned to approve the LEP Allowable Costs in the amount of $12,556.45. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
School Gambling License: Motion by Thomsen to approve a 180 day school gambling license for fundraising raffles done by school groups during the period approved. This motion was seconded by Morton. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Discuss SIAC Meeting Recommendations: Superintendent Jenness presented meeting notes from the SIAC committee and recommendations for the school. Motion by Huberty to follow through with the recommendations from the SIAC committee. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
Bids for Athletic Complex Infield: Athletic Director Hewitt presented the options for the Athletic Complex infield. Bids will be presented and approved at the Regular November Board Meeting.
Personnel: Motion by Thomsen to approve the resignation of: Josh Soenen, Varsity Assistant Baseball and the new hires of: Bill Geelan/Bruce Nelson- co 7th Grade Boys Basketball, Rebekah Brady- paraeducator, and Jeremy Zeigler- HS Boys Volunteer Wrestling Coach. Seconded by Huberty. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Huberty to approve the open enrollment requests as presented. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is November 21st at 5:30 PM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:29 pm. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
11.21.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
11.21.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
November 21, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on November 21, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Katy Thomsen, Morgan Grimm,
Bruce Nelson, Kyle Caven, and Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, and Tyler Bjustrom
Kathy Roethler, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Morton to approve the agenda. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton motioned to approve the consent items including: October board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, Activity Fund journal entries, Fundraisers, Donations, and Bids for Obsolete Equipment and Staff Handbook changes. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 207-209.7 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Riley to approve second reading. Seconded by Thomsen. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. AD Dan Hewitt presented his report to the board. Jenness reviewed the student board report.
ADJOURNMENT OF RETIRING BOARD: Motion by Kibbie to adjourn the meeting at 5:53 PM. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
Superintendent Jenness called the Organizational meeting to order at 5:54 PM.
The oath of office was administered to new board members Morgan Grimm, Kyle Caven, Val Morton, and Bill Huberty by Superintendent Jenness.
Jenness called for nominations of Board President. Roethler nominated Val Morton. Riley nominated Bruce Nelson. Caven moved to cease nominations. Huberty seconded. Motion carried. Ballots were distributed. Morton was appointed by a 4-2 vote. Val Morton was given the oath of office.
Bruce Nelson arrived at 6:12 pm.
Morton called for nominations of the Vice President. Riley nominated Bruce Nelson. Morton nominated Bill Huberty. Roethler called for nominations to cease and Grimm seconded the motion. Motion carried. Ballots were distributed. Nelson was appointed as the Vice-President on a 4-3 vote. The oath of office was administered to Vice President Nelson.
Morton called for nominations of Board Treasurer. Huberty nominated Alyssa Enderson. Seconded by Roethler. Riley called for nominations to cease and Roethler seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Enderson will be given the oath of office at a later date.
Time/Date/Place for Monthly Meetings: The time and date of the regular monthly meeting was set for the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room starting January 2024. Caven moved to set the meetings as noted and Riley seconded. Ayes- Roethler, Huberty, Caven, Nelson, Grimm, and Riley. Nays- Morton. Motion carried.
Appointments/Committees: The committees and appointments were set as follows:
Negotiations/Finance-Roethler, Huberty, Caven
Facilities/Transportation-Grimm, Nelson, Morton
Education/Policy Development-Riley, Grimm, Huberty
School Improvement Advisory (SIAC)-Nelson, Roethler, Caven
Emmetsburg Education Foundation-Riley
IASB Delegate-Morton
Palo Alto County Supervisory-Nelson
Legal Counsel: Motion by Huberty to approve Steve Avery as the district’s legal counsel for FY24. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Local Publisher: Motion by Nelson to approve the Reporter Democrat as the district’s local publisher. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 210.1-210.9, 503.1-503.2, 508.3 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular December board meeting.
Discuss Results of Needs Assessment Survey: Superintendent Jenness presented the Needs Assessment survey results with the Board of Education.
Discuss/Approve Quotes for the Athletic Complex Infield: Motion by Nelson to approve the Quote from Iowa Athletic Field Construction Company in the amount of $59,895.68 to redo the Baseball/Softball infields. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Palo Alto Gaming Grant & Mini Grants: Superintendent Jenness submitted applications for a Full Grant, and Mini-Grant for the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation for the board’s approval.
The Mini Grant will be initiated by the Physical Education program for heart rate monitors. Kathy Roethler made a motion to apply for a Mini Grant from PACGDC for heart rate monitors in the amount of $6,429.50. Bill Huberty seconded. Motion carried. Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Riley, Nelson, Grimm, Caven, and Huberty. Motion carried.
The Full Grant is requesting funds for an interactive Touchpro display board with surrounding trophies case. Lori Riley motioned to apply for a Full Grant from PACGDC for the interactive Touchpro display board with surrounding trophies case with a total estimated cost of $24,611.00. Morgan Grimm seconded the motion. Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Riley, Nelson, Grimm, Caven, and Huberty. Motion carried.
Discuss Iowa Performance Profiles: Building Principals reviewed the Iowa Performance Profile for Emmetsburg CSD with the Board of Education.
Discuss Potential SRO (School Resource Officer): Superintendent Jenness discussed the possibility of sharing an SRO with the City of Emmetsburg beginning the FY25 School Year.
Junior Student Board Member: Motion by Nelson to approve the addition of Junior Student Ava Seth-Faulkner to the Student Board. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Early Graduation: Motion by Roethler to approve the list of Early Graduates for FY24 pending they meet all the requirements. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the resignation of: Tiffany Tomlin- HS Ag/FFA Sponsor and the new hires of: Erin Cogdill- Paraeducator at West Elementary, MS Girls Wrestling Coaches- Austin Flynn, Dan Hewitt, and Jessica Biddle splitting contract, and Austin Flynn- MS Boys Wrestling. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Caven to approve the open enrollment requests as presented. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is December 20, 2023 at 5:30 PM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 pm. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
12.20.2023 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
12.20.2023 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
December 20, 2023
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on December 20, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Morgan Grimm,
Bruce Nelson, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, and Tyler Bjustrom
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda. Seconded by Roethler. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Nelson motioned to approve the consent items including: November board minutes, claims, SBO Financial reports, Fundraisers, Donations, and Bids for Obsolete Equipment. Seconded by Roethler. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 210.1-210.9, 503.1-503.2 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Student Board Members Ben and Ava reviewed the student board report.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 211-217 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular January board meeting.
MSA Application: Motion by Huberty to approve the MSA application in the amount of $248,024.00. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
SBRC Application: Motion by Caven to approve the SBRC application in the amount of $15,541.60. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Discuss/Approve Sub Pay: Motion by Nelson to approve substitute rates as presented- Teacher Sub pay $140.00 per day and Para sub pay $85.75 per day. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Discuss/Approve PIE Sponsorship: Members of West Elementary PIE Group presented the grant opportunity. Lori Riley made a motion to apply for a mini grant from PACGDC for Reading and Literacy iPads for $4,944. Bruce Nelson seconded. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the new hires of: Liz Arnold- FFA Sponsor, Matt Wirtz- MS Boys Wrestling Coach, and volunteer cheer chaperone- Brandi Fehr, Sheryl Darling, and Julie Bird. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: None
Closed Session: Motion by Nelson to go into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Seconded by Roethler. Roll call: Ay- Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Caven, Huberty, and Grimm. Motion carried.
Motion by Nelson to go out of closed session. Seconded by Caven. Motion carried. Motion by Grimm to approve Suspension and subsequent Termination of Employee X. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.
Closed Session: Motion by Nelson to go into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. Seconded by Caven. Roll call: Ay- Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Caven, Huberty, and Grimm. Motion carried.
Motion by Huberty to go out of closed session. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried. Motion by Caven to approve Suspension of Employee Y. Seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is January 17th at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting
ADJOURNMENT: Nelson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 pm. Seconded by Huberty. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
2024-25 BOARD MINUTES aenderson@e-ha… Wed, 07/17/2024 - 14:0301.08.2025 Special Board Meeting Minutes
01.08.2025 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Board Meeting
Board of Education
January 8, 2025
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on January 8, 2025 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty,
and Kyle Caven (via phone)
Absent: Val Morton and Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson
Bruce Nelson, Board Vice President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Roethler to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Caven. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Debt Service Resolution: Director Bill Huberty introduced the Debt Service Resolution and moved its adoption. Director Morgan Grimm seconded the motion to adopt. The roll call vote was as follows: Ayes- Roethler, Grimm, Nelson, Caven, Riley, Morton, and Huberty. Nays- None. Motion carried.
Science Cabinet Bid: Motion by Nelson to table the Science Cabinet bid from Architectural Arts to the January Regular board meeting. Motion seconded by Caven. Director Grimm abstained from voting. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Lori Riley arrived at 6:55 AM.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the following resignations: Scott Mason- Server; and the following hires: Emily Sindt- Ag/FFA Teacher. Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is January 22th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points on Board Agenda Items- None.
ADJOURNMENT: Nelson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 am. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
01.22.2025 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
01.22.2025 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 22, 205
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on January 22, 2025 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty,
and Kyle Caven
Absent: Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom,
Tim Rodemeyer
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
8 Key Board Roles & Responsibilities: Jenness reviewed the Board Roles & Responsibilities with the Board of Education.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Jenness reviewed the Activity Director monthly report. Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben presented the Student Board Report.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
CONSENT ITEMS: Nelson motioned to approve the consent items including: December board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, Donations, and Field Trip Requests. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 409-410 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular February board meeting.
Seasons Center MOU: Motion by Grimm to approve the MOU with Seasons Center. Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Northwestern MOU: Motion by Huberty to approve the MOU with Northwestern College. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
MSA Application: Motion by Caven to approve the MSA Application for At Risk/Dropout in the amount of $238,845.00. Seconded by Morton. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Science Lab & Cabinets: Motion by Nelson to untable the Science Cabinet bids from the January 8th Special meeting. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. Discussion was held on the Science lab. The Board of Education requested a second cabinet bid for comparison. Superintendent reached out to F & E furniture and the company failed to provide a timely bid prior to the board meeting. Motion by Caven to approve the Science Lab & Cabinet bids from Architectural Arts in the amount of $89,175.00. Seconded by Nelson. Grimm abstained from voting. All other members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Concrete Bids: Motion by Grimm to approve the concrete bids for the Athletic Complex entry and Loading dock from Hansen Concrete in the amount of $87,475.00. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Budget Priorities: Discussion was held by the Board of Education regarding budget priorities for the FY26 fiscal year.
Kyle Caven left the meeting at 7:51 AM.
Personnel: Motion by Roethler to approve the following resignations: Danielle Carrigan- Paraeducator, Sara McWilliams- HS Science Teacher, Donald Bordwell- Dishwasher, Shannon Brown- Paraeducator, and Kayla Geelan- 5th Grade Teacher; and the new hires of: Emily Sindt- HS Ag/FFA Teacher, Audra Otto- Pareducator, and Edward O’Conner- Dishwasher. Seconded by Morton. Ayes- Morton, Grimm, Roethler, Huberty. Nays- Nelson. Motion passed.
Open Enrollment: None
Next Board Meeting is February 19th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points on Board Agenda Items-
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 am. Seconded by Morton. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
01.08.2025 Special Board Meeting Minutes
01.08.2025 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Board Meeting
Board of Education
January 8, 2025
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on January 8, 2025 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty,
and Kyle Caven (via phone)
Absent: Val Morton and Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson
Bruce Nelson, Board Vice President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Roethler to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Caven. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Debt Service Resolution: Director Bill Huberty introduced the Debt Service Resolution and moved its adoption. Director Morgan Grimm seconded the motion to adopt. The roll call vote was as follows: Ayes- Roethler, Grimm, Nelson, Caven, Riley, Morton, and Huberty. Nays- None. Motion carried.
Science Cabinet Bid: Motion by Nelson to table the Science Cabinet bid from Architectural Arts to the January Regular board meeting. Motion seconded by Caven. Director Grimm abstained from voting. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Lori Riley arrived at 6:55 AM.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the following resignations: Scott Mason- Server; and the following hires: Emily Sindt- Ag/FFA Teacher. Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is January 22th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points on Board Agenda Items- None.
ADJOURNMENT: Nelson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 am. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
02.19.2025 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
02.19.2025 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
February 19, 2025
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on February 19, 2025 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley, Bill Huberty,
and Kyle Caven
Absent: Kathy Roethler
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom,
Tim Rodemeyer
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Vocal Boosters- Facility Usage: Members from the Vocal Boosters presented information about their annual extravaganza and costs related to running the event.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Jenness reviewed the Activity report. Jenness presented the Student Board Report.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: January board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, Fundraisers, and Donations. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed Board policies 409-410 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Grimm to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 411-12 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular March board meeting.
FY24 Audit: Motion by Caven to approve the FY24 School Audit by Trustpoint CPA. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
HR Sharing Agreement: Motion by Nelson to approve the FY26 Sharing Agreement with Sibley Ocheyedan. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
New Bus Purchase: Motion by Caven to approve a 2026 International Bus from Hoglund for $139,899.00. Seconded by Huberty. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
FY26 Debt Service Levy Resolution: Board member Morgan Grimm introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption. Director Bruce Nelson seconded the motion to adopt. The roll was called and following Directors voted: Ayes- Morton, Huberty, Caven, Riley, Nelson and Grimm. Nays- None. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Nelson to approve the following resignations: Elizabeth Arnold- MS Special Education Teacher; and the new hires of: Wyatt Heideman- HS Science Teacher, Bailey Isebrand- Food Service, Amanda Schwarz- EXL/Title Teacher, Devin Goodchild- 5th Grade Teacher, and Meg Jackson- 5th Grade Teacher. Seconded by Grimm. Ayes- Morton, Grimm, Roethler, Huberty. Nays- Nelson. Motion passed.
Open Enrollment: Motion by Riley to approve the Open Enrollment list as presented. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is March 19th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points on Board Agenda Items- None
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 am. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
07.17.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
07.17.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
July 17, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on July 17, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Lori Riley
and Morgan Grimm
Absent: Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
Administrative Reports: Cory Jenness presented the Activity Director report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: June board minutes, Claims, and SBO Financial reports. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 406.4-804.2 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Grimm to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 200.4, 501.3-708 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular August board meeting.
Milk & Bread Bids: Motion by Roethler to table the Milk and Bread bids to the regular August board meeting. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Depositories: Motion by Nelson to approve the FY25 Bank Depositories resolution. Seconded by Huberty. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Fund Flexibility Transfer Resolution: Motion by Riley to approve the FY25 Fund Flexibility Transfer resolution. Seconded by Nelson. Roll Call vote: ayes- Morton, Roethler, Nelson, Grimm, Huberty, and Riley; nays- none. Motion carried.
Approval of Handbooks: Motion by Grimm to approve the FY25 Handbooks. Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Sharing Agreements: Motion by Nelson to approve the FY25 Staff Sharing Agreements as presented. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
FY25 School Fees: Motion by Huberty to approve the School Fees for FY25. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
EMC Insurance Renewal: Motion by Morton to approve the FY25 EMC insurance renewal. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Bill Huberty exited the meeting at 6:55 am.
Personnel: Motion by Roethler to approve the resignation of Madison Schoening- 5th grade Teacher and the new hires of: Eva Jefferson- Paraeducator, Mia Auten- Paraeducator, Ally Bruhn- 5th Grade Teacher. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollments: Motion by Grimm to approve the FY25 Open enrollments as presented. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is August 21st @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Grimm motioned to adjourn the meeting at . Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
08.16.2024 Special Board Meeting Minutes
08.16.2024 Special Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Special Meeting
Board of Education
August 16, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a special session on August 16, 2024 at 11:00 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm (via Google Hangouts), Kathy Roethler,
Bill Huberty, and Kyle Caven
Absent: Bruce Nelson and Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 11:00 am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Caven to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the resignations of Ashley Warren- paraeducator and Abbie Schany- JV Softball coach and the new hires of Colvin Jenness- MS Girls Assistant Track Coach, Anika Stearns- MS Cross County coach (Pending BOEE certification, David Dow- HS Math Teacher, Kelly Reese- Cook, Cassandra Ayers- Cook, Justin Burns- EXL Facilitator/Full Time Sub, Jennifer Frederick- Paraprofessional, Laura Hasbrouck- Paraprofessional, and Daniele Carrigan- Paraprofessional. Motion seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is August 21st @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Roethler motioned to adjourn the meeting at 11:01 am. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
08.21.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
08.21.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
August 21, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on August 21, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Lori Riley,
Bill Huberty, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, and Student Board Member Ava Faulkner-Leth
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
APL Presentation: Jill Schany and Arik Kerr Presented the APL conference details and plans for the future APL program
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Dan Hewitt presented the AD report. Student Board Member Ava Fulkner-Leth presented the Student Board Report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Nelson motioned to approve the consent items including: July board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, Donations, and Bids for Obsolete Equipment. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed the annual Board policies that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Huberty to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 106.1, 206.3-206.4, 401.6-402.3, 603.1-803.2 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular September board meeting.
Petition of Bond Issuance: Motion by Grimm to approve the Issuance of $29,750,000.00 in General Obligation School Bonds. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Bond Election Resolution: Motion by Roethler to approve the Bond Election Resolution. Seconded by Morton. Roll Call vote: ayes- Morton, Grimm, Nelson, Roethler, Riley, Huberty, and Caven. nays- none. Motion carried.
Milk & Bread Bids: Motion by Roethler to untable the Milk and Bread bids from the regular July board meeting. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. Motion by Caven to approve the Milk and Bread bids as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Huberty to approve the resignation of Cassie Hagedorn- Paraeducator and the new hire Colvin Jenness- JVR Boys Basketball Coach. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is September 18th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:56 am. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
09.18.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
09.18.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
September 18, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on September 18, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Lori Riley,
Bill Huberty, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tim Rodemeyer, and Student Board Member Ava Faulkner-Leth
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
FAST/Tutoring Data: Sara Straw presented the Board with Student FAST/Tutoring data.
Bruce Nelson arrived at 6:33 am.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Student Board Member Ava Fulkner-Leth presented the Student Board Report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: August board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, and Donations. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed the Board policies that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Roethler to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 403.1-403.6 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular October board meeting.
Release of Construction Documents: Motion by Nelson to release the Construction documents for Concession stand bids with the addition of a late penalty of $500 per day for completion after August 1st. Seconded by Grimm. Motion carried.
Special Education Modified Supplemental Amount: Motion by Huberty to approve the Special Education Modified Supplemental amount in the amount of $257,695.94. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Caven to approve the following volunteer coaches for the FY25 season- Mike Soenen- Baseball, Bruce Nelson- Football, Jarrod Joynt- Football, Briar Rowley- Football, Dave Walters- Basketball, Mark Saxton- Wrestling, Austin Flynn- Wrestling, Ryan Brennan- Wrestling, Matt Wirtz- Wrestling and Golf, Brandi Fehr-Opheim- Cheer, Julie Bird- Cheer, Sheila Kulow- Cheer, Sheryl Darling- Cheer, and Angie Strohman- Cheer. Seconded by Morton. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollment: Motion by Riley to deny the Open Enrollment request to Ruthven-Ayrshire due to timeliness of filing and approve the other requests as presented. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is October 16th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 am. Seconded by Riley. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
10.02.2024 Work Session Minutes
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
October 2, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on October 2, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty,
and Kyle Caven
Absent: Lori Riley
Also Present: Cory Jenness and Alyssa Enderson
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
TEACHING & LEARNING: Board Members discussed Finance Updates, Student Enrollment, Facilities 5 Year Plan, and Potential GO Bond.
Val Morton exited the meeting at 7:29 am.
Next Board Meeting is October 16th @ 6:30 AM.
ADJOURNMENT: Nelson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:01 am. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
10.16.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
10.16.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
October 16, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on October 16, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Lori Riley,
Bill Huberty, and Kyle Caven
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom, & Tim Rodemeyer
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Student Board Member Ava Fulkner-Leth presented the Student Board Report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: September board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, Donations, and Activity Journal Entries. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed the Board policies that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Roethler to approve second reading. Seconded by Grimm. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 403.6-405.4 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular November board meeting.
Debt Service Levy Resolution: Motion by Caven to approve the resolution to increase the debt service levy $200,000.00 for FY25 for an additional principal payment by May of 2025. Seconded by Morton. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Concession Stand Bids: Motion by Nelson to approve the lowest Concession Stand Construction bid to Buhrow Construction. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
LEP Allowable Costs: Motion by Huberty to approve the LEP Allowable costs for $1,093.65. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Student Board Member: Motion by Grimm to approve the addition of Junior Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Roethler to approve the following resignations: Shaylee Horst- paraeducator, BJ Buhrow- Prom sponsor, Cassandra Ayers- Cook, and Kelly Reese- Cook; and the following new hires: Laura Hasbrouck- Prom Sponsor, Laura Gustafson- Model Teacher, and Melanie Taylor- Cook. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollment: Motion by Huberty to approve the Open Enrollment Requests as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is November 20th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points- None
ADJOURNMENT: Riley motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:22 am. Seconded by Huberty. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
11.20.2024 Regular/Organizational Board Meeting Minutes
11.20.2024 Regular/Organizational Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting/Annual Organizational Meeting
Board of Education
November 20, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on November 20, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Lori Riley,
Bill Huberty, Kyle Caven, and Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom,
& Tim Rodemeyer
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Superintendent Jenness presented the Activity Report. Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben presented the Student Board Report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: October board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, and Donations. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed Board policies 403.6-405.4 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Grimm to approve second reading. Seconded by Roethler. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Riley to adjourn the regular board meeting at 6:57 AM. Seconded by Caven. Motion carried.
Superintendent Jenness called the Organizational meeting to order at 6:58 AM.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Nelson to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Morton. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Jenness called for nominations of Board President. Grimm nominated Val Morton. Nelson seconded. Caven moved to cease nominations. Second by Grimm. All members voted in favor of Morton for President. Motion carried. The oath of office was administered to President Morton.
Morton called for nominations of the Vice President. Grimm nominated Bruce Nelson. Roethler called for nominations to cease and Nelson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Nelson was appointed as the Vice-President on a 7-0 vote. The oath of office was administered to Vice President Nelson.
Morton called for nominations of Board Treasurer. Morton nominated Alyssa Enderson. Seconded by Grimm. Riley called for nominations to cease and Roethler seconded the motion. All voted in favor. Motion carried. Enderson was given the oath of office.
Time/Date/Place for Monthly Meetings: The time and date of the regular monthly meeting was set for the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room. Caven moved to set the meetings as noted and Nelson seconded. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Appointments/Committees: The committees and appointments were set as follows:
Negotiations/Finance-Roethler, Huberty, Caven
Facilities/Transportation-Grimm, Nelson, Morton
Education/Policy Development-Riley, Grimm, Huberty
School Improvement Advisory (SIAC)-Nelson, Roethler, Caven
Emmetsburg Education Foundation-Riley
IASB Delegate-Morton
Palo Alto County Supervisory-Nelson
Legal Counsel: Motion by Caven to approve Steve Avery as the district’s legal counsel for FY25. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Local Publisher: Motion by Huberty to approve the Reporter Democrat as the district’s local publisher. Seconded by Roethler. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Pledge of Allegiance: Motion by Nelson to add the Pledge of Allegiance to all Board meeting agendas. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 405.5-406.6 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular December board meeting.
SIAC Meeting Recommendations: Superintendent Jenness presented the SIAC Meeting results with the Board of Education. Motion by Caven to approve the meeting recommendations with some additional research requested on Math scores and grading. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Palo Alto Gaming Grant & Mini Grants: Superintendent Jenness submitted an application for a Mini-Grant for the Palo Alto County Gaming and Development Corporation for the board’s approval.
The Mini Grant will be initiated by the School Nurse to implement additional Stop the Bleed kits to our District. Kathy Roethler made a motion to apply for a Mini Grant from PACGDC for Stop the Bleed kits not to exceed $5,000.00 Morgan Grimm seconded. Motion carried. Ayes- Roethler, Morton, Riley, Nelson, Grimm, Caven, and Huberty. Motion carried.
Copier Contracts: Motion by Caven to approve the 5 year copier contract with Gordon Flesch. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Early Graduation: Motion by Huberty to approve the list of Early Graduates for FY25 pending they meet all the requirements. Seconded by Grimm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Roethler to approve the resignations of: Missy Joersz- Server, Carol Ensley- Cook, Rossa Russo- Cook, and Justin VerMeer- HS Ag Teacher/FFA sponsor; and hires of Shelby Neet- Paraeducator, Ben Thomsen- 7th Boys Basketball, Dan Hewitt- MS Girls Wrestling. Seconded by Morton. Ayes- Morton, Nelson, Roethler, Caven, Grimm, and Huberty. Nays- Riley. Motion passed.
Next Board Meeting is December 18, 2024 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room.
Lori Riley left the meeting at 7:51 am.
Talking Points- discussion was held on key points from the board meeting agenda items.
ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 am. Seconded by Caven. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary
12.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
12.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
December 20, 2024
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on December 20, 2024 at 6:30 am in the Central Office Board Room.
Present: Val Morton, Morgan Grimm, Bruce Nelson, Kathy Roethler, Lori Riley,
and Kyle Caven
Absent: Bill Huberty
Also Present: Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tracie Christensen, Tyler Bjustrom,
Tim Rodemeyer
Val Morton, Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30am.
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Grimm to approve the agenda as presented. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
PUBLIC FORUM: No members from the community were present.
Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented their monthly reports. Student Board Member Danica Ringlaben presented the Student Board Report.
CONSENT ITEMS: Caven motioned to approve the consent items including: November board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports, Donations, Concession Construction Payment #1, and Online Bids for Obsolete Equipment. Seconded by Riley. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed Board policies 405.5-406.6 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Roethler to approve second reading. Seconded by Nelson. All voted affirmative. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 407.1-408.3 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Morton to waive the second reading of Board policies and approve as presented. Seconded by Riley. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Iowa Performance Profiles: Discussion was held during Principal reports on the Iowa Performance profiles for each building.
NW Iowa Virtual Academy: Discussion was held regarding an online alternative school for students within the District.
SBRC Application: Motion by Nelson to approve the SBRC Application in the amount of $8,362.52. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Revenue Purpose Statement: Discussion was held on the Revenue Purpose Statement Resolution. No motions were made.
Partnership with YMCA: Discussion was held regarding a potential partnership with YMCA for childcare and recreational services.
Purple Pathway MOU: Motion by Nelson to approve the Purple Pathway MOU with UNI. Seconded by Grimm. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Personnel: Motion by Riley to approve the following resignations: Shelby Neet- Paraeducator, and Devin Goodchild- Paraeducator; and the following new hires: Yasmin Mireles- Paraeducator, Dawson Weir- Paraeducator, Rossa Russo- Server, Scott Mason- Server, Kim Kerr- Cook, and Shelbie Reding- 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach. Seconded by Caven. All members voted in favor. Motion passed.
Open Enrollment: None
Early Graduation Requests: Motion by Morton to approve the Early graduation list requests as presented pending they meet all graduation requirements. Seconded by Nelson. All members voted in favor. Motion carried.
Next Board Meeting is January 22th @ 6:30 AM.
Talking Points on Board Agenda Items- Discussion on Administrative/Activity reports.
ADJOURNMENT: Caven motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:23 am. Seconded by Roethler. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
________________________________ ___________________________________
Board President Board Secretary