03.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

03.20.2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes


Regular Meeting 

Board of Education

March 20, 2024


The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on March 20, 2024 at 6:30 am  in the Central Office Board Room. 


Present: Kathy Roethler, Bill Huberty, Val Morton, Lori Riley, Morgan Grimm, 

Bruce Nelson, and Kyle Caven


Also Present:  Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Tim Rodemeyer, 

and Tyler Bjustrom; Student Board Member Ava Faulkner


Bruce Nelson, Vice Board President called the meeting to order at 6:30 am. 


APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion by Caven to approve the agenda. Seconded by Grimm.  All voted affirmative. Motion carried. 


Val Morton arrived at 6:31 am. 




Administrative Reports: Building Principals presented the monthly reports to the Board of Education. Superintendent Jenness reviewed the activity director report. Student Board member Ava Faulkner. 


CONSENT ITEMS: Huberty motioned to approve the consent items including: February board minutes, Claims, SBO Financial reports and the additional  Field Trip Request. Seconded by Caven.  All voted affirmative. Motion carried.




Second Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 303-303.9, 505.8  that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. Motion by Nelson to approve second reading. Seconded by Riley.  All voted affirmative. Motion carried.




First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 304.1-307, 401.1, 503.1-R(1), 503.2. 701.5, 502.7  that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular April board meeting.


Early Graduation Request: Motion by Huberty to approve the Early Graduate list as presented. Seconded by Caven. Motion carried.   


Personnel: Motion by Morton to approve the resignations of: Dru Baak- Paraeduactor, Dawson Weir- Paraeducator & MS Football Coach, and Kayla Geelan- 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach; and the new hires of: Cole Johnson- Teacher for FY25 and Megan Geelan- Teacher for FY25.  Seconded by Roethler. All members voted in favor. Motion passed. 


Open Enrollments: Motion by Caven to approve the Open Enrollments as presented. Seconded by Huberty. All members voted in favor. Motion carried. 


Closed Session- Superintendent Evaluation:  Motion by Riley to move into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session; seconded by Caven. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. Moved into closed session at 6:55 AM. 


Motion to exit closed session at 7:40 am by Caven. Seconded by Nelson. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. 


Motion by Nelson to enter closed session. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. 


Motion by Nelson to exit closed session. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. 


Motion by Nelson to approve the 3 year Superintendent contract. Seconded by Grimm. Motion carried. 


Riley and Roethler exited the meeting at 8:18 AM. 


Closed Session- Administrator Contracts:  Motion by Caven to move into closed session pursuant to 21.5(1)(i) To evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance, or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session; seconded by Nelson. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. Moved into closed session at 8:19 AM. 


Motion to exit closed session at 8:47 am by Nelson. Seconded by Grimm. Roll call-Morton, Grimm, Riley, Roethler, Huberty, Caven, and Nelson. 


Motion by Caven to approve the Administrator contracts. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 




Public Budget Hearing is scheduled for April 3 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room


Next Board Meeting is April 17 at 6:30 AM in the Central Office Board Room. 


Talking Points- None


ADJOURNMENT: Huberty motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:49 am. Seconded by Nelson. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 


________________________________ ___________________________________

Board President                                      Board Secretary

aenderson@e-ha… Wed, 03/27/2024 - 12:43