08.17.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes

08.17.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes


Regular Meeting 

Board of Education

August 17, 2022 Minutes


All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.

The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on July 20, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library. 


Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Lori Riley, Scott Kibbie


Absent:   Bruce Nelson

Also Present:  Cory Jenness, Alyssa Enderson, Kelly Josephson, Sara Straw, Tracie Christensen

Tyler Bjustrom, Tim Rodemeyer, Haleigh Reicks, Kyle Kavin, Darca Saxton, 

Jill Schany, Amy Stewart, Gabby Davis, and Kayla Geelan


Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:32pm


Educational News: New Teacher Introductions- Reicks, Geelan, Stewart, and Davis introduced themselves to the Board. 


CLOSED SESSION:  Director Thomsen motioned to move to closed session at 5:34 PM citing Iowa Code as follows: 21.5(e) To discuss whether to conduct a hearing or to conduct hearings to suspend or expel a student, unless an open session is requested by the student or a parent or guardian of the student if the student is a minor. and 21.5(a) To review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential or to be kept confidential as a condition for that governmental body’s possession or continued receipt of federal funds as requested by the parent. Kibbie seconded. Ayes-Roethler, Huberty, Riley, Thomsen, Kibbie. Nays-None. Motion carried.


Val Morton entered Closed Session at 5:39 PM. 


Riley motioned to exit closed session at 5:41 PM. Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes- Roethler, Huberty, Riley, Thomsen, Kibbie, Morton. Nays- None. Motion carried. 


Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried.


CONSENT ITEMS: Val Morton motioned  to approve the consent items. Seconded by Kibbie. Motion carried. 



Board Policies: Thomsen moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 700-701.4.  Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried.



Personnel:  Huberty moved to approve the following resignations:Jennifer DeSmidt- paraeducator. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. Bill Huberty motioned to approve the following contracts- Natalie Schmidt- Cook ($13.50/hour); Cameron Arnold- Paraeducator ($14.00/hour); and Dawson Weir- paraeducator ($14.00/hour) seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. 


Open Enrollments: Riley motioned to approve the August Open Enrollment list as presented. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried. 


FY23 Athletic Budget: Kibbie motioned to approve the Student Activity Athletic budget in the amount of $62,654.00. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. 


First Reading Board Policies: Jenness reviewed board policies 705-706.2, 501.14-501.15,606.06  that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular August board meeting. Riley motioned to table policies 705-706.2. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried. 


MS Football Field: Morton motioned to approve the contract gifting the MS Football Field to the City of Emmetsburg. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. 


ANP Contract for Network Management:  Kibbie motioned to untable ANP contract from July meeting. Seconded by Morton. Motion carried. Thomsen motioned to approve the FY23 support contract with Advanced Network Professionals. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried. 


Student Board Members: Kibbie motioned to approve the addition of student board members. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried. 




Next Board Meeting is September 13, 2022 at 5:30 PM in the High School Library. 


Talking Points- discussion was held on key points to share with the community from the board meeting


ADJOURNMENT: Scott Kibbie motioned to adjourn the meeting at 6:28 PM. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. 


________________________________ ___________________________________

Board President                                       Board Secretary

aenderson@e-ha… Tue, 08/23/2022 - 10:36