01.19.2022 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
01.19.2022 Regular Board Meeting MinutesEMMETSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT
Regular Meeting
Board of Education
January 19, 2022 Minutes
All motions are unanimous unless otherwise noted.
The Board of Education of Emmetsburg Community School District met in a regular session on January 19, 2022 at 5:30pm in the High School Library.
Present: Bill Huberty, Kathy Roethler, Val Morton, Katy Thomsen, Bruce Nelson, Lori Riley
Absent: Scott Kibbie
Also Present: Darren Hanna, Lisa Chapman, Tim Rodemeyer, Tracie Christensen, Amy Thompson, Kelly Josephson, Robin Hauswirth, Kelly Klaus, Sara Straw, Jacob Oliver, Joe Schany, Kari Menefee, Tyler Bjustrom (by Zoom), Tiffany Tomlin, Emily Schany, Rachel Miner, Laney Montag, Aurora Peters, Carson Hoffman,Connor Egland, Darca Saxton, Kate Francis, Nicolas Anderson-Flynn, Lauren Rouse, Solara Rolon, Jill Schany, Kari Schany, Jamie Rouse
Kathy Roethler, Board President, called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
PUBLIC COMMENT-None on hand for comment.
FFA Members-FFA Officers spoke to the board about their FFA program. The members reviewed the National Convention trip where they attended a motivational speaker, workshops, a zoo and visited with colleges regarding their agricultural programs. FFA President Montag noted that fruit sales brought in $26,129. Sub-district contests are coming up. Those that receive a first or second placing will move on to districts and possibly state in April. Carson Hoffman informed the board about the Friends of Ag Program. The FFA members exited following their presentation.
SEL Handbook-Behavior Coaches Amy Thompson (Elementary) and Kari Menefee (Secondary) discussed the Social and Emotional framework and how it integrates with the district’s strategic plan through the handbook developed. They requested that this piece be adopted into the handbook.
Middle School Student Council Mini-Grant-Middle School Student Council members Nicholas Anderson-Flynn, Lauren Rouse and Solara Rolon presented the outdoor tables project which was submitted as a mini-grant to the Palo Alto County Gaming & Development Corporation. A survey was sent to all middle school students with varying ideas submitted. The total project cost of two tables would be $3,475.
Approval of Agenda: Huberty moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Thomsen. Motion carried.
CONSENT ITEMS: Morton moved to approve the consent items with amendments made to the December 15 minutes (the correct people on hand approving motions after the storm had passed and the board reconvened were corrected) and was seconded by Nelson. Motion carried.
Board Policies: Thomsen moved to approve the second readings and revisions of board policies 407.6, 407.6E1 (407.1E1-number correct to 407.6E1)) 600-602.4, 705.3-705.3R1. Seconded by Riley. Motion carried.
High School: Enrollment is slightly down. Two students in the Alternative School have completed their coursework. PBIS Students of the Month were noted. PBIS data from the first semester was reviewed.
Middle School: MS Students of the Month noted. Enrollment update-down two students from first semester. PBIS goals reviewed. FAST score data was reviewed.
Elementary: Bjustrom reviewed enrollment by grade level. There are six more students in the elementary school from the beginning of the year. Students are currently taking FAST tests. A Literacy Night survey has been sent to parents. February 22 will be Literacy Night for grades 2-4 from 6-7pm and February 24th will be for Kindergarten and 1st Grades from 6-7pm. Bjustrom reported $12,042.50 of the goal for the playground project in the Parents in Education (P.I.E) group was raised. They will be looking at another fundraiser at the end of the year.
Personnel: Morton moved to approve the following resignations: Kim Link-Elementary Special Education effective end of school year and Lisa Chapman-Business Manager/Board Secretary effective March 31, 2022. Seconded by Huberty. Motion carried. Riley moved to approve the following contracts/assignments: Bruce Nelson-Volunteer Middle School Girls Basketball Coach. Seconded by Thomsen. Ayes-Riley, Huberty, Thomsen, Morton, Roethler. Nays-None. Abstain-Nelson. Motion carried.
First Reading Board Policies: Hanna reviewed board policies 603.1-603.9R1, 403.7 that were discussed at the Policy Development Committee meeting. The second reading will be held at the regular February board meeting.
Emergency Temporary Standard OSHA Vaccine Mandate: A first reading was held, but the district does not have to do anything with this policy due to the current stay.
SBRC FY22 SWVPP Increased Enrollment Funding Request: Riley moved to approve as part of the district’s response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the district’s administration authorization to submit a request to the School Budget Review Committee for funding related to FY22 SWVPP increased enrollment in the amount of $61,429.50. Seconded by Nelson. Ayes-Huberty, Morton, Nelson, Riley, Roethler, Thomsen. Nays-none. Motion carried.
Adjournment: Nelson moved to adjourn at 6:27pm. Huberty seconded. Motion carried.
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Board President Board Secretary